
Omission of the uterus. How to treat?

Omission of the uterus is a fairly common disease, which is more often diagnosed in women after 40 years, although it can also occur at the age of 20-30. The disease develops gradually, constantly progressing. Fortunately, treatment of uterine omission almost always gives a positive result.

The omission of the uterus is the displacement of the organ downward with a gradual or partial loss of it.

There are several degrees of the disease. The first degree is characterized by gaping of the genital gaps and a slight lowering of the vaginal walls. At the second degree, the walls of the vagina, bladder, and rectum are omitted. At the third degree - the cervix is located right at the entrance to the vagina. The fourth degree is an incomplete fallout of the organ, while the neck extends beyond the vagina. At the fifth degree there is a complete prolapse of the organ with the inverted walls of the vagina.

With the omission of the uterus, there is pain in the abdomen, sacrum, sometimes in the lower back. A woman senses the presence of a foreign body in the vagina and experiences pain during sexual intercourse. There are bleaches or bloody discharge. Frequent urination is observed. Urine does not hold when you sneeze, laugh, cough, or exercise. Sometimes disturbances of work of an intestine arise: constipations, a hemorrhoids, gases, an incontience of a feces. With the omission of the uterus, as a rule, develop other diseases of the genitourinary system: nephritis, omission of the kidneys, cystitis and others.

Most often, uterine prolapse occurs in women who have given birth many times, as a result of which the ligaments and muscles that hold the internal organs have weakened. The cause of the disease can become birth trauma and crotch ruptures, congenital diseases of the pelvic region, surgical operations on reproductive organs, connective tissue diseases, impaired supply of nerves to the urogenital diaphragm, deficiency of estrogen in menopause, abnormal position of the uterus, especially its deviation posteriorly.

Modern gynecology, omission of the uterus does not consider a terrible diagnosis, as the disease is very successfully treated at all stages. Although in some cases serious complications of the disease are possible.

So, the woman was diagnosed with uterine prolapse. How to treat?

There are conservative, surgical and folk methods of treating the disease, the choice of which is individual and depends on the stage of the disease.

With a small degree of omission, conservative treatment is practiced.

Omission of the uterus. How to treat non-surgically?

Such treatment includes special gymnastics and gynecological massage, which strengthen the pelvic floor musculature.

When the uterus is lowered, use the uterine ring, which is inserted into the vagina in order to keep the cervix in the desired position. The disadvantage of this method is that the ring is often lowered, it must be constantly washed, removed during sexual intercourse.

With a non-invasive method of treatment, hormonal drugs are used that strengthen the ligaments of the genital organs and improve the blood supply of this area.

At the given pathology it is necessary to observe a diet relieving of constipations, to wear a bandage, to avoid lifting weights and heavy physical work.

A very effective and proven means is a surgical operation, without which you can not do without the last degrees of ovulation and loss of the uterus.

Omission of the uterus. How to treat surgically?

If a woman is no longer going to give birth, it is advisable to arrange the uterus. If the childbearing organs need to be maintained, then an operation is performed using artificial matrices-a prolene mesh. Now doctors are available advanced technology, allowing you to perform surgery through the vagina and through punctures. Simultaneously perform an operation that normalizes the position of the bladder, which relieves of problems with urination.

Omission of the uterus. How to treat folk remedies?

Traditional medicine always enjoys great popularity among people. When the uterus is lowered, medicinal herbs and preparations are used. Folk methods are aimed at eliminating pain and improving the tone of the uterine musculature.

There are many simple recipes that have long been used by folk healers.

Melissa (2 tablespoons) pour half a liter of boiling water and insist in the thermos during the night. Drink an hour before eating two-thirds of the glass.

Mix 75 grams of oregano and lemon balm, and 100 grams of coltsfoot. Two st. Spoons of dry collection pour boiling water (half a liter) and insist about 8 hours. An hour before a meal, drink two-thirds of the glass.

70 grams of oak bark pour water (two liters), boil over a small fire for 2 hours. Do douching daily for a month.

A tablespoon with a hill of dried roots elecampane pour half a liter of vodka and insist in the dark for 10 days. Take it on an empty stomach every morning on a tablespoon.

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