Fashion, Clothing
Style punk in fashion and life
Regardless of what views a person holds, he can in any case demonstrate this through his outfit. The choice today is so diverse that it allows everyone to have their say. But fashion does not stand still. What was perceived yesterday only as belonging to a certain group, today is style. An excellent example is the style of punk. Not long ago, back in the 70s of the last century, punks were a broad movement, a subculture formed in contrast to the popular hippies.
Who are they, punks?
The struggle for peace is, of course, a worthwhile task, but it somehow quickly bored young people. People wanted something more frank, provocative, something completely different.
Soon this obscenity passed from the stage to the real world and became something like a guide to action. On its basis, the punk lifestyle developed as a manifestation of a particular subculture. Punks led an open propaganda of sex and violence.
Lost people became more and more. Gradually, leather jackets, ragged jeans and stretched shirts were no longer conceived separately, but represented a peculiar and unified style - punk.
Many years passed, however, little has changed. The punk style is still associated with the Iroquois and stockings in the grid. In general, only the philosophy of the movement has changed a little: modern punks, though they express love for freedom and the desire for independence, still respect the opinion of others.
Clothing for punks then and now invariably catchy and cocky. Such things attract attention, standing out from the general mass. In addition, a distinctive feature of the style is deliberate negligence. Hence the numerous holes and patches. Stretched, as if already worn by someone something - also a classic of the genre. Of the decor elements, punks prefer rough metal: spikes, massive chains, lightning bolts.
Girls-punks: the image
The style of punk in clothes for girls, among other things, is characterized by blatant and provocative sexuality. These are tight, to an obscenity short dresses that allow you to consider in all details black or in a net stockings.
By the way, they do not have to be in perfect condition. Torn and with arrows - that is necessary. T-shirts can be replaced with corsets, more like women's underwear than the subject of an everyday wardrobe. If the jeans - it is sure to skin, and even better than dzhegins, showing all the curves of the figure.
The image of a punk man
In men, in this sense, everything is much more modest. Formless shirts, jackets, ducks, narrow jeans - that's all. True, any image will save accessories, and in the case of punk style , this applies even to guys, because it does not sound glamorous at all.
On the contrary, additional details can in principle be anything: straps with spikes and massive metal buckles, wristbands and bracelets, chokers resembling collars. All this is certainly made of leather, decorated with skulls and rivets. The style of punk also includes massive rings, chains, badges with indecent inscriptions and even banal English pins, pinned in the right place.
Shoes also matter. These can be ordinary sneakers, coarse shoes or shoes on an incredibly high platform. Girls, as a rule, choose boots, certainly on heels, or so-called shoes for striptease.
Punk-style haircut: what is it?
Haircuts in the style of punk to match the clothes. This is a partially or completely shaved head, and it does not matter how long the hair is. Although, of course, mostly punks wear short hairstyles with a shaved temporal part. As a rule, long hair remains only in the center of the head, it is convenient to form the Iroquois from them. These are the men's haircuts in the style of punk.
For girls there are no general recommendations. Hair can be long, and then they perfectly complement the overall sexuality of the image. In addition, in this case, it is not necessary to shave the temporal part, it is easy to create an imitation, braiding several braids laterally. Hairstyle can be short, which will give the appearance of even more insolence.
In addition to haircuts, the color of hair is also important. It can be absolutely anything: discolored white, black black, fiery red or even unnatural. For example, red, green, blue, or purple.
Girls usually supplement their image and make-up. It must be indispensable and bright. There are no rules and frames. Bright red, brick, dark brown, cherry, even black shades of lipsticks are not just permissible, but are mandatory. Eyes should also stand out.
The style of punk is multifaceted and complex. It is dominated by simple fabrics, dark colors, metallic accessories. But where else is more important. Punks are not just an appearance, it is a state and type of behavior.
Such people demonstrate their open conflict with existing orders, views and ideas. Because only really strong and liberated people can wear things in the style of punk and feel at the same time comfortable. However, for all its gloom, this style can not be called overly aggressive. With the right combination, this is a protest, but skilfully built, thought out to the last detail.
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