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Rice cleansing at home. Body cleaning: reviews, recommendations

In order to be healthy, it is not enough for a person to eat right and play sports. Great importance for the prevention of various pathologies has a periodic cleaning of the body from slags, parasites, and toxins. You can conduct this healing procedure yourself at home, using various folk remedies. And there are techniques in which to clean blood vessels and blood, intestines and liver will help the food itself.

Why does our body get clogged?

In practice, in each of us, the final components of metabolic processes are gradually stored in the intestine, liver, vessels, joints, etc. The organism is slagged, and in its functioning some failures begin to occur. What are the reasons for this phenomenon? Among them:

- Weakening of the body's defenses as a result of the disease;

- lack of vitamins;

- the use of a significant amount of heavy food (fats, meat, additives, etc.);

- frequent constipation;

- passive way of life;

- diets, which cause the splitting of fat and the release of a large number of toxins.

Why do I need to cleanse the body?

Modern people live in conditions of bad ecology. Their life is filled with frequent stresses. Due to lack of time, many simply can not eat regularly. All these factors negatively affect the health of the body. Not surprisingly, mankind suffers from increased cholesterol, digestive system disorders and excess weight.

Get rid of many problems will help us cleanse the body. This procedure:

1. Improve the skin condition. After cleansing the body, the face becomes more fresh and the pimples disappear.
2. Will return clarity of mind and ability of concentration of attention.
3. Improve memory.
4. Increase working capacity.
5. Eliminate many pathologies, including chronic ones.
6. Restores normal sleep.
7. Return the joy of life.

The Benefit of Purifying With Rice

Proper functioning of all organs and systems will allow a person to stay young and healthy for many years. There are many different ways that allow us to maintain a beautiful shape for a long time. However, the most accessible and popular of them is the method by which rice is purified at home.

This cereal culture was used to heal the ancient healers of ancient China. And until now, traditional medicine recommends cleansing the joints with rice. The healing effect comes after eating grains previously soaked in water. Such a product relieves the body of harmful toxins and toxins, as it has remarkable absorbing properties.

It is very effective to cleanse the joints with rice. Healing grains literally draw harmful salts. This allows the joint to return its former mobility. The harmful deposits leave the vessels, tissues and all organs.

Purification with rice is a rather lengthy procedure. It will take two months to consume the product to completely remove salts from the body. However, rice cleaning at home should not be done more often than once every two years. Despite the benefits of the procedure, it, in addition to harmful, will remove from the body and the beneficial salts necessary for it to function properly.

Cleaning with rice at home will allow:

- eliminate pain in the joints;
- improve metabolic processes;
- function correctly for all organs and systems;
- eliminate fat deposits.

Features of the procedure

Rice cleaning at home is performed with complete refusal of salt. In addition, it is recommended to limit, and best of all, the complete elimination of the use of alcoholic beverages, as well as meat, fatty, smoked and spicy food.

The peculiarities of this method of purification include the appearance of a strong feeling of hunger after a rice breakfast. This sensation is due to the lack of salt in the food. The desired effect of removing slag can be strengthened by eating one or two apples, and after an hour after that use rice.

The withdrawal of body slag and salts during the purification of rice begins thirty days after the start of the procedure. The start of this process will prompt urine, which at this time will become turbid. It should be borne in mind that salt and slag from the body will be excreted for another three months after the end of the use of the healing cereal.

The patient will need willpower and endurance to cleanse rice. The testimonies of many people who have experienced this method on themselves, say that after fourteen days after the beginning of the procedure, the feeling of hunger is greatly exacerbated. In between meals, it becomes almost unbearable. This is often accompanied by dizziness and weakness, as well as general malaise. This condition is associated with loss of potassium, which is very important for the work of the heart muscle. To replenish the stocks of such a valuable mineral, you need to include in the menu cereals and potatoes, nuts and dried apricots, raisins and tea with honey.
Other unpleasant effects are also possible when the rice is cleansed. The patients' testimonies indicate that in some cases pain symptoms in the legs, joints and buttocks are likely. Sometimes there is discomfort in the lumbar region and in the spine. The occurrence of such symptoms is not a reason for stopping the cleansing procedure. On the contrary, all this only confirms the beginning of the removal of harmful substances from the body.

It is also necessary to remember that the effect of this amazing cereal culture is felt by each person in different ways. In some, the desired effect is observed after a few days after the start of the procedure. For others, despite daily cleansing with rice, 40 days is not enough time to get the desired result. This is due to the individual characteristics of the organism of each person.

Prophylactic cleansing

You can use rice to eliminate slags in various ways. They can include both more aggressive effects on the body, and gentle.

The latest methods include preventive purification of rice at home. This procedure is carried out periodically to eliminate the "weediness" of the body and prevent the emergence of a huge list of ailments.

For preventive purposes, the procedure is carried out with as much rice as is matched to the patient's age. Cereals are collected with tablespoons, the number of which corresponds to the number of years lived. Rice is thoroughly washed and put in a bowl made of glass. Then it is poured cold boiled water and left in a cool place for the night.

In the morning, rice prepared in this way in the volume of one tablespoon is boiled for five minutes. Porridge is eaten early, no later than seven hours. The remaining rice should be washed with running water and filled with fresh water. The course of reception of cereal lasts until its full use.

It should be remembered that the cleansing of the body of the slag rice should be done only with pre-soaked croup. Only in this case the product will get rid of the starchy components and turn into a kind of sponge. The soaked grains will become porous and absorb all harmful substances well.

This method is a Tibetan purification of rice. After its carrying out there is a burst of strength, energy and youth.

Prophylactic purification can not be attributed to a radical cleansing of the body. However, it starts the process of self-cleaning, which allows you to free the slag from the intestine first, and then all other organs.

Getting rid of excess weight

Rice diet is widely used for weight loss. And it is relevant for people of different age categories. Excess weight of patients is eliminated due to the normalization of metabolic processes, which simultaneously improves health.

Rice diet has a distinctive feature. It is recommended not only for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, but also for people suffering from excessive leanness.

To predict the final result of weight correction when applying a rice diet is very difficult. The results directly depend on the individual characteristics of the organism. So, one person can lose up to ten unnecessary kilograms, and another - only a few.

Basic diet conditions

If you decide to cleanse the body with rice for weight loss, then in the morning you should swallow raw peeled soaked cereal grains. Their number should be equal to the number of years lived. It is worth bearing in mind that drinking rice is strictly prohibited. To consume the liquid should not be further within three hours after the intake of grains. Then you can stick to the usual diet. But if you decide to lose weight, do not eat after seven in the evening. This is another condition of the rice diet.

If the patient has too much weight, then his diet should not be potatoes and pasta, fatty, flour and spicy food. During the diet, it is worth noting the use of a large number of spices, since they have the ability to stimulate the appetite.

Rice for weight loss is carried out for ten days. If the desired effect is not obtained, then the diet should be repeated after 1.5-2 months.

Rice kvass

The use of this drink refers to gentle methods of cleansing the body. For the preparation of rice kvass you need to take four tablespoons of grains, place them in a liter jar and pour boiled chilled water. Further in the container fall asleep 2 tbsp. L. Sugar and cover it with a cloth. The bank should stand in a warm place for three days, after which kvass is filtered and cleaned in the refrigerator.

The drink thus obtained is drunk three times a day in half a glass. You need to do this after eating. Rice kvass will improve the digestion of food and gently cleanse the intestines.

Express diet

Clear the body can be faster, but at the same time in a more severe way. To do this, apply a three-day rice diet. This method involves the reception of only specially cooked rice. Grains are pre-soaked overnight, and then boiled and washed from the remaining mucus. Rice must be thoroughly chewed when used. And drink immediately after eating is not recommended. This will allow the rice to remove excess fluid from the body and cleanse the intestines.

Features of the diet

Eating during a rice diet should consist of three to five meals, but the last portion should be consumed no later than six to seven in the evening. It is strictly forbidden to eat in the interval from 21 hours to 23 hours. This can interfere with the purification of the digestive system, which during this period is particularly active.

Which rice will cleanse the body better ?

To perform health procedures, it is preferable to use unpolished and untreated grains. In other words, it is best to buy brown rice. In it, in connection with the lack of processing, the most useful properties are retained.

If there are no pathologies of the stomach, then purification of the body is preferably carried out with moist (soaked) grains. Groats that have not been heat treated, better absorb the harmful slag and salts

Diet using brown rice

There is a certain technique that allows you to improve the body with the help of unsealed grains. This cleansing with rice lasts 40 days.

Five cans with a capacity of 0.5 liters are taken for the procedure. In the first of them put a well-washed rice in a volume of 2-3 tbsp. L. And fill it to the brim with water. After 24 hours, the grain should be washed. After that, they are again flooded with clean water. Then, on the second day, another 2-3 banks are put in the second jar. L. Rice. They are also flooded with water. On the third day, wash the rice from the first two cans and prepare another portion of cereal, placing it in 3 containers. The procedure is repeated on a daily basis. On the sixth day, when all the jars are filled, the first one should get the swollen rice and pour it with boiling water. Use grain after forty minutes. On the same day, a new portion of rice is placed in the first jar. It, as before, also flooded with water. On the second day of cleansing, cereals are used from the second jar, etc. The entire cycle is repeated for forty days.

Precautionary measures

Has rice cleansing contraindications. The procedure should be performed with extreme caution in chronic gastrointestinal pathologies. It is forbidden to use cereals in the presence of hemorrhoids and constipation.

During the course of cleansing rice should not be carried out work that requires special concentration of attention. This is due to the often occurring during the diet weakness and dizziness. Therefore, the expediency of carrying out the procedure must first be discussed with the attending physician.

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