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Google Secrets you probably do not know about

It's no secret that Google is the search engine, which today is the most popular and used in the world. People do not even say that they need to search something on the Internet - they replace it with a stable expression "google". However, "Google" also need to be able to, because many people do not know some very useful and effective chips that this search engine hides.


Probably, all had time to notice that for some search requests "Google" first of all gives out the standard information - it concerns celebrities, definitions of words, exchange rates and so on. However, few people know that using this search engine can effectively lose weight. The fact is that if you enter the product name in the search box, you will get not only its description, but also its energy value, the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as many other useful information. Now "Google" is your best friend during the diet. And this is not the only secret that the search engine hides.


With the help of "Google" you can also search for the places and addresses you need. Everyone is aware of the popularity of Google Maps, which allows you to study the entire globe in detail. How do they interact with the search engine? You just need to enter the desired place in the search bar, and you will be offered its location on the map, as well as its coordinates, which is very convenient, for example, when planning a trip.


Online translators usually have a very low quality of translation, since they do not pay attention to the context and translate everything literally. Google Translate on the background of others stands out for its high quality of translation - of course, it is not able to create a full text, but using this service, you can easily catch what is being said in the text. And if you use Google Chrome, then you can forget about copying and pasting the necessary text - the browser automatically determines the text in a foreign language and suggests to translate it into yours.


When you use a search engine, you can periodically notice that the Google inscription changes its appearance, becomes more colorful, and also more often animated. You should know that this is a doodle, a special inscription that is made in Google at specific festive or significant days. Naturally, it does not bring any benefit, but it looks very beautiful and impressive. And also can remind someone about a forgotten holiday.

"I'm feeling lucky"

You might have noticed that under the search box on the main page there is a link "I'm Feeling Lucky". Do not be afraid to use it, because it is absolutely harmless, but it's quite interesting. The fact is that if you form a search query in the usual mode, then you will be given a huge number of results that are suitable for you on request. If you use the function "I'm Feeling Lucky", then the list of results will not be presented - the search engine will automatically redirect you to the most relevant of the found links.

Public transport

Google will also allow you to get rid of the need to constantly stand at bus stops waiting for public transport. You can use the "Maps" to specify the departure and destination points, and then see all possible options, how you can get there between them. If you choose public transport, then you will be offered also time intervals, transplant possibilities and many other useful data.

Google Alert

This service is very popular and common, as it can bring you direct benefit in absolutely any aspects. It operates as follows - you configure the alerts that will appear in you, as soon as the words or phrases that you specified during the configuration appear on the Internet (or its specific segment). You can use this function both for tracking news, and for many other things (for example, you can find out when your name was mentioned in a group conversation).

Sync with phone

"Google" allows you to synchronize your phone with an account. Thus, you can transfer all photos, messages, contacts and other data to the cloud. And if your phone breaks, it's lost, or something happens to it, you do not have to worry about that all the data on it will be lost - they will be safely stored in the cloud.


One of the simplest functions that will allow you not to hit the dirt in the face. You do not know the definition of the specific word that you were told? This is not a problem, you just need to enter it into the search box, and Google will tell you its definition.


Google also has Google Docs, which has a huge advantage over regular text editors. It is that you can work on one document at the same time as other people you previously gave access to. Note that all changes made by other people are marked in the document in different colors so you can closely monitor progress.


If your child, for example, does homework at the computer and uses the search for "Google", then he can take advantage of an interesting filter for the reader level. This filter will allow you to remove from the search results those links that hide too complicated for understanding the text.

Street View

About the "Google Maps" is said already very much - they are incredibly useful absolutely for everyone. But they have one more feature that puts them above any other analogue - this is the kind of streets. Periodically, the streets of all cities in the world go Google-machine, which photographs the environment with small interruptions. Accordingly, you can see what a particular street looks like right at the computer, without leaving home. Needless to say, periodically the car catches interesting enough things that people do without noticing that they are being filmed.


If you need to search for something not in the whole world, but in a specific location, then you can use this function in this search engine. It is enough just to indicate this locality in the search - for the US it's still easier, you need to specify only, for example, the state code.

Currency conversion

Very often you need to convert one currency to another - and you go to search for specific sites. You do not need to do this anymore, because the correctly composed search query activates the built-in currency calculator. Just write how many units of one currency you want to convert to another currency - and the result will be ready instantly. The same thing you can do with a variety of measures of magnitudes.


Sometimes it is not enough just to read the description of a particular subject, because everything is known in comparison. "Google" knows about this, so you are offered the opportunity to search for comparative characteristics. In the query, write what you want to compare with, and as a result, you will be offered results that are purely comparative, not descriptive. This is very convenient, for example, if you want to buy something on the network, but do not know which model is better to choose.


"Google" allows you to also find out what exactly people have been looking for recently, which search queries are the most popular and so on.

Do a barrel roll

If you enter this phrase in the search bar, then you will find an interesting surprise. The phrase itself is a reference to a cult cosmic computer game.


With the help of "Google" you can search more accurately, because you can specify the specific sources for which you want to search.

Google Gravity

Another small chip, a nice application that serves for entertainment. Enter this phrase and select the item "I'm Feeling Lucky".


Google is the most successful corporation to date, and the future is definitely behind it. It is enough to look, for example, at their glasses, which allow you to use your computer just on the go.

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