Technologies, Electronics
Mirror Canon EOS 60D camera: specifications and reviews
Mirror cameras of a professional class are able not only to enchant a potential buyer with their appearance and functionality. Sometimes this is enough for one cost, because not every day a user can spend 40-70 thousand rubles on buying a camera (the price depends on the availability of the lens in the kit).
In the focus of this article - one of the representatives of the expensive segment of SLR cameras, which most professional photographers still refer to the initial level, because Canon EOS 60D has an incomplete matrix, accordingly, it can not be in the flagship line of digital devices.
Step in the right direction
Beginners and advanced photographers are already accustomed to the peculiarities of the market of SLR cameras and know that the fewer symbols in the model name, the higher the class of the digital device. And this applies to all brands in the world market that produce similar devices, because the hierarchy present allows you to segment cameras in different price niches, which will greatly facilitate the user's choice in the purchase process. Accordingly, the mirror camera Canon EOS 60D belongs to the segment of the initial devices, which belong to the professional class.
However, the manufacturer made a surprise for all fans - he did not continue to update the line of two-digit modifications of mirror devices (after all, logically, the 60th model, this is a modified camera 50D). Within the walls of the company they violated their own rules and presented to the world a completely new product that absorbed all the qualities of a professional camera Canon 7D and, in the form of a bonus, received a completely new functionality.
Just to stay afloat
After the presentation by a competitor of Nikon absolutely new product D90, which by its technical characteristics for decades preceded all cameras of the two-digit Canon line, the technologists had no choice but to use the functionality of professional SLR cameras in the production of Canon EOS 60D. Appeared at the time, the rotary screen played a major role in the digital technology market and attracted millions of customers to the novelty.
This is the only model from all Canon products, which is in the "golden middle". Faced between functionality, shooting quality and price, the 60D is a guide for customers, identifying camera models according to user needs. Everything that was on the market before this mirror camera, including three-digit modifications, is limited to love and creativity. The novelty opens for all comers a way into the world of professional photography.
Beat by status
The camera Canon EOS 60D Kit at the first acquaintance causes a lot of bewilderment among experienced photographers. The manufacturer, trying to reduce the cost of production, refused to use magnesium alloy in creating a mirror body. This is really a serious blow to the status of a semi-professional device. Let the aluminum frame with polycarbonate inserts and facilitate the camera, but the loss of strength is incommensurably greater.
The lack of a mini-joystick gadget on the back panel that allows you to control the autofocus points was the second unpleasant news for many photographers, judging by their reviews. Yes, the manufacturer created an alternative in the form of an 8-position switch, which he placed on the control disc, but the usability of this functionality is an order of magnitude lower and even causes discomfort.
Main characteristic
For the Canon EOS 60D Kit, the price is not the main indicator, because in the class of devices of the semi-professional segment the matrix of the digital device plays a big role. The 18-megapixel CMOS-matrix has dimensions of 22.3х14.9 mm, which corresponds to the APS-C format and is called the crop factor 1.6 in the professional environment. It is this indicator and does not allow a mirror camera to be placed on a shelf with full-frame flagships.
As for the photosensitivity and density of matrix elements, it is here that the fact of using the technologies inherent in expensive mirror models is manifested. Powerful processor DIGIC 4, which was also borrowed from Canon 7D, quickly processes the information, which pleases many owners of this SLR, judging by their feedback.
Convenience of shooting
The optical viewfinder is the norm for all SLRs, but a moving liquid crystal screen for this class of devices is a novelty. First, the LCD monitor has a ratio of 3: 2, increasing the informative value, both the control menu, and when viewing images. The second feature is the color transmission and brightness of the display. The screen even in sunlight perfectly displays information at any angle.
Naturally, such characteristics lead to a new level Canon EOS 60D camera, the price of which continues to be available for many potential buyers. However, judging by the feedback from users, there are drawbacks in working with a rotary screen - the absence of a sensory surface causes a negative. Many users compare a semi-professional device with an entry-level SLR camera Canon 600D, which has a touch screen.
But is it negative?
Many buyers who pay attention to Canon EOS 60D, very often are interested in the capabilities of the camera to shoot high-quality video. Undoubtedly, video recording in the format FullHD (1920x1080 dots per inch) to 30 frames per second should satisfy the potential buyer, but there are a number of shortcomings that leads the user to the idea that further amateur shooting will not succeed. And we are talking about the lack of the possibility of automatic focusing during the recording process. Professional photographer is able to correct the situation with his own hand - controlling the lens rings, but the beginner obviously does not like this decision.
There is no stereo recording in the mirror and support for recording. It would seem - a trifle, but it is she who stops many potential buyers. Even if the video recording will never be used by the owner, however the fact that something important is missing very often decides the fate of the purchase.
Modifications of the device
All mirror cameras for the convenience of the buyer are presented by manufacturers in the market in the form of several models. The essential difference between them is the price and the availability of the lens. The most inexpensive copy, the cost of which does not exceed 40 thousand rubles, is generally offered without a lens (Body). But the dear representative of Canon EOS 60D 18-135 Kit (price - 70 000 rubles) is offered to buyers in a complete set with one of the best lenses for creativity and home use.
Also in the market, the user can meet cameras with lenses: 18-55 and 18-200 - they also fall under the definition of "creativity" for fans to make pictures in the bosom of nature. Professional photographers claim in their reviews that the acquisition of optics with a large focal length is irrational, and advise to look at the modification of the Body and any high-speed lens with a fixed parameter (for example, Canon EF 50 f / 1.8 II).
Remote Control
It is impossible to find fault with the control of a mirror camera (if you forget about the lack of a mini-joystick). Here, the manufacturer decided to please everyone by simplifying the control menu, automating several processes and leaving the layout of the buttons and an additional screen, as implemented by professional cameras. All newcomers help to understand the settings of the Canon EOS 60D instruction, and advanced photographers generally do not have to retrain.
Yes, it's a bit unusual for professionals that most of the functionality in a SLR camera is automated, however, having become acquainted with the device closer, the user agrees that the management of the plot and choice of exposure has become much easier. But newcomers still have to delve into the manual settings, because in the automatic mode, most of the pictures are too cold, with the predominance of an artificial light shade.
Additional Functionality
Many sellers hold back some of the features of semi-professional SLR cameras, hoping that the potential buyer and so understands the technique. So, Canon EOS 60D EF-S camera, in contrast to inexpensive modifications, is equipped with its own lens control mechanism (popularly this is called a screwdriver), respectively, any Canon lens compatible with the Canon connector is suitable.
Also, the manufacturer refused to use CF memory cards in expensive cameras. Following the fashion and technical progress, the camera was equipped with support for SD-cards. As for remote control of the camera, synchronization of the device with several flash units and "shooting" several frames per second with different exposures, the manufacturer guessed right here and provided the required functionality with its product.
About camera Canon EOS 60D can talk for hours, describing its advantages and disadvantages, because in the digital technology market is not the only mirror in the semi-professional segment. However, many professional photographers recommend paying attention to the reviews themselves in the media, because most of them leave the owners of mirror gadgets. And if millions of users have given their preference to this camera, then it's not so bad.
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