
Malignant tumors or bowel cancer, symptoms

Recently, cases of the spread of a disease such as intestinal cancer, the symptoms of which do not appear for a long period of time, are increasingly observed. Intestinal cancer is a group of tumors that form in the large intestine or rectum from their epithelium, and occurs most often in men over the age of forty.

The reasons for the development of cancerous tumors in the intestine have not been studied to date, it is assumed that there are some factors that trigger the onset of cancer. These factors include:

1. Heredity. In medicine, cases of intestinal cancer and diffuse polyposis of several family members are known. In this case polyposis is characterized by the formation of benign tumors that degenerate into cancer due to a genetic mutation inherited.

2. Chronic inflammatory processes in the body. This includes diseases such as ulcerative colitis, proctitis, Crohn's disease, anal fissures.

3. Improper diet. With an overabundance of fatty, meaty and fiber-rich food and a lack of vegetables and cereals in the diet, as well as a sedentary lifestyle, the risk of cancer develops.

4. Excessive smoking and alcoholism. These factors most often cause chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which can develop into a cancer disease.

It is generally believed that bowel cancer symptoms do not show for a long period of time, but often there may be blood in the stool, constipation, or diarrhea. If these symptoms do not go away for more than two weeks, you need to go to a medical facility for a checkup, because this disease in the early stages is almost always curable.

Other bowel cancer symptoms are such as bloating, pain or discomfort in the anus, nausea or vomiting. Although these symptoms are rare, they should be taken into consideration when diagnosing the disease. If the disease is at the last stages of its development, a person can have constant abdominal pain, inflammation of the bladder, which gradually spreads to the ureters and kidneys, and urine output during defecation.
Depending on how far the disease spread, it is common to distinguish four stages of intestinal cancer:

1. 0 stage - a cancerous tumor of small size, it does not extend to other organs and tissues.

2. I stage. The tumor spreads through the intestines, not reaching the muscle layer.
3. II stage. Cancer spreads to the inner, muscular and outer layers of the intestine.

4. Stage III. Malignant tumor from the intestine spreads to the lymph nodes located nearby. We can say that intestinal cancer, stage 3 of its development, is characterized by an increase in lymph nodes, while survival rate is 50%.

5. IV stage. The tumor extends to other organs and tissues of the body. Most often, metastases are observed in the liver, lungs and ovaries. Thus, intestinal cancer, stage 4 of its development, in particular, is characterized by a low survival rate, only 1% of people continue to live for five years, in all other cases a lethal outcome is observed.

Diagnosis of bowel cancer is carried out with the help of colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, irrigoscopy, fibrocolonoscopy, as well as studies of feces analysis.

Thus, intestinal cancer, the symptoms of which are described above, treatment involves surgery and the method of radio and chemotherapy. With immediate treatment in the early stages of the disease, it is possible to achieve a 100% cure of the disease.

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