Computers, Information Technology
Details on how to call to VC
If you are an active user in the social network "VKontakte", then you probably know that there is an opportunity to make calls to another person directly through the site. Of course, not all users know that making calls through the site is possible, that is why many people have a question: is it possible to call in "VC"? If you are interested in this, then you probably already understood that this function does exist.
New type of communication
The function of calls appeared not so long ago. After a short amount of time, it became very popular and in demand among different users, and if you do not know how to call "VC" on video communication, then we recommend that you read this article to the very end.
check in
Next you need to close this window. If you use a personal computer for this purpose, then for video communication you will need a camera, and for communication - a microphone. If you plan to communicate with a modern laptop, then you just need to make the settings, because in modern devices the microphone and camera are already built in. In principle, if you want to know just how to call "VC" without video communication, then in this case you will only need a microphone. In order to communicate with your interlocutor, you will also need speakers or headphones, it is through them that you will hear it. If you do not have a microphone and camera, then the video link button will not work.
Surely you could understand how to call "VC", because today we painted this process in detail, and if there are difficulties, then you can always contact the social network support service "VKontakte".
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