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Prince Galitsky Roman Mstislavich: biography, domestic and foreign policy

Roman Mstislavich - one of the most brilliant princes of the late era of Kievan Rus. It was he who managed to create the foundation of a new type of state on a historical breakthrough, a kind of prototype, in terms of its political content, approximated to a centralized caste-representative monarchy. Kiev at that time had already lost its role as the center of a large and powerful state, small fragments of which were just beginning to form. But the first successor, rose from the ruins of Kievan Rus, became the Galicia-Volyn principality. And Prince Roman Mstislavich was just his creator, who started a new state ship on a long voyage.

He managed to visit the prince of Novgorod, thoroughly rise as Volyn (or Vladimir) prince, then, having received the Galician principality, to unite them into one state, and even for a short time to become the Kiev ruler. But the most distinctive in his rule was an attempt to establish a federal system in Russia, which has long been gaining momentum in Western Europe.

Roman Mstislavich. short biography

Unfortunately, in written sources (annals) only information about the last fifteen years of the prince's life was preserved, and then with large gaps. About childhood and adolescence, and nothing is known. There is very little evidence of how Roman Galich was taken, and also about a campaign against Poland, in which the prince died. It is very difficult to say anything about the relations of the Galicia-Volyn principality of this period with Kiev, as well as with the North Russian prince Vsevolod Yuryevich. And even in the available sources there is a kind of prejudiced attitude towards Roman, as they were written at the courts of monarchs-opponents. The activity of Roman Mstislavich was highlighted only by brief references in the general context of the life of his prince.

To this everything is added not very high interest in such personalities from the part of historians, the scarcity of the material being processed and the small amount of facts that are submitted. One of the most valuable historiographic sources is still the work of the Russian historian VN Tatishchev, since it was the earliest such work. More attentive were Ukrainian historians to the study of this period and to the very figure of the prince. Let's try to recreate the main material as briefly and clearly as possible.

Princely family and kinship

The novel, and at christening - Boris, belonged to a sort of a dynasty Rurikovich ruling in Russia. His great-great-grandfather was Vladimir Monomakh, a descendant of Yaroslav the Wise and Vladimir the Great, the baptizer of Russia. The senior branch of Monomakh - the dynasty of the Kiev prince Mstislav Vladimirovich - was headed by the grandfather and father of Roman - Izyaslav Mstislavovich and Mstislav. On the line of the mother - Polish princess Agnese - the prince's roots are also quite impressive. Roman Mstilavich was the grandson of the Polish Prince Boleslaw III "Krivorot", as well as the nephew of the subsequent four rulers of Poland.

Birth of Prince Roman

Mstislav, father of Roman, had four sons. By seniority this is Svyatoslav, Roman, Vsevolod and Vladimir. But, judging by the ratio and indirect evidence, Svyatoslav was an illegitimate child. Because the seniority among the Mstislavichi was always given to Roman. The exact date of birth of Roman was not fixed, but it happened in about 1153. The choice of the name also raises a number of questions, because it meant the Roman, but came to Russia, most likely through Byzantium. Although the name of the novel has repeatedly been found among princes, it is believed that it is after the reign of Roman Mstislavich that the use of the name of the Grand Duke takes on a much greater scope. Quite a lot of historians have questions to this person, but achievements in such a difficult time give the full right to call the prince not otherwise than Roman Mstislavich the Great. And that's why…

Childhood of Roman

Roman Mstislavich was born around the time when the death of his grandfather makes his father leave Pereyaslavl in Volhynia and seek his fate on his own and without support. On the throne of Kiev, the father sat down when Roman was almost fourteen. Obviously, the future prince did not know what the quiet childhood was. However, there is a mention that from the cradle Roman was brought up at the court of the Polish prince. Therefore, we can assume that the future prince received a good education in the spirit of that time and Europe. There are also mentions that most of his youth Roman Mstislavich Galitsky spent in Poland and Germany, which influenced his political outlook and spiritual culture.

The Prince of Novgorod

According to the Kiev Chronicle, in 1168 the Novgorodians invited the new Prince of Kiev Mstislav to the principality of the eldest son. This was the first title of Roman and the beginning of his glorious political activity. Only three years he ruled the distant lands at the behest of his father. But the situation worsens when Mstislav loses Kiev. And also the coalition of Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky hampers everything. Among other things, Roman had to fulfill the will of local boyars, he was not fully ruler. Support for his father was the only support. Therefore, after his death, Roman Mstislavich was forced to abdicate and return to the fiefdom. As the elder brother, he receives Vladimir in Volhynia. Troublesome times made you spend a lot of time hiking, defending yourself from neighbors on all sides. At the beginning of the reign, Roman Mstislavich gained fame in the fight against external threats. Here they were yatvjagi - the Lithuanian tribe.

Prince Volynsky

The power of the Volyn lands was laid by Mstislav, when Prince Vladimirsky and his brother Yaroslav, Prince Lutsk, reached an agreement on mutual support. Like Monomakhovich, the brothers owned these lands already as hereditary patrimony. And in case of death, one of the others had to support the nephews in every way. Such an alliance prevented strife among the princes and provided support in the struggle to establish hegemony in the western and southern regions. Therefore, no one had any special claims to Roman's fiefdom from any of the relatives. But in the first years of his reign, Roman was completely dependent on his uncle, Yaroslav Izyaslavich. Over time, however, firmly entrenched in Volhynia, Prince Roman Mstislavich no longer met with opposition from either the nobility or close relatives. With their own brothers and nephews Roman did not arise, since they did not conduct an active foreign policy, and relied in everything on Roman and the Vladimir principality.

The Prince of Galich

The first attempts to join the Volyn Galician lands were in Roman Mstislavich in the 80's. Even then, the strong opposition of the boyars and Prince Vladimir Yaroslavich Galitsky ended in the expulsion of the latter, and Roman succeeded in reaching an agreement with the boyars and sitting down in Galich in 1188. And this was the first reign of Roman Mstislavich of Galich. But the strength and capabilities of the young prince were not the same, therefore, in the fight against the ugras, Roman Mstislavich lost to the conquerors of the capital of the Galician lands.

The second time Roman managed to sit down in Galich in 1199, that's when the history of the Galicia-Volyn principality begins. Now, after the death of Vladimir Yaroslavovich, who did not leave the heirs, Roman Mstislavovich was one of the contenders for the liberated throne. Having strengthened the neighboring principality and got up firmly on his feet, Roman managed to break the discontent of the local elite with all the truths and crooks and even the military confrontation. The feuds of the boyars could have prevented this, and for a long time they did not let the prince rest. But still the union took place, and Roman managed to strengthen the princely power. And a new state appeared on the map, which gradually grew. Prince Roman Mstislavich with his firm character and unshakable rule strengthened him and laid the foundation for the strong policy of his heirs.

The Prince of Kiev

It so happened that the applicants for Galich always transferred their views to the throne of Kiev. Being exhausted by military campaigns, Roman Mstislavich Galitsky turned to the Kiev prince Rurik and Metropolitan Nikifor to sign a peace agreement. Negotiations ended so successfully that in 1195 Roman even received the sacrament in the Kiev lands, as well as the town of Polonny and Torch (or the Korsun) volost in the Kiev lands. But already in 1201 Roman Mstislavich stormed Kiev. After the creation of a huge state, it was necessary for Roman to solve an uncountable number of problems that arose in different regions. Among the other greatest attention required Galician territories, and especially Kiev. The first lands were best called for order by the method of the batoga in relation to the main opponents of the boyar encirclement. On the Kiev lands, agreements and local traditions should be followed. In addition, Roman did not endure his capital of all lands in Kiev.

Domestic policy

Roman Mstislavich Galitsky maintained very close relations with the Kiev prince Rurik Rostislavich. Being still to the same father-in-law, Rurik gave Roman cities along the river Ros and not only. But it was not a very sweet gift. Roses traced to the lands captured by the Polovtsians. Their frequent forays made Roman spend most of his time in campaigns. But not only external enemies shook the power of the prince. Kievan Rus was corroded by a small feudal struggle, which also reached the western lands. In addition to siblings, more distant relatives all the time vexed. And even though Kiev lost its dominant position, it remained an attractive piece for everyone, even small princes, who according to Monomakh's law simply did not have any rights to it.

Foreign policy. Poland

For Poland, Roman Mstislavich played an important and friendly role. Mutual assistance characterized the relationship of the prince with the main line of the Polish dynasty - Cracow Casimir Just and his sons Leshko and Konrad. It was thanks to the support of Roman and his brother Vsevolod that Kazimir took Krakow. And five years later, Roman Mstislavich took part in the struggle of Leszek and Konrad with his uncle, the Old Bag. In this campaign under the Mozgava, the Galician prince was wounded, but not fatal. In response to his support, Roman could rely on assistance from Leszek, who, in turn, provided the forces for the complete conquest of the Galician lands by Roman.

Foreign Policy: Byzantium

Also, the successful external relations of the Galicia-Volyn principality were relations with Byzantium. Roman Mstislavich, whose foreign and domestic policies were always aimed at strengthening and protecting the new statehood, sought allies in a related Christian world. Relations were based on mutually beneficial economic motives - trade, as well as a number of political ones, quite vividly represented in historical sources. And the secret of such a close political connection was the military power that Roman Mstislavich Galitsky provided in the fight against the Polovtsians. After all, Kievan Rus was always considered by Byzantium for itself as a defensive country from all Asian tribes. But now especially, since the nomads have already advanced to the Danube and have become a direct threat to Constantinople. Byzantium even signed an allied agreement with Roman.

Foreign Policy: Nomads

The peculiarities of the relationship of South-West Russia with the nomads, as it is commonly believed, had their traditions for centuries. Slav-farmers strictly adhered to the forest belt, while the Turkic nomads controlled the steppe expanses. The expansion of these territories has not been applied on either side. But the Pechenegs were replaced by the Polovtsians, more organized and with a desire to control the entire forest-steppe zone of the Dnieper. The threat loomed not only over the Kiev and Byzantine lands. Polovtsian hikes began to reach Poland and Hungary. And only successful campaigns of Russia in the beginning of the XII century allowed the western princes to strengthen and reduce the influence of the Polovtsian Khan on the Left Bank of the Dnieper. The Suzdal chronicler mentions Prince Roman's successful campaign against the Polovtsians and even the return of many "Christian souls" from the captivity.

The death of Roman Mstislavich

And historians fail to determine the reasons, but at the beginning of the new century relations with the Poles deteriorated sharply. It was not without feints of the boyars. The Galician-Volhynian annals testify that between Vladislav Kormilchich and Galitsky, the Galich boyar was sowing between Roman and Lesch. But how he managed to do this, what kind of intrigue he turned out, is not fully known. And all this led to the fact that, according to the Suzdal chronicle, in 1205 Roman Mislislavich went on a campaign against Poland and took two Polish cities. But not far from the city of Zaviosta on June 19, 1205, Poles unexpectedly surrounded and killed the prince. In Vladimir, his father's city, and Roman Mstislavich was buried. Photo of the church, where the remains of the prince and his son still rest, is presented below, although in a modern architectural design.

In conclusion…

Kievan Rus can confidently be put on a par with other European states of the Middle Ages. The Galicia-Volyn principality became the successor, and also the final stage of this period of history. The most outstanding names of this principality were: Roman Mstislavich, Yaroslav Osmomysl, Daniel Galitsky. The life of each of them was filled to the brim and is dedicated to strengthening statehood, opposing countless both internal and external enemies, as well as building new cities and military fortifications. Many of them have survived to this day, evidencing to visitors and tourists that the monumental monuments of Eastern Europe are not inferior to the surviving castles in the West.

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