Food and drinkRecipes

Okroshka on serum

Okroshka, the composition of which can be very diverse, as a basis can have kvass, whey, kefir, mineral water. The history of this dish is more than a thousand years old, and for all this time the recipe for its preparation has undergone many changes.

Okroshka on the serum becomes more and more popular because of its useful properties and low caloric value, as well as cheapness. Serum is a by-product in the production of cottage cheese and cheeses, and therefore is inexpensive.

Okroshka on whey is prepared from a standard set of products - boiled potatoes, eggs, ham, boiled sausage or boiled meat, radish, green onions, fresh cucumbers and greens. For refueling use mustard and a little sugar. Potato tubers are boiled, then cut into small cubes. Green onion, dill and parsley finely chopped. Dice eggs, cucumber, radish and ham. Sliced ingredients are filled with whey, salt, pepper, add mustard and sugar. Put in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. Okroshka on whey can be served with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Some housewives add a bit of horseradish sauce and citric acid to the dish. Okroshka on whey can be prepared in different densities - it all depends on personal preferences. From meat products you can use boiled veal and beef, chicken fillet, turkey, cooked sausage, ham and many other products. The main secret of the dish is "Okroshka on Serum" - a harmonious taste, in which no one ingredient should prevail. All products should be cut into neat little cubes.

No less popular is okroshka, cooked on kvass. Now this drink can be found in a variety of variations on the shelves of stores. But if you cook kvass for okroshki at home, it will be much more useful.

This traditional Russian drink is prepared in several ways: from ready-made leaven, black bread, wort, with or without yeast. The easiest way to prepare kvass from a dry mix. Drink is obtained with a rich bread taste very beautiful shade. The leaven, formed during fermentation, can be used further. Ideally, the drink is prepared from a mixture of rye malt and dry kvass, but if there is no component, then you can cook on one. The first cooked kvass smells a little yeast, so it is better not to use it for okroshki.

It will take 3 tablespoons of dry kvass, rye crumbs, dry yeast, sugar - 4 tablespoons, rye fermented malt - about 2 tablespoons. In a clean three-liter can, malt, dry kvass and
sugar. The mixture is poured warm boiled water "on the shoulders." The can is poured into the can
A pinch of dry yeast and mix. On top put a few rye crumbs, cover with a clean cloth and leave to wander at room temperature. Kvass is ready the next day. Before consumption, kvass must be filtered through a layer of gauze and cooled.

The starter can be used repeatedly, but it is necessary to store it in the refrigerator. In order to make a new portion of kvass, all ingredients, except yeast, should be added to the ferment.

In addition to whey and kvass, as a basis for okroshki you can use yogurt and decoction of rhubarb. The milk is diluted with cold water or mineral water. To improve the taste of okroshka you can fill with yolks of hard-boiled eggs, mashed with sugar and mustard. In order to prepare a decoction of rhubarb, it is washed, cleaned, cut into small slices and boiled. Then the broth should be cooled.

Many housewives pre-clean the peel with cucumbers, intended for okroshki. Remove it from the tips of the vegetable, so as not to smash the bitterness, which is, basically, near them.

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