
Cheap analogue of "Karsila". Medicines for the liver: an overview

From the use of various synthetic drugs, the liver suffers most. Therefore, many people try to use herbal medicines for its treatment. The most famous hepatoprotector is "Karsil". Its main active ingredient is an extract of milk thistle spotted. But, like all herbal preparations, it should be drunk for a long time. Therefore, many patients are interested in the question: is there a cheap analogue of "Karsila"? In fact, there are several medicines based on milk thistle. Some of them are cheap, but not all are as effective as Karsil. Therefore, when choosing a drug for treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Medicinal preparations for the liver

  • "Karsil" refers to the group of hepatoprotectors - drugs that protect and restore liver cells. In addition to this group includes "Essentiale", "Liv-52", "Galstena" and others.
  • Cholagogue preparations provide a normal outflow of bile. This helps to restore the liver, remove spasms. Therefore, they are used in the complex therapy of cirrhosis and hepatitis, as well as to improve digestion. The best of this group are Allohol tablets . Instructions for use recommend taking them with pain in the right hypochondrium, to normalize digestion and prevent liver disease.
  • Often with such problems prescribe vitamins. They also help the liver to recover and cope with toxins. The cheapest drug is tablets "Nicotinic acid". Their price ranges from 30 to 60 rubles, so they are often used in the complex treatment of liver diseases.

Hepatoprotectors on plant basis

Drugs containing the extract of milk thistle, oats, volostushki, fumes and other herbs that effectively restore liver cells are popular. They act gently, not exacerbating their toxic damage, but, on the contrary, protecting them. The most popular are such drugs:

  • "Karsil" and its analogues based on the extract of milk thistle spotted.
  • "Ovesol" contains extracts of oats, volosushki, turmeric and immortelle.
  • "Gepabene": in addition to milk thistle, it also contains a smoke extract.
  • "Resalute" is made on the basis of soybeans.

Among them, there are medicines containing milk thistle. They are considered the most effective for any problems with the liver. Extract of milk thistle contains a unique substance of silymarin, which protects and restores liver cells, improves its functioning and helps fight toxins. Therefore, preparations based on this plant are most often used for its treatment.

Features of "Karsila"

This is the most famous and effective drug based on the extract of milk thistle spotted. It has a hepatoprotective and antitoxic effect, restores liver cells and protects them from damage. Often with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is appointed precisely "Karsil". Application (reviews about the drug and possible side effects should be studied in advance) it is advisable at such conditions:

  • Heavy poisoning with alcohol and chemicals, after a prolonged intake of antibiotics;
  • In the complex therapy of cirrhosis and hepatitis;
  • For the prevention of liver disorders and for cleaning it from toxins.

Take "Karsil" you need 1-3 tablets 3 times daily before meals. Like all preparations on a plant basis, it fully manifests its effectiveness with a long - at least a month - reception. The course requires 2-3 packs, each of which costs about 350 rubles. Therefore, many are looking for a cheap analogue of "Karsila". In this case, you need to take into account not only the price of packaging, but also the consumption of tablets for the course of treatment.

What can replace "Karsil"

There are several drugs that also contain silymarin. Their action is similar to "Karsila": they restore liver cells and stimulate its function of purification of blood. Some of them contain only the milk thistle extract, others have additional active ingredients. Therefore, it is impossible to determine which cheap analog of "Karsila" will be better. You need to know the specifics of their use, contraindications and side effects. The most famous drugs based on milk thistle are:

  • "Levasil" is slightly cheaper than "Karsila" - from 200 to 300 rubles per package, and its composition except silymarin includes vitamins B, normalizing metabolic processes in the liver.
  • Legalon, containing only the milk thistle extract, can be purchased for 250 rubles. You need to drink it just like "Karsil", so 2-3 packs per course is enough.
  • "Silimar" is a cheaper analogue of "Karsila". 30 tablets cost about 100 rubles, and their effect is similar.
  • "Silymarin Hexal" on the basis of the same active substance costs only 200 rubles for the same number of tablets as in "Karsil."
  • But the cheapest drug is the capsules with the milk thistle Real Caps. A package of 200 pieces can be purchased for only 60 rubles.

Allohol tablets

Instructions for use of this drug recommends drinking it for violations of bile outflow. But it is effective for any violations of digestion and pain in the liver. "Allochol" helps this body cope with toxic products and speeds up their excretion. The drug is well tolerated, therefore it is often prescribed in the complex therapy of various liver diseases.

Reviews about "Karsil" and its analogues

Despite the fact that many people are skeptical about plant-based drugs, all medicines containing milk thistle are very popular. Most widespread, of course, "Karsil". It is convenient to drink it, and the reputation of the firm that produced it is good. But many note that other drugs containing silymarin were also effective. Even a regular meal of milk thistle or capsules with its oil helps restore the liver. Many use "Karsil" or its analogues for digestive disorders, for the prevention of liver disease and after alcohol poisoning. But in serious cases these drugs do not help, they can be used only in complex treatment.

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