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Passage: "The Alchemist." Passage of game "Alchemist": tips, tips

Today, the gaming industry is no longer limited solely to personal computers and consoles. The fact is that smart phones and tablets are gradually taking over the world, and people are constantly using these gadgets. They use them at home, at work, on the road, on vacation, at a party and so on. Unlike fixed platforms, a smartphone or tablet is always at your fingertips, which makes them very convenient devices. And at the same time it opens the door to mobile developers, which today produce a huge number of mobile applications, among which a large percentage are games. Most often these are simple and uncomplicated, but exciting and catching projects, which are convenient to play. You open the application when you want it, enjoy the process while you have the opportunity, and then close it to later continue from the same place. If there is a division into levels, then they turn out to be small so that you can finish within a minute or two. In general, mobile games are reaching a new level and are no less popular than computer games.

But what is the salt of the "Alchemist"? After all, this game, at first glance, is not only simple - it is primitive. There is practically no graphics, no events, no realism. However, as it turns out, users can be hooked and others. To understand what it is, it is worth looking at the passage of the "Alchemist" - this will reveal the veil of secrecy.

What is the "Alchemist", and what are the elements and combinations in it?

"Alchemist" is a mobile game that allows you to mix various elements among themselves, so as a result you get new ones that can also be combined with each other. In total there are about four hundred elements in the game, so you definitely will have something to do if you download this game - the passage of the "Alchemist" can drag on for a long time.

The principle is extremely simple - initially you are given four basic elements, which you can cross with each other. If you double-click on the screen, then you will have these items again. Double clicking on any of the icons leads to its cloning, but there is a much more convenient way that will make your passage of the Alchemist much more fun. You can select any of the items you open from the menu so that they appear on your desktop, and you can combine them with each other. In this vein, the Alchemist proceeds, you open new elements, cross them among themselves, then continue opening and crossing until you complete the game.

It will be easier for you to navigate, if you know which elements and combination combinations can meet you in the game. So first of all these are the basic elements. You have them initially, others can be obtained by combining what you already have. However, even here the result can be different. You can get an item that you can use later, or you can open one that no longer fits anything - then it will be highlighted in red. But combinations can be different - the basic is the combination of two elements to get the third. However, this is not always the case - when crossing two elements you can get not one but two, or even three. Moreover, do not forget that you can cross the same elements among themselves - this can give a definite result.

Basic Elements

The principle on which the game "Alchemist" is built, - 2 elements are crossed among themselves to make something new. But initially you have only four pieces at a time - but which ones? Naturally, these are the main elements - fire, earth, water and air. It's them that you have to cross to get new elements, and then connect them with the received elements. So, before you the game "Alchemist": 2 elements that you liked most, can be crossed directly on the spot. Let's see what the water gives, that is, it is compatible with the other three elements, and also with itself. If two water icons overlap each other, the sea will turn out. Replacing one of them with fire, you will get alcohol, in the air - steam, and on the ground - a swamp.

Now let's move on to another element, air. We will not repeat its crossing with water, it is better to concentrate on other elements. The connection of air with the same sign will be given to you by the wind, if you use the ground, you will get dust, with the crossing of fire and air, energy is produced.

It remains very little - let's pay attention to the fire. In addition to the above-mentioned combinations, you can make one more, combining fire and earth and getting lava. Unfortunately, it is impossible to combine fire with fire. Only the land itself remained, which was already interbred with other basic elements. But you can combine it with yourself - you will get pressure. You can try to do everything yourself, and can continue to consult the passage of the game "Alchemist", tips will be here for all kinds of combinations.

Finite Elements

It is best to start with a description of the recipes of the elements, which then can not be used in further production. In the passage of the game "Alchemist", the hints given by the application itself may not be obvious, but you can orient yourself on them. Here, all possible combinations of icons that lead to the creation of finite elements will be described. By connecting the volcano and the sea, you will get the island - your first end element. But it's far from the only one, so it's worth considering them all. The combination of water and metal gives rust, which also applies to this section. If to add to water not metal, but a storm, then a typhoon will turn out.

The following two recipes can be attributed simultaneously to those that give you the final element, and to those that result in you have two icons at once. Combining fire and sea gives you steam and salt, the second element can not be reused. The same goes for the combination of gunpowder and fire - there is already a final explosion and smoke, which can still be used. By the way, you still have from the very beginning both fire and alcohol, combining which you will get a Molotov cocktail, one more final element.

Sometimes combinations are simply obvious - connect the lava and the lamp, and you get a lava lamp. A combination of sand and storm will give a sandstorm. Sometimes it's not so simple, and the game "Alchemist" requires the inclusion of logic - you have fire and an egg, combine them, and you will get scrambled eggs. Sometimes everything is even more difficult - you need to think carefully to guess that the tick can come from life and dust. There are fairy creatures here too - to get a ghoul you will need a corpse and a zombie. There are several special birds at once, on which you will be shown the passage of the game "Alchemist". Phoenix you get by combining the bird and fire, and the thunder-bird - a combination of birds and storms.

Getting Multiple Items

So far, we will stop the research in the field of finite elements, because not only the passage of the game "Alchemist" is built on them. For interest, it is worth looking at those recipes that offer you a combination of two entities to get the same, or even more. Of course, such recipes are much less than conventional ones, and therefore it is even more interesting to look at them. Start with the combination of the volcano and pressure - in the end you will have three elements at once, though, among them there will be a volcano, so only two are lava and ash. Separately, it is worth looking at the relationship between dust and ash. If you connect two identical dust icons, you will get two ash icons. The reverse process acts identically - two ashes turn into two dusts. But do not pay too much attention to this example, it is worth moving on, because you have to open almost four hundred elements to complete the game. Therefore, combine fire and peat to get energy and smoke. This is a fairly common recipe, so try something more interesting. Use two stones together - and you will see how the result you will get the same, but only accompanied by a badge of fire. Quite an interesting analogy with reality, is not it? "Alchemist" on Android will constantly throw you such combinations that will make you at least smile. But there will be usual combinations. For example, from water and lava you will get steam and stone - nothing special, but the recipe from this does not become less useful.

Even more original recipes

If you love or loved chemistry, physics and other natural sciences, then in this game you will find for yourself a lot of interesting things. For example, you can combine water and energy and get hydrogen and oxygen. "Alchemist" on Android only seems at first glance to be a primitive and uncomplicated game, but in fact it is a very thoughtful and exciting project that includes a variety of elements and, of course, makes you think. Otherwise, you will understand that coal can be obtained by combining the tree with fire - and you will have two more ash symbols that you can use to combine with other objects. True, it becomes much more difficult when mythical creatures are involved in the matter . For example, you need to combine a fire elemental with water, so that in the end we get energy and two ashes. But this is an optional recipe, as these materials can be obtained in other ways. There is a place in the game and for humor - for example, if you combine a person and a zombie, then in the end you will get two zombies. The recipe is absolutely useless, since it gives you two elements that you already have, but it shows perfectly well that this is not a boring game of combining icons, but something much more. Another example of interesting crossbreeding is a person with an animal. You might think that something will turn out to be mythical, but in fact, people and livestock eventually come out. As it becomes clear, "Alchemist" - a game, the answers in which are not always obvious. Sometimes to solve problems you need to approach with humor, sometimes with logic, but in any case it will be fun.

A few more recipes, giving several elements

As you can see, combinations that result in two or even three elements at once are much more interesting, because here the developers gave themselves room for imagination. "Alchemist" - a game, the answers in which it is worth looking for both on the surface and deeper. Remember how you crossed a man and an animal to get livestock? This chain can be extended, and this will lead you to a combination that will give you the maximum number of final ingredients. You cross two elements, and you get as many as four, and only one of them is the original - it's a person. But livestock is transformed into wool, meat and milk.

But back to the interesting and humorous. If you bring a man and a dragon together, the result will be ashes and a dragon - again, the recipe is not the most useful, since ashes can be extracted already at the beginning of the game by much more simple methods. But this does not cancel the fact that this combination causes a smile and a desire to play further. Boredom is not the word that can be associated with the "Alchemist". But experiments are just the most suitable word. You will be able to prove yourself from the best side, including logic. For example, when you have tools that can be obtained by combining a person with metal, you will have a new horizon for discoveries. Combine the tools with different elements, and get a lot of new and interesting. For example, when you add metal, you get a weapon, when crossing with a stone - a statue, with meat - a knife, and so on. In general, "Alchemist" - a game in which there are many such moments, and one of the popular tactics is to open an element, and then cross with it everything that you have. But this will lead to a lot of invalid combinations, so use the walkthrough better.


List all the recipes in one pass is simply impossible, so it's better to focus on the most interesting, which can attract attention. "Alchemist" - a game in which there is a huge number of a wide variety of combinations, combinations, recipes. Some of them just give you certain elements - it's not so much fun. Much more interesting when developers add humor or make you think. Or create whole series of elements that are interrelated.

For example, if you decide to set a goal for opening the entire geographic in the game, then you have to start small. In the presence of a brick house and glass, you will need to create your first skyscraper, and then from two elements of this type, create your first city. For now, it's just a concept that does not relate to reality, but it can be easily remedied. Add water to the city, and you will get Venice. But in the game, more emphasis is placed on the countries, so do better with them. Combine the two city badges, and get a country that you will now have to seriously work on. The number of elements in the early version of the game "Alchemist" - 168, so many elements you will not find in it, but in the most modern version there are 390 elements, so the countries among them will be exactly.

So, if you add to the country "McDonald's", then you are quite expected to get the US. When adding a clock, you will get Switzerland, and when combined with a mummy - Egypt. In total there are 21 countries in the game, and for each of them the most obvious element is highlighted, so it is unlikely to be a problem for you to determine that when you add pizza, Italy will turn out, and when combined with kangaroos - Australia.

The Star Wars Saga

A huge number of people grew up on the films from the series "Star Wars", at the beginning of the century the background was filmed, and in the near future a new trilogy is being prepared. Confrontation between the Jedi and the Sith, the Republic and the Empire is a real layer of history that the creators of the Alchemist could not ignore. Reviews on this matter were extremely positive, and you also need to immerse yourself in this universe, presented in a small mobile application. You need to start with making a lightsaber, the main weapon of the heroes of this universe. Speaking of heroes - with this element you have to cross the lightsaber in order to get a Jedi. By analogy, if you add to this weapon is not a hero, but a murderer, then you will have a Sith - that's the basis of the whole world for you. But this is not all that you can get in the "Alchemist", associated with this series. First try to combine these two characters, and you will get an element under the quite expected name - Star Wars. But the most interesting is, of course, the combination of a Jedi and a frog. As a result, master Yoda comes out. He, of course, has nothing to do with either frogs or amphibians in principle, but the analogy should be clear to everyone. Such analogies can be found very much - various games, including the popular "Dota". "Alchemist" in this respect is impressive, as it covers many aspects of both real and mythological life.

Abundance of combinations

As you know, in this game there are 390 elements - this is incredibly much, but you are even more shocked by the fact that there are many more combinations. When you figure out how to go through the "Alchemist", you will realize that many elements can be obtained in different ways, that is, you can cross different icons to get the same one. For example, you can take the sand - it can be obtained by combining elements of air and stone. But nothing will change if you replace air in the recipe with wind. And this is not the only way - by analogy with real life, you can combine stone and water, and as a result you will still get sand. There are other elements that can be obtained in various ways - there are quite a few of them, which makes it logical that the combinations in the game will be an order of magnitude greater than the elements themselves, which can be combined. You can learn how to make an element in the "Alchemist" game in one method, and then you will discover a completely different one. This will no longer be of any practical value, since an open element is permanently stored in your journal, and you can add it to your desktop at any time, but it is very pleasant to open one way or another for preparing a certain element.

Latest recommendations

It is important to remember that the "Alchemist" is a game on the phone, that is, you should not expect from her striking graphics, special effects and other aspects that characterize computer games. This project is special, in it you need to use logical thinking and just have fun. The game "Alchemist" on the phone can be installed quite simply, it is not demanding on the configuration of your device, it also takes just over three megabytes. So download it and enjoy it, and you will be presented with some basic recipes, with which you can quickly join the game and create more complex elements.

Lava is one of the popular game icons, so you need to get it as soon as possible by crossing fire and earth, and then start using it. For example, to create a stone you will need to add air to the lava, and a combination of lava and pressure will give you a volcano. Crossed fire and stone give metal, and the pressure acting on the swamp, offers you peat. Peat and alcohol, in turn, form Scotch whiskey, which can then be used in the geographic area to create Scotland, which is entirely logical.

Metal and steam form a steam boiler, which can then be used for the invention of a steam engine. Moreover, it can make pressure by combining it with the steam, but you probably will have this element by that time, since it is made from the combination of the basic entities that are available to you already at the start of the game. It is important to remember that in this game everything depends on each other, and if you received the item, then you definitely can then use it. Of course, as already mentioned above, there are also such elements as are finite, that is, their further use is impossible. But they play a very important role, because without them you can not finish the game. The goal of the game is to open all 390 elements, and here it does not matter how you opened this or that icon, what combination was used - the result is important. Therefore, go to this result purposefully. But it should be remembered that the "Alchemist" is a game. Answers, 168 questions, 390 or even more, do not always lie on the surface, but do not worry much if you can not find them. If it's important for you to finish the game, then passing is what you need to use.

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