BusinessHuman Resource Management

Personal affairs of employees - the face of the company

Every enterprise is strong to its employees. Incompetent employees are able to disrupt the work of a successful firm, which has been repeatedly confirmed by both world and Russian practice. The question "how to find employees who will work not for fear but for conscience" is asked by any management of any enterprise. Of course, it is good, if worthy material incentives are added to these arguments, but it does not always guarantee an excellent work. Personal affairs of employees are formed from the first step of the applicant's appearance of a vacant seat. But this is too early to say. So, the enterprise is in active search of the personnel.

With the question "how to find an employee" often the personnel service of the enterprise refers to specialized organizations, from recruiting or recruitment agencies and, from despair, to employment services. Personnel agencies have their own client base, they can offer these or other options, but they also can not know how the applicant will prove to be already in work. And this option is quite expensive, small business is not always able to afford the services of employment agencies.

Employment services do not take money from enterprises, they are temporarily unemployed citizens, so this option is even more risky. Although the opportunity to give a person a chance sometimes turns into a pleasant surprise - not always on the account in such services are losers. Often employers cast search networks more widely - they advertise in print. This option is more or less successful, it is relatively cheap, has a large audience coverage, but again, most likely, a highly skilled worker is not found in this way.

For some reason, a good Soviet tradition has been forgotten-to look for cadres among graduates of higher and secondary vocational schools. If you read the ads with the requirements that are presented to applicants, then they stamped the requirement for a minimum of five years. Where is the graduate to take it? Although many are already starting to work on senior courses, to show oneself during practices. Such sensible students begin to look after employers. Personal affairs of student employees are conducted according to general rules.

In the Russian tradition, the way of finding a job is often practiced and practiced, on the basis of kinship. This has its advantages: an unfamiliar person does not take from the street, but still there is a certain guarantee, recommendations. But there is also a huge minus - often such an employee perceives all benefits and preferences as a matter of course, but at work to try not to hurry. And this causes a negative reaction in other workers.

One of the most popular and common modern searches for staff is the posting of job advertisements on the Internet, and parallel counter motion - posting job seekers job seekers. One of the main problems here is the ability to clearly state their requirements, competently draw up a resume in order to make the discrepancies disappear at the earliest stages.

But all searches in any case lead to an interview with a potential employee. And here it is important to make the right decision. Whether it will be done by a psychologist, a human resources officer or the head himself depends on the traditions and size of the enterprise.

Personnel affairs of employees begin to be formed with the filling of the application for employment and questionnaire. It should be noted that there is no clear definition in the GOST of this type of document. Each company itself determines the composition of the necessary documentation, then, in which categories do personal affairs of employees begin, where and for how long they are stored. The traditional shelf life is 75 years. This is a kind of work biography of every person who has worked at the enterprise for some time, his professional successes and failures - everything is in these files.

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