
Grand Dukes in Russia. Rulers of Ancient Russia

Kievan Rus is a medieval state that arose in the 9th c. The first grand dukes placed their residence in the city of Kiev, which, according to legend, was founded in the VI. Three brothers - Cue, Cheek and Horeb. The state quickly entered a flourishing phase and occupied an important international position. This was facilitated by the establishment of political and trade relations with such powerful neighbors as Byzantium and the Khazar Khaganate.

The Board of Askold

The name "Russian land" was entrusted to the state with its capital in Kiev during the reign of Askold (IX century). In the "Tale of Bygone Years" his name is mentioned next to Deere, the elder brother. To date, there is no information about his rule. This gives rise to a number of historians (for example, Rybakov BA) to associate the name of Dir with another nickname of Askold. In addition, the question of the origin of the first Kiev rulers remains unresolved. Some researchers consider them Varangian voevoda, others derive the origin of Askold and Dir from glades (the descendants of Kiya).

"The Tale of Bygone Years" gives some important information about the rule of Askold. In 860, he made a successful trip to Byzantium, and even for about a week kept Constantinople in bondage. According to legend, it was he who forced the Byzantine ruler to recognize Russia as an independent state. But in 882 Askold was killed by Oleg, who then sat down on the throne of Kiev.

The management of Oleg

Oleg - the first Grand Duke of Kiev, who ruled in 882-912. According to legend, he received power in Novgorod from Rurik in 879 as the regent of his young son, and then moved the residence to Kiev. In 885, Oleg annexed to his principality the land of Radimich, Slavians and Krivichs, after which he made a march on the ulitsa and Tivertsev. In 907, he opposed powerful Byzantium. Oleg's brilliant victory was described in detail by Nestor in his work. The campaign of the Grand Duke not only contributed to the strengthening of Russia's positions on the international arena, but also opened access to duty-free trade with the Byzantine Empire. The new victory of Oleg in Constantinople in 911 confirmed the privileges of Russian merchants.

It is precisely with these events that the stage of the formation of a new state with the center in Kiev ends and the period of its highest flowering begins.

The Board of Igor and Olga

After Oleg's death, Rurik's son came to power - Igor (912-945). Like his predecessor, Igor had to face the disobedience of the princes of subordinate tribal unions. His reign begins with a confrontation with the Drevlyane, the Streets and the Tivertsy, whom the Grand Duke overruled with an unbearable tribute. Such a policy also determined his imminent death at the hands of rebellious Drevlyans. According to the legend, when Igor once again came to collect tribute, they tipped two birches, tied their legs to their tops and let them go.

After the death of the prince, his wife Olga (945-964) ascended the throne. The main goal of her policy was revenge for her husband's death. She suppressed all the anti-Durian moods of the Drevlyans and finally subordinated them to their power. In addition, the first attempt to baptize Kievan Rus was associated with the name of Olga the Great, which turned out to be unsuccessful. The policy aimed at proclaiming Christianity as the state religion was continued by the following grand dukes.

Board of Svyatoslav

Svyatoslav - the son of Igor and Olga - ruled in 964-980. He led an active aggressive foreign policy and almost did not care about the internal problems of the state. At first, during its absence, the administration was engaged in Olga, and after her death, the affairs of the three parts of the state (Kiev, Drevlyan land and Novgorod) were run by the great Russian princes Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir.

Svyatoslav made a successful campaign against the Khazar Khaganate. Before his squad could not resist such powerful fortresses as Semender, Sarkel, Itil. In 967, he began the Balkan campaign. Svyatoslav took possession of the territories in the lower reaches of the Danube, captured Pereyaslav and planted his deputy there. In the next campaign for the Balkans he managed to subordinate virtually all of Bulgaria. But on the way home, the squad of Svyatoslav was defeated by the Pechenegs, who were in collusion with the Emperor of Byzantium. The Grand Duke died in the collage.

The reign of Vladimir the Great

Vladimir was the illegitimate son of Svyatoslav, since he was born from Malusha, the housekeeper of Princess Olga. Father planted the future great ruler on the throne in Novgorod, but in the course of civil strifes he managed to seize the throne of Kiev. Having come to power, Vladimir streamlined the management of the territories and eradicated any signs of local nobility on the lands of subordinate tribes. It was under him that the tribal division of Kievan Rus' was territorial.

On the lands united by Vladimir lived a lot of ethnic groups and peoples. Under such conditions, it was difficult for the ruler to retain the territorial integrity of the state, even with the help of weapons. This led to the need for ideological substantiation of Vladimir's rights to manage all the tribes. Therefore, the prince decided to reform paganism, placing in Kiev, not far from the place where the palaces of the grand dukes, the idols of the most revered Slavic gods.

Baptism of Russia

The attempt to reform paganism was unsuccessful. After that, Vladimir called to himself the rulers of different tribal unions, professed Islam, Judaism, Christianity, etc. After listening to their proposals for a new state religion, the prince goes to the Byzantine Chersonese. After a successful campaign, Vladimir announced his intention to marry the Byzantine princess Anne, but since it was impossible, while he was professing paganism, the prince was baptized. Returning to Kiev, the governor sent messengers through the city with orders to all residents the next day to come to the Dnieper. On January 19, 988 people entered the river, where they were baptized by Byzantine priests. In fact, the baptism of Rus was violent.

The new faith did not immediately become a nationwide one. First, Christianity was adjoined by the inhabitants of large cities, and in churches until the XII century. There were special places for the baptism of adults.

The importance of proclaiming Christianity as the state religion

The adoption of Christianity had a tremendous impact on the further development of the state. First, this led to the fact that the great Russian princes strengthened their power over disunited tribes and peoples. Secondly, the role of the state in the international arena has increased. The adoption of Christianity made it possible to establish close ties with the Byzantine Empire, the Czech Republic, Poland, the German Empire, Bulgaria and Rome. It also contributed to the fact that the Grand Dukes of Rus had no longer used military campaigns as the main way to implement foreign policy plans.

The reign of Yaroslav the Wise

Yaroslav the Wise united Kievan Rus under his authority in 1036. After many years of internecine strife, the new ruler had to reinstall on these lands. He succeeded in recovering the Cherven cities, establishing the city of Yuryev in Peipsi and finally destroying the Pechenegs in 1037. In honor of the victory over this union, Yaroslav ordered the laying of the greatest temple - Sophia of Kiev.

In addition, he was the first to compile a collection of state laws - Pravda Yaroslav. It should be noted that before him the rulers of ancient Russia (the Grand Dukes of Igor, Svyatoslav, Vladimir) asserted their power with the help of force, and not of law and law. Jaroslav was engaged in the construction of churches (St. George's Monastery, St. Sophia Cathedral, Kiev-Pechersky Monastery) and supported the authority of the princely power still weak church organization. In 1051, he appointed the first metropolitan of Rusich - Hilarion. In power, the Grand Duke remained 37 years old and died in 1054.

The Board of Yaroslavich

After the death of Yaroslav the Wise, the most important lands were in the hands of his eldest sons - Izyaslav, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod. Initially, the Grand Dukes ruled the state fairly well. They successfully fought against the Turkic tribes of torques, but in 1068 on the river Alta suffered a crushing defeat in the battle with the Polovtsians. This led to the fact that Izyaslav was expelled from Kiev and fled to the Polish king Boleslaw II. In 1069, with the help of the Allied forces, he again occupied the capital.

In 1072, the Grand Dukes of Rus gathered at the Vechegorod Veche, where the famous code of Russian laws "Pravda Yaroslavichy" was approved. After this, a long period of internecine wars begins. In 1078, the throne of Kiev was occupied by Vsevolod. After his death in 1093, Svyatopolk Izyaslavich came to power , and Vsevolod's two sons Vladimir Monomakh and Rostislav began to rule in Chernigov and Pereyaslav.

The Board of Vladimir Monomakh

After the death of Svyatopolk in 1113, the Kievites invited Vladimir Monomakh to the throne. He saw the main goal of his policy in the centralization of state power and in strengthening the unity of Rus. To establish peaceful relations with different princes, he used dynastic marriages. It was thanks to this and far-sighted domestic policy that he managed to successfully control the vast territory of Russia for 12 years. In addition, dynastic marriages united the Kiev state with Byzantium, Norway, England, Denmark, the German Empire, Sweden and Hungary.

Under the Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh, the capital of Russia was settled, in particular, a bridge across the Dnieper was erected. The ruler died in 1125, after which a long period of fragmentation and decline of the state began.

Grand Dukes of Ancient Rus in the period of fragmentation

What happened next? During feudal fragmentation, the rulers of ancient Russia changed every 6-8 years. The Grand Dukes (Kiev, Chernigov, Novgorod, Pereyaslav, Rostov-Suzdal, Smolensk) fought for the main throne with weapons in their hands. The longest ruled by the state were Svyatoslav and Rurik, who belonged to the most influential clan of Olgovichi and Rostislavovich.

In the Chernigov-Seversky principality, power was in the hands of the dynasty Olegovichy and Davidovich. Since these lands were the most vulnerable to the expansion of the Polovtsians, the rulers managed to restrain their aggressive campaigns by concluding dynastic marriages.

Pereyaslavl principality even in the period of fragmentation was completely dependent on Kiev. The highest flowering of these territories is associated with the name of Vladimir Glebovich.

Strengthening the Moscow Principality

After the decline of Kiev, the main role passes to the Moscow principality. His rulers borrowed the title, which was worn by the Grand Dukes of Russia.

The strengthening of the Moscow principality is associated with the name of Daniel (the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky). He managed to dominate the city of Kolomna, Pereyaslavl principality and Mozhaisk. As a result of the accession of the latter, an important trade route and the water artery of the river. Moscow was within the territory of Daniel.

The Board of Ivan Kalita

In 1325, Prince Ivan Danilovich Kalita came to power. He made a march to Tver and defeated her, thereby eliminating his strong opponent. In 1328 he received from the Mongol khan a label for the Vladimir principality. In his reign, Moscow firmly consolidated its superiority in the North-Eastern Russia. In addition, at this time there is a close alliance between the Grand Duke and the Church, which played a significant role in the formation of a centralized state. Metropolitan Peter moved his residence from Vladimir to Moscow, which became the most important religious center.

In his relations with the Mongolian khans, Ivan Kalita pursued a policy of maneuvering and the proper payment of tribute. The collection of funds from the population was conducted with considerable rigidity, which led to the accumulation of significant wealth in the hands of the ruler. It was during the principality of Kalita that the foundation of Moscow's power was laid. His son Semyon already claimed the title "Grand Duke of All Russia".

The unification of lands around Moscow

During the reign of Kalita, Moscow was able to recover from the succession of internecine wars and lay the foundations for effective economic and economic systems. This power was supported by the erection in 1367 of the Kremlin, which was a military-defensive fortress.

In the middle of the XIV century. In the struggle for supremacy in the Russian land princes of the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod and Ryazan principalities are included. But Tver remained the main opponent of Moscow. Opponents of the powerful principality often sought support from the Mongol khan or from Lithuania.

The unification of Russian lands around Moscow is associated with the name of Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, who besieged Tver and achieved recognition of his power.

The Battle of Kulikovo

In the second half of the XIV century. The great princes of Russia direct all their forces to fight the Mongolian Khan Mamai. In the summer of 1380 he and his army approached the southern borders of Ryazan. In contrast, Dmitry Ivanovich put up a 120-thousand squadron, which moved in the direction of the Don.
On September 8, 1380, the Russian army took positions on Kulikovo Field, and on the same day the decisive battle took place - one of the largest battles in medieval history.

The defeat of the Mongol accelerated the disintegration of the Golden Horde and strengthened the importance of Moscow as the center of the unification of Russian lands.

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