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Oligophrenopedagogy is what? Fundamentals of oligophrenopedagogy

Pre-school oligophrenopedagogy plays an important role in the development of children who have serious problems with mental health.

Stages of development

Studies carried out in the field of teaching and educating preschool children with serious intellectual disabilities have made it possible to distinguish three periods:

  1. The development of correctional pedagogy from 1930 to 1978. At that time, the pedagogical experience accumulated, the psychological, pedagogical and clinical features of the state of mentally retarded toddlers of the preschool period were accumulated, the regulatory and legal framework, scientific and methodical literature for creating special correctional preschools was prepared.
  2. Modernization of the content of correctional-educational activity in preschool institutions for children with intellectual disabilities from 1978 to 1992
  3. Orientation to early detection of intellectual disorders in preschool children, psychological and pedagogical correction of revealed violations, connection to the teaching process of parents (1992 - our days).

The formation of oligophrenopedagogy in the pre-university

Let us analyze the periods of its formation in more detail.

In the first special role played the theory of LS Vygotsky. In the thirties of the last century in Russia, the main regularities of the formation of the child's psyche were revealed. Studies conducted during this period showed that the formation of higher mental functions of a person occurs after birth. This process is influenced by the social environment, education and upbringing. As a result of the data obtained, the teachers were able to assess the relationship between social and biological factors in the development of the preschooler, and the foundations of oligophrenopedagogics appeared.

Domestic theory of development of cognition of preschool children

Scientists have established the fact of gradual formation of cognition of preschool children by disclosing the opportunities inherent in it. The theory of LS Vygotsky allowed teachers to pick up new methods of oligophrenopedagogy for preschool age.

Soviet psychologists DB El'konin, AN Leont'eva have shown that education is not simply a leading factor in the formation of intellect, the development of mental processes, but also in the development of the creative activity of preschoolers. The result of the continued work of a group of educators in close relationship with psychologists was the emergence in the second half of the last century of developmental education in preschool pedagogy.

The Importance of Developmental Education for Oligophrenopedagogy

A similar way of teaching mentally retarded preschool children appeared in 1975. It was at this time in Moscow was opened a special pre-school facility designed for infants with intellectual disabilities. In the course of the research it was possible to establish that correction of abnormal development is possible only with developing training, the application of the theory of sensitive periods. A baby with developmental disabilities needs a detailed and timely pedagogical effect. The effectiveness of correctional and educational activities directly depends on when the work was started. Oligophrenopedagogy is the education and development of such children. The earlier problems are identified, a program for their elimination has been developed, the more chances that the correction will have positive results.

Program for the education of mentally retarded preschool children

It was published in 1976. In addition to the creation of educational and teaching methods, special recommendations were developed for their implementation in pre-school educational institutions for children with intellectual disabilities. In the methodology it was noted that oligophrenopedagogics is a division of defectology, specializing in the problems of development and education of mentally retarded toddlers.

At the end of the 20th century, research continued in this area of pedagogy. Retraining was conducted in oligophrenopedagogics of educators, child psychologists. The result of the work of the group of psychologists and teachers of the Dow was the creation of the theory of the activity approach to the development of the personality of the preschool child. Researchers have published several scientific collections in which it was noted that oligophrenopedagogy is not a verdict, but an excuse for hardened work of teachers. Appeared in the 80 years of the last century and a special program developed by O. P. Gavrilushkin, ND Sokolov, intended for the training and education of mentally retarded children of preschool age.

It deals with the fact that oligophrenopedagogy is an important direction of pedagogical activity, which presupposes an integrated approach to the development and upbringing of children with intellectual disabilities. The emphasis was placed on the creation of optimal conditions for the formation of children's activities. The training programs for the development of preschool children from 3 to 8 years have been calculated. They assume the identification and correction of the personality of the baby with a broken intellect.

Attention is paid to an integrated approach to the activities of children with intellectual disabilities.

Specificity of children's oligophrenopedagogy

So what is oligophrenopedagogy? The definition indicates that, first of all, there is a system of actions aimed at overcoming mental disorders in preschool children, helping such children in adapting to the social environment. In addition to the traditional role-playing games used in the DOW, special attention is paid to visual activities. Children who have serious problems with intelligence are involved in educators and psychologists in the design, they are offered classes on modeling, drawing. In the course of such activities, the development of fine motor skills in preschool children develops, their speech apparatus develops, and the skills of communicative communication are formed. Even with serious deviations in development, with the correct approach of educators and psychologists, it is possible to form elementary mathematical representations, as well as laying the foundations of behavior in society.

Modern oligophrenopedagogy

What is studying oligophrenopedagogics now? The attention of educators and psychologists is attracted to the search for new forms and methods of working with preschoolers, who are lagging far behind their peers in intellectual development. In the main, special correctional preschool institutions act as a form of providing correctional support for preschool children with problems in intellectual development. It is here that speech therapy is well developed. Oligophrenopedagogy functions according to special programs approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, in close interrelation of educators with medical workers, child psychologists.

Research in oligophrenopedagogy in Russia

Modern research conducted in the field of correctional pedagogy is primarily focused on the creation of a special concept for early detection of problems, the timely psychological and pedagogical correction of the revealed deviations in the mental development of preschool children. In order for the work of specialists to be effective, correctional pedagogy should develop in connection with the institution of family education.

The application of the family-social approach in the early diagnosis of intellectual abnormalities in preschoolers implies the support of a specialist defectologist. After identifying the problems, the question of further training the baby is solved. A special commission is created, which includes not only medical workers, but also a defectologist, educator, speech therapist, child psychologist. If the doctors confirm the diagnosis, if there are serious mental deviations from the norm, the preschool child is sent for further education and training in a specialized preschool institution.

Problems of preschool oligophrenopedagogy

The main subject of preschool oligophrenopedagogy is the study of the theoretical parameters of the education and upbringing of mentally retarded children. It is at this age that the fastest possible formation of properties and qualities that transform a biological being into a human being occurs. At this stage of development, a certain foundation is created, which is necessary for the subsequent formation of special skills and abilities, assimilation of various types of activities.

In addition to the qualities and properties of the children's psyche that determine the nature of behavior, a relationship to the surrounding world and nature is formed. If in this period it is not possible to fully correct the intellectual development of the baby, this will negatively affect its subsequent development.


Oligophrenopedagogy has recently attracted the attention of psychologists and educators, since children with serious deviations in intellectual development become, unfortunately, every year more and more. In the state of many preschool institutions there is a psychologist, a teacher-speech therapist. Their task is to identify problems in the early stages of development with speech, memory, concentration, etc. It is from the professionalism of these employees that the deviations in the intellectual development of preschool children will be detected in a timely manner. The main problem is that many unfavorable factors concerning mental retardation are protracted.

GEF second generation, introduced in preschool educational institutions, aimed at early diagnosis of the creative abilities of children. With a serious attitude of teachers to the new federal educational standards, invented specifically for preschool institutions, it is possible to identify quickly in a group of children with mental retardation, to provide them with all possible assistance, to attract professionals: doctors, psychologists, and speech therapists to work with such preschool children.

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