Computers, Information Technology
Resolution 16: 9. Aspect Ratio of monitors of different formats
From year to year, monitors improved mainly only in increasing the resolution of the matrix and the screen size. All this was the reason for people's desire to view content of ever better quality. Fortunately, production does not stand still, and more and more powerful and perfect computer devices are entering the world market. With their help, this high-quality content is created and broadcast.
The screen resolution of 16: 9, as well as 16:10, is the standard for modern times. The resolution of the matrix is 1920 x 1080 and 1920 x 1200 pixels, respectively. However, now it is not necessary to judge the size of the monitor by its resolution, since even some mobile phones with a diagonal screen of 5 inches have a matrix resolution more than the standard FullHD (1920 x 1080 pixels).
Modern monitors from the middle price segment, with a screen resolution of 16: 9 and 16:10, usually have screens of a diagonal of 22-24 inches. But it was not always so. The optimal screen resolution at different times was different.
Short story
At the beginning of the history of creation and playback of content, the screen aspect ratio was 1: 1, that is, the "square". This solution was used only in photography and allowed using the layout of the frame both vertically and horizontally. Later a similar format was also used to create movies.
In place of the "square" came the format 5: 4, which was also called 1,25: 1. It was used in some computer monitors, and many people confused it with the more common 4: 3 format. The difference was only in the resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels. Some "experts" and "professionals" noted a more accurate transmission of geometry on this screen format, but not everyone agrees with this, and disputes are still going on.
Immediately after the "square" in order to expand the visible scene and frame, a 4: 3 or 1.33: 1 format was created. This format was first widely used in photography and cinema, and then became the standard for broadcasting analog TV. You can recall the period when in each house there were first huge wooden, and later plastic flat-screen TVs with a practically square screen for receiving that standard of broadcasting. Computer monitors also received this format and for a long time had resolutions of 1024 x 768, 1152 x 864 and 1600 x 1200 pixels. Subsequently, they were replaced by widescreen devices having a resolution of 16: 9.
There were also formats 3: 2 and 14: 9. The first did not recommend itself, but the second one was an intermediate format for switching from 4: 3 analog television to a widescreen and easily fit into the old format in the form of small black bars at the top and bottom of the screen.
The modern aspect ratio 16:10 received computer monitors and a large number of notebooks with a resolution of 1280 x 800, 1440 x 900 and 1680 x 1050 pixels per inch. The advantage of this format is a larger workspace compared to the most massive, with a resolution of 16: 9. This format is widely used in gaming monitors.
The transition of analogue television to digital was marked by the creation of a single standard for high definition television HDTV, which has a 16: 9 format. Resolution of the matrix of screens in this case is: 1366 x 768, 1600 x 900, 1280 x 720 and 1920 x 1080 pixels. Now there are also much more capacious matrices of the same format. What is the difference for the user?
Aspect ratio of the screen at home and in the office
Now people use a mass of various computer devices, mobile gadgets and wearable electronic devices both at home and at work in the office. All these technologies are designed to simplify and speed up the work, as well as entertain the owners.
Screen resolutions of 16: 9 and 16:10 are found both in a computer or laptop, and on a television that broadcasts digital content and digital television. For fans of computer video games, both of these formats are ideal, and they differ slightly, but the TVs usually do not use 16:10 formats.
For workers dealing with tables, text or 3D modeling and drawings, the presence of a slightly higher vertical screen (16:10 compared to 16: 9) allows an additional important space for work and review, which contributes to better work.
Content is important
Having a monitor with a screen of 16: 9, it is necessary to have also the digital content itself. It is created both on devices of video and photo recording, and on the computer devices themselves. In the modern world, media world is adjusted to the standards of FullHD and 4K, which have a resolution of 16: 9, because, unifying the content, hardware and content producers refuse from non-standard solutions in favor of generally accepted norms. Such actions have made it possible to reduce the cost of developing new formats and their implementation, as well as free up production resources for improving and improving products in other areas.
Outgoing signal
The video signal itself is formed in a special device (video card or video adapter, 16: 9 ratio). The resolution varies within the limits chosen by the user. The higher the resolution, the greater the load on the hardware capacity of both the video adapter and the entire electronic device as a whole. Modern video devices can broadcast video or game content in a three-dimensional image with the highest clarity (up to 4K and UltraHD).
For fans of quality cinema and computer games
Modern monitors with the aspect ratio of 16: 9 and 16:10 for connoisseurs of game and film content do not allow to completely immerse themselves in the digital world, as they are limited by the width of the view, and the human eye perceives much more with its peripheral vision . To do this, the developers of monitors and televisions have created special series of their devices with very wide screens. They received a 21: 9 aspect ratio and a resolution of 2560 x 1080 and 3440 x 1440.
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