Automobiles, Cars
Motor show "Eleks" (Moscow, street Obrucheva, 21): customer reviews
The purchase of a car is a serious issue, which requires considerable preparation. It is important to find out as much information as possible about the seller, his reputation. Pick up the car that suits you best, and also take care to be able to pay for the purchase on time. Well, if the car dealership you are applying to, will create comfortable conditions for the purchase of the car. In this article we will pay attention to the salon "Incom-Auto" (formerly "Eleks"). How do customers respond to it? What are the features of his work?
About company
Despite the fact that almost half the families of the Russian Federation today have a personal car in their personal use, the demand for cars does not stop growing. This means that the population's need for such products will remain at a sufficiently high level for a long time, which will ensure the absence of a decline in sales.
This is due not only to the desire to purchase a brand new car, but also with the desire to replace the boring machine with another, more powerful and attractive. In any case, potential buyers always face a question: where to turn?
There are several items that should be considered:
- The first is the time of work in the niche of the market in question. The company "Eleks", today known as "Incom-Auto", has been in existence for almost twenty years. During this time the showrooms have gained a good reputation and ensured a high level of customer loyalty.
- The second is the company's personnel. Employees of the company in question have all the necessary knowledge and practical skills, as well as have extensive experience in the selection and sale of cars. Moreover, the specialists of the company perfectly manage and after-sales service of each machine. Such employees regularly undergo special training, which is carried out by automobile manufacturers.
- The third factor is the breadth of the assortment. Motor show "Eleks" (Moscow, Obrucheva str., 21), reviewed in this article, offers its customers an incredible variety of models available. More details of the company's assortment will be considered further.
- The fourth factor is price policy and convenience. So, judging by how the "Eleks" salon in Moscow reviews (Obrucheva street), it sets prices for cars quite democratic. Moreover, now you can solve all the issues related to the purchase of the machine, for one short visit to the representative office of the company. You have the opportunity to choose and test the car you like, arrange a loan, pay for the purchase and get all the necessary documents for the car right away. A strong role in this is played by the strong partnership relations of Incom-Auto (formerly Eleks) with successful Russian banks. Also, you can safely expect that the auto show will present you with a small but pleasant gift.
Salon "Eleks" in Moscow: reviews
Ul. Obrucheva is known for many to the car dealership located on it. The overwhelming majority of responses are positive. Customers value the conscientious attitude of managers and democratic prices for cars. It is also important that the cost of the car will not change at the time of the conclusion of the transaction, as, unfortunately, it happens in many salons.
Negative feedback
Of course, sometimes the negative reactions of the auto show "Eleks" (Moscow, street Obrucheva, 21). Reviews of this plan, as a rule, are related to the incompetence of a particular employee, who provided advice by phone. For example, in a conversation it was reported that the desired car in the required configuration is available, but in the cabin it was not. Also, some managers do not report on actual promotions. Thus, customers buy promotional cars at regular prices. In order to avoid such a misunderstanding, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the current, profitable offers, and then ask managers of the salon directly about them.
What cars are offered by the "Eleks" motor show (Moscow, 21 Obrucheva Street)?
Reviews report an incredible variety of available machines, which gives an opportunity for everyone to choose an option that suits his taste, needs and financial capabilities.
Among the available brands are the following: Opel, Volkswagen, Lada, Citroen, Suzuki, Kia, Peugeot, Ford, Gili, Mazda, Nissan, ZAZ, Ravon, Honda, Hyundai, TagAZ, Cheri, Renault, Datsun, Toyota, Skoda.
A pleasant bonus for the company's clients are special offers for the purchase of cars, which regularly updates the showroom "Eleks" (Moscow, 21 Obrucheva street). The model range of cars that are available today at the promotional cost, is quite diverse in order to allow everyone to find something suitable. For example, at the moment, special offers for cars 2015-2016 of the following brands are relevant: Volkswagen, Renault, Nissan, Hyundai, Chevrolet, Opel, Ford, Skoda, Cheri, Gili, Citroen, Toyota, Mazda, Suzuki, and some others. In order to take advantage of the discount, it is enough to apply to the showroom "Eleks" in Moscow, to Obrucheva. There you will be given the necessary information and explain all the features of the action.
As often happens, that the car breaks down so much that it is not possible to restore it, and the owner simply can not purchase a new car. However, now this problem has a solution. On the territory of the Russian Federation, a special program for the recycling of cars was resumed. It will remain relevant throughout the year 2017. What is its essence?
Everything is simple enough: the owner gives his old car to scrap, thus obtaining a substantial discount on the purchase of a new car. It is assumed that more than one hundred and seventy thousand motorists will still be able to use this program. The received discount will be relevant only for Russian cars of any brand or value. The car that is scrapped can be in any condition and any year of release, but it must necessarily be in use for at least one year. The car will need to be brought to the salon along with a technical passport.
There is also an alternative option - to recycle the machine directly through the dealer. However, for this it will be necessary to additionally issue a power of attorney confirming the transfer of the car in order to subsequently dispose of it.
Now you can exchange your old car for a new one! This service is offered by the "Eleks" auto show (Moscow, 21 Obrucheva Street). Photo and description of available machines for exchange are on the company's website. This will help make a deliberate choice.
So, first, you will need to carefully fill out an application on the website of the showroom. This will also give you an additional discount on the new car. Next, experts will evaluate your car and find out what amount will need to be paid. Payment can be made in cash or you can arrange a loan or installments.
Why exchange is better to address it in the showroom "Eleks" (Moscow, street Obrucheva, 21a). Reviews recommend it, because the company in question also takes on a lot of bureaucratic moments. For example, it puts the car you bought into the account at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, installs any additional equipment, relieves you of the need to independently look for a buyer for your old car, gives the new car to you for use immediately after the transaction. The salon in question guarantees the safety and reliability of such an exchange.
Today, it is not necessary to save money for buying a car. There is a much more convenient opportunity - to issue a loan. Now it is safe, does not threaten the safety of your property or the welfare of your family.
What documents are needed to apply for a loan? Certificate of income, passport, and driver's license. It is necessary to be a citizen of the Russian Federation. The interest rate on loans starts from three and a half percent, and the first installment starts from zero percent of the loan amount. The loan repayment period is from three months to seven years. The application for its receipt will be considered within one working day. The maximum amount is three and a half million rubles. It is also possible to provide your old car as a down payment.
An alternative is express credit. You will need thirty to forty minutes for it and only two documents, namely: a driving license and a passport. Other conditions coincide with those for classical programs.
In some cases, you can take advantage of special credit conditions. It is strongly recommended to pay attention to this opportunity, which offers a showroom "Eleks" in Moscow, reviews. Ul. Obrucheva 21, according to many customers, is one of the best places where you can draw up a lucrative loan for the purchase of a car. What are these special conditions mentioned?
There are a number of programs that you can use. Among them: programs without CASCO, loans for residents of regions, a loan without a certificate of income, the opportunity to choose a bank, a loan of up to seven years, a loan without a down payment.
What are the conditions for this type of payment for a purchase? What does the "Eleks" auto show (Moscow, Obrucheva street, 21) require from customers? Reviews recommend in advance to read all the rules.
So, the minimum down payment is fifty percent of the total purchase price. No interest is charged on this loan. The loan is approved by the bank in ninety-eight percent of cases. The maximum amount of installments is one million rubles, and the maximum payment period is three years. CASCO client is not imposed, and made out only at his request.
You should have a passport, a driving license and a notarized copy of your work record card.
Cars for sale
Also, used cars offer a showroom "Eleks" (Moscow, street Obrucheva, 21). The lineup allows you to find a suitable car. There are cars of the order of forty brands, including: Audi, Deo, Fiat, Cheri, Chrysler, Dodge, Land Rover, Jeep, Opel, Seat, "Suzuki", VAZ, TagAZ, Volkswagen, BMW, Chevrolet, Citroen, Ford, Infiniti, Lexus, Mazda, Nissan, Renault, Peugeot, "Skoda", "Subaru", "Toyota", "Volvo", UAZ and others. Prices also vary. The most affordable model is "Deo Nexia" in 2009 (its cost is one hundred seventy five thousand rubles), and the most expensive one is the "Toyota RAV4" in 2011 (its cost is nine hundred and fifty thousand rubles).
Such wide assortment of used cars constantly offers a motor show "Eleks" (Moscow, street Obrucheva, 21). "Nissan", "Renault", "Chevrolet" - regardless of the desired brand managers will help you find the most suitable alternative. As you know, to buy a used car should be approached seriously, so the help of experienced professionals will be very welcome.
The address on which the motor show "Eleks" is located: Moscow, ul. Obrucheva, 21a.
Also in the south of the capital there is another branch, which is located on Ryazan Avenue, 7d.
The auto show in question offers its customers an amazing opportunity to purchase a new high-quality car with comfortable payment terms. Decide on the purchase, and you will certainly get into the personal use of the machine of your dreams.
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