BusinessHuman Resource Management

Personnel management system: translation of the sphere of relations into the language of management

In addition to the obvious convenience and control capabilities, the systemic management of personnel has an additional "load": it helps to predict emerging problems, control them and solve them with maximum efficiency.

Naturally, the sphere of personnel management can not be as manageable as the production process, since personnel are people, with their own characters, temperaments, moods, interests, etc. A man, sometimes, himself can not decide what he wants at a certain point in time. The task of a competent manager or a personnel service is to identify key figures in the team and influence them. It follows that the system of personnel management of the organization is the process of transferring the emotional sphere and the sphere of relations that inevitably are present in the work of any organization, in the language of management.

If the personnel management system is built competently, then the team will work competently and cohesively, it will focus on the result and improve the quality of work. In order to create a personnel management system, it is necessary to form the goals, tasks, structure and functions of personnel management , to develop functional interrelations.

The system of personnel management includes several important elements:

- specialists of the management apparatus;

- technical means;

- information component;

- methods of personnel management ;

- legal framework.

Particularly worth mentioning is that the personnel management system of a large organization can have significant differences from a similar system of a small firm.

Like any other system, the personnel management system has certain goals. In this case, these goals need to be considered from two different sides: the staff have their own targets, and the administration has its own goals for the use of personnel, which do not always coincide.

Naturally, the better organized personnel management system, the more efficient it works. What determines the efficiency of such a system?

  1. Analysis and clear understanding of the organization's strategy. Employees must clearly understand the direction in which the company is moving and what its objectives are. Orientation to the strategy helps to determine the main steps that need to be taken to solve the set tasks. Further, basic models of business behavior are developed that will serve as the basis for the creation of the main aspects of the personnel management system, such as career planning, attestation, evaluation for selection and promotion, etc.
  2. Creation of a multilevel system of personnel assessment. You can create a profile of success - to allocate for each specific post reference professional, personal and business qualities, and then under this ideal model to select a person. The accuracy of selection in this case will be much higher, and attraction - more successful. For the personnel management service, the creation of such models will help to adjust the management reserve.
  3. It is necessary to have models and work procedures.
  4. Mandatory involvement of line management.
  5. The possibility of changing goals in connection with the emergence of new tasks.

It is necessary to conduct regular attestation of employees in order to assess the level of compliance of their competence with the profiles of success. Attestation will help to track employee performance and determine the dynamics of their development. The form of attestation can be chosen any, but it is preferable to have an individual conversation with the management.

As a result of any effective certification, it is possible to track the basic needs of staff development. The next logical step will be the creation of professional training programs, in which the main component should be integrated. Complexity means different forms and methods of training employees: coaching, conducting business trainings, creating a system of mentoring, etc.

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