
In what terms is it necessary to perform ultrasound of the fetus?

The ultrasound of the fetus is one of the methods of intrauterine monitoring of the condition and development of the child. This procedure is based on the action of sound waves, whose oscillation frequency is not audible to the human ear. Like echoes, they are reflected from various tissues with varying strength, turning into a picture that is displayed on the monitor.

What does the fetal ultrasound:

  • Sets the exact duration of pregnancy.
  • Determines the number of embryos.
  • Determines the place where the placenta was attached.
  • Detects the presence of fibroids or other formations in the small pelvis, which, in one way or another, interfere with the favorable development of pregnancy.
  • In time reveals the pathology of fetal development.

During pregnancy, the future mother will need to visit three planned ultrasound of the fetus.

The first is held for a period of 10 to 14 weeks. The main goal of this procedure is to identify the presence of viral defects (for example, hydrocephalus or Down Syndrome) and determine the date of birth. In the case of pathology, the doctor decides either to keep the pregnancy or to get rid of it (naturally, with the consent of the mother).

The second expert ultrasound of the fetus needs to be done between the 20th and 24th weeks. At this time, the fetus has already clearly formed all the organs, and this study is conducted to study their development. If any pathology is found, intrauterine treatment is used. Also, in the second study, the condition of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid are carefully analyzed.

The third ultrasound is performed for a period of 30 to 34 weeks. It also examines all internal organs of the fetus, assesses the condition of the placenta, uterus and amniotic fluid.

In addition to planned ultrasound, a doctor can also schedule an unscheduled study. The reason for its conduct can be:

  • This study is performed to clarify the timing of pregnancy before: stimulation of labor, cesarean section, the conduct of abortion.
  • The presence of certain diseases of the mother (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, preeclampsia, etc.), which can cause fetal growth intrauterine retardation.
  • Bleeding during pregnancy.
  • If you suspect a multiple pregnancy.
  • When the formation in the pelvic cavity is detected, which was revealed during a manual examination.
  • To exclude an ectopic pregnancy.
  • With suspicions of a frozen pregnancy (fetal death).
  • If you suspect small or polyhydramnios.
  • To assess the fetal anomalies identified earlier.

The whole procedure of ultrasound takes no more than 25 minutes. It is absolutely painless and safe for both the woman and the fetus. At the term of pregnancy less than 12 weeks, ultrasound is performed by a vaginal sensor, more than 12 - by a sensor, which is driven to the stomach.

In recent years, future moms began to use a new type of diagnosis - 3d fetal ultrasound. This study is a three-dimensional ultrasound, which gives even more information about some of the defects of the fetus. In addition, 3D ultrasound allows the pregnant woman to see some parts of the baby's body and his face. Also, the entire procedure can be recorded on a digital medium.

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