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Parasites in a cat: types, symptoms, treatment

To my great regret, as if the owners of pets have not tried, the risk of the disease one way or another remains. We will dwell only on invasions in their body. The most common group of dangerous diseases include a variety of parasites in a cat. Despite their small size, the accumulation of such organisms causes irreparable damage to the health of the animal, and sometimes leads to its death. The most common way of their distribution is transmission through wool, feces, food. Very often parasites in a cat are transmitted from mother to kittens.

Types of parasites and symptoms of the disease

There is a huge number of diverse living organisms that parasitize on our favorite purrs. Which of them can infect any cat? They can be divided into 2 large groups: located within the body and living on its surface. Parasites in a cat that hit it from the inside are mainly worms (helminths). Their main types: nematodes, ascarids, chains, coccidia, hookworms. All of them affect the internal organs of cats and can be transmitted to humans. Glistular invasion is especially dangerous for children who just love to squeeze and kiss pets. A timely diagnosis, delivered by a veterinarian, will quickly get rid of these parasites and prevent infection of all family members. That's why the owners should be very careful, following the behavior and general condition of pets.

The main symptoms of helminthic invasion in a cat: bloated stomach, frequent and violent cough, diarrhea, increased appetite, dull eyes and hair, visibility of the third century (blinking membrane). When infected with tapeworms , anal segments show small segments resembling rice grains. The defeat of coccidia is accompanied by weight loss, blood stains in feces.

The most common external parasites are fleas, mites, withers, lichens. With insects it is now possible to easily cope with the help of modern chemical preparations, but it is better to consult a veterinarian before using them. But such a disease, as lichen, is not so easy to cure yourself. At its first signs it is necessary to address at once in hospital as this disease easily amazes also people (especially children). The most dangerous is "ringworm". After appearing on his head, the hair can no longer grow on the lesions.

The defeat of fleas, ticks and withers is accompanied by itching, restlessness, dermatitis (eczema), the granularity of the skin, the detection of insects themselves. Symptoms of defeat with ear mites: shaking of the head, strong combing, trembling of the ears, head inclinations to the side, dark lumps of sulfur.


All parasites in cats require certain treatment. So, ascarids can be destroyed with the drug "Piperazin". There is a huge number of other medicines that are effective for all types of worms. Popular antiparasitic drugs: Pratel, Drontal, Procitsit, Milbemax. Before taking the medicine, the veterinarian determines the dose required for each particular pet. It depends on the age, weight and size of the cat. To prevent re-infection, the drug should be given annually, even when there are no visible signs of the disease. Remedies for parasites for cats can not be used if the animal suffers from another disease, as the "wagon" of worms in such a pet can result in its death.

External parasites in a cat are removed by combing the wool. Detected pincers are carefully removed with tweezers, trying not to leave its part in the skin of the animal. When infected with fleas, mites and withers, antiparasitic drops are usually prescribed. The term of their action is not very large, which requires repeated processing (especially in the warm season). External drops from parasites for cats: Advantage, Advocate, Bars, Reksolin, Front Line. They are all put on the withers of an animal. After this procedure, the pet can not bathe for a few days.

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