
HE4 Marker: decoding and norm of the indicator

Oncology is a dangerous problem. Every year many people die because of this disease. The fourth known cause of death is ovarian cancer. And the death rate is the highest in economically developed areas. Cancer can be cured if it is identified in the early stages of development. This will help the oncologist of epithelial ovarian cancer HE4. What is the norm of this indicator, will be described below.

About this type of cancer

Symptoms of the disease are often difficult to recognize because they are directly related to tumor formation in the appendages and therefore fuzzy. According to information provided by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the five-year survival rate of ovarian cancer patients in the last stages is approximately 46%. But if you identify the disease in the initial stages, the survival rate will increase to 94%. Modern research gives people a chance to fight this disease. They reveal the onset of malignant process at the initial stages when studying cancer markers. With the increase in their level, doctors are sounding the alarm. In this article, consider the HE4 oncomarker.

Definition of oncomarker

In the human body there are substances in a small volume, which are called oncomarkers. They participate in different physiological and biochemical formations and are not dangerous in the quantitative norm. Everything will be different if their volume starts to increase. This indicates a probability of malignant formation. For example, to determine the cancer of the ovaries, most often used oncomarker CA-125. But later it was found out that oncomarker HE4 more accurately defines an oncology.

This serous protein blocking the enzyme proteinases, in translation is "a human protein - four appendages." In the necessary small amount it is in the testicles and functions in the production of sperm. It also exists in the respiratory structure, the fallopian tube and in the mucous membranes. But how it functions and how it affects individual pepsins, is still not clear.

Indications for the purpose of the assay

In a small volume HE4 can be any woman. The volume of it increases with such diseases as:

- Ovarian cancer.

- Oncology of the endometrium.

- Breast cancer.

- Lungs' cancer.

Benefits of HE4

At the same time, the HE4 oncomarker means already a malignant process. It can not be determined in a benign process or ovarian inflammation. This shows how HE4 is effective.

Its predecessor, the CA-125 cancer marker, is also aimed at recognizing cancer, but it has little accuracy. That is, the volume of CA-125 becomes larger at the last stages with proper diagnosis. And the volume of HE4 increases approximately three years before the precise definition of the disease.

Accordingly, with the help of the study, cancer can be detected at an early stage, until symptoms have appeared. Despite this, the decoding of the HE4 oncomarker is not used to study formations in the ovarian region. He can not recognize the germic and mucoid form of cancer.

HE4 is used to observe women who have already started treatment. Accordingly, if this analysis is stopped in the treatment, then the therapy used successfully passes.

By the number of this oncomarker, it is possible to determine the process of formation of secondary tumor growth sites as a result of divergence of cells from the original focus to neighboring tissues or its renewal.

Testing for HE4

The reasons for the high mortality due to cancer are the definition of the disease at the last stages of its development. With the help of the analysis on HE4, it is possible to identify cancer at an early stage, thereby reducing the likelihood of death. The oncomarker can be detected in the blood taken from the vein. For the correct delivery of the analysis it is necessary:

  • To hand over blood strictly on an empty stomach or four to five hours after a meal. You can drink water, but coffee or juice is not recommended.
  • If possible, for a few days (3-4 days) before taking the test, do not take any medications.
  • Do not drink or smoke before taking the test.
  • Women who start treatment are tested every three months. In the future, enough one - two times to check.

In some cases, the examination is prescribed to children. They need to drink boiled water for half an hour before taking the test. The average amount of water you drink should be 150-200 ml.

Women should take the test if there are pains in the pelvic region, menstrual cycle is broken, appetite is reduced.

In the study it is important to identify a high level of the oncomarker.

HE4 Marker: Explanation

The norm depends on the sex, age of the patient. After the blood has been submitted for analysis, it is necessary to wait. The result will be ready after a couple of days.

The HE4 volume is recognized by a special chemiluminescence assay.

The essence is the following: a certain reaction of labeled compounds and the desired 4th protein occurs. Then all the inherent properties change. The catalyst triggers a luminescence reaction. Now with the help of instrumental methods, the level of the oncomarker is determined and counted.

Norms of men and women

The normal volume of protein-4 in women during premenopause is not more than 70 pmol / l, and after menopause - slightly less or equal to 140 pmol / l. The more these indications, the greater the likelihood of cancer ovarian cancer.

But it is necessary to know that there are age norms, that is, depending on the age, the data changes. Therefore, it is better to get all information from your doctor. Here is what the HE4 oncomarker shows.

There is the following interesting fact. When the HE4 decoding was carried out, the following data were obtained: the third part of the female half of the population has increased indicators of this oncomarker, but the CA-125 is usually in the permissible norm.

What is the norm of this indicator for men? It is at the level of 4 ng / ml and below. Should be alerted if there are very high rates. It can talk about the development of a dangerous cancer in the body.

There is a change in the norm with age. After forty years, the norm for men is 2-2.5 ng / ml, after sixty years - 4.5-6.5 ng / ml.

Statistics show that more and more men of different ages are seeking medical help. At them are raised or increased oncomarkers in a blood and there is a pathology of a prostate.

Analysis error

It should be taken into account that the analysis itself on the oncomarker is not a basis for confirmation or refutation of oncology. It is more correct to use HE4 with other analyzes. It is best to investigate it with the CA-125. And also conduct a variety of types of diagnostics, both laboratory and instrumental.

Sometimes the high value of HE4 markers is not caused by a malignant process. The analysis will have a false positive result with:

  • The presence of a systemic hereditary disease, which is explained by the change in the gene of the transmembrane regulator;
  • Presence of other inflammations of the urogenital structure;
  • Chronic renal failure;
  • Ovarian cyst;
  • Myome.

How to recognize the symptoms of cancer?

At the slightest infringements in an organism it is necessary to address to the doctor. He will prescribe an analysis for the oncoprotein of epithelial ovarian cancer HE4. Norm or deviation from it will be revealed quickly. At first, the symptoms may be completely absent. But in any case, the analysis should be done with:

  • Disorders in the ovaries and problems with menstruation in women;
  • Acute pain syndrome in the pelvic region;
  • Deterioration of general well-being with reduced appetite;
  • A sharp and causeless loss of weight;
  • Apathy.

When you confirm the diagnosis, you do not have to panic, because the cancer is now being treated successfully. Of course, this is a test, but you can cope with it and get out of the fight as a winner.

Self-medication is unacceptable, rely only on the recommendation of a specialist.

It takes patience and strength, because therapy is hard work, which has a long and unpleasant character.


An erroneous result can be if the tumor does not produce HE4 or is inadequate for detection.

Despite the fact that the analysis will show, you should not get upset and set a diagnosis for yourself sooner. Medical specialists can determine the disease and prescribe a course of treatment, but only after a complete examination.

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