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Zinaida Baranova, a Russian woman sun-eyed. Pranic food

The modern world has more than 30,000 people who call themselves sun-eaters. They argue that for a happy life the human body absolutely does not need food and water resources. Naturally, modern medicine denies this behavior, because it sees in such a "diet" a greater threat to a full life. But those who have chosen their own way of prana consider themselves absolutely healthy and happy people who live in harmony with themselves and the world around them. Can you really remain a healthy person, eating only solar energy and the rays of the heavenly body? How many people can live without food?

Answers to these questions were found by Zinaida Baranova. For 12 years, this woman did not eat food and water. According to her personal statements, she did it absolutely consciously. How the fate of this interesting person has developed, and whether she eats regular food at the present time, you will learn from the following narrative.

Is life possible without food?

I wonder how many people can live without water and food? The answer to this question depends on a number of different factors. First of all, the desire and the level of willpower are important. There are cases in history when prisoners in prison arranged strikes in the form of a complete refusal to eat. Believing people observe the Holy Fasting as a procedure for purifying the body and thinking of excess garbage. One Indian resident named Gandhi observed the strictest fast of 21 days. Sometimes people who have fallen into difficult life circumstances due to a catastrophe or natural disasters, are not voluntarily forced to do without food and water for a long time. This continues until the rescue services are found.

Medical workers agree that a healthy person can starve for eight weeks. Historical data prove that many people can not do without food for a long time. Being in good physical shape and large stocks of body fat helps a person survive the difficult time of eating. The speed of metabolism is also an important factor in maintaining the normal functioning of human body systems. People with slow metabolism are more likely to survive without food. The climatic conditions have a significant influence. The piercing cold and grueling heat significantly shorten the period of time that a person can live without replenishing energy by eating food. In a temperate climate, a person can live without food much longer.

The usual result of fasting

Medical theory is adamant: the result of a long process of starvation is the failure of the work of the organs of the human body. The patient begins severe pain, hallucinations, spasms, convulsions and other disorders occur. From a practical point of view, prolonged starvation ends in death.

Biography of Zinaida Baranova

Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova was born in 1937. Until a certain moment, her life did not differ from that of her peers. Like everyone else, she graduated with a degree in industrial technology. She worked as an engineer, got a family, became the mother of her daughter and son. In the city of Krasnodar she taught chemistry and even prepared for the defense of the thesis. At that time Zinaida still had a mundane level of consciousness and claimed that she was a convinced materialist.

A succession of misfortunes

But in 1980 Zinaida Baranova was struck by blows of fate. She survived the death of her beloved parents, then buried the eighteen-year-old son who died in a car accident. These tragic events seriously undermined the health of the woman and provoked severe depression.


Stay in serious condition negatively affected the nervous system of Zinaida. Her joints began to hurt, and in this regard, after a comprehensive survey she was assigned a second group of disabilities. According to the woman herself, at that time it seemed to her that life was over. In this condition, she was for a whole decade. And only after this time I decided to completely change my mind.

Attempts to recover

First of all, Zinaida began to experience unconventional ways of healing the body. First, the system of Porfiry Ivanov was tried. His technique is aimed at tempering and walking barefoot in any weather. Zinaida also completely changed her views on nutrition. Meat and fish were removed from the diet. After internal changes, the woman decided to change the environment and moved to a house located in the foothills of the Caucasus.

She found an ideal solution for herself: solitude and nutrition of plant food. Zinaida grew most of the greenery herself, collecting some plants in the nearest natural areas.

Vision and inner voice

For seven years Zinaida Baranova lived alone. In March 2000 an incredible phenomenon happened. As the heroine of the article tells, she had a vision: existence without food. She gladly decided to starve, especially when the Great Lent was approaching. At that time, it was easy for her, because Zinaida had previously practiced drinking diets. The woman consumed various vegetable infusions, honey tea and soy milk. After two weeks, another vision made her refrain from drinking water and other fluids.

Grace and rebirth

The first days of abstinence were accompanied by a poor state of health, a weak condition, dry mouth, skin flaking, the appearance of formations on the body. Within 40 days the weight of the woman decreased by 10 kg.

This time Zinaida suffered with great difficulty. A woman admits that fear has visited her constantly. But after a month and a half her condition stabilized, and she began to do without food and water. There was a full transition to pranic nutrition.

She said that her body had undergone a stage of total purification and was receiving food from other sources, namely, the process of transforming solar energy. Zinaida Baranova did not physically feel the flow of this energy, but she knew that it penetrates into her organism and is a natural process, like a respiratory reflex.

Work on the negative

Over the course of nine months, Zinaida had to work on her mind and clean it of the negative. To cope with this problem, she constantly prayed. Over time, I began to feel differently and realized that I really got a second birth.

State of the body

Zinaida Baranova did not feel hungry, but the digestive system fully retained its original functions. Over time, she stopped growing plants, her home disappeared refrigerator and stove, she never went to the store for groceries.

Where does energy for life come from, if a person does not eat or drink

According to the heroine of the article, energy for the life of the organism comes through the chakras. Water resources are fully contained in the air masses and enter the human body through the lungs and skin cells. She calls her way of life and choice of dietary regime "autotrophy", and she is absolutely not concerned with the people's conjectures on the following: "Are the sun-eaters a myth or a reality?"

Medical examinations

The society is always wary of deviations from universally recognized norms. All the people around were worried and asked one question: how many people can eat without food? They understood what the consequences of such an attitude to their bodies might be. In 2003, relatives and familiar women insisted on her thorough examination at the Department of Medical Faculty to diagnose the condition of the body.

The professor, who carried out the necessary procedures, established that the biological age of the 67-year-old patient is only 30 years. The woman-sun-boy was absolutely healthy person. All the systems of her body functioned in the usual way.

Communication with Higher Forces

Truthfulness can not be possible without direct contact with spiritual forces. For this reason, Zinaida Baranova went to bed very early, because in the middle of the night she always awakens to communicate with her inner voice and Higher powers. She claims that in this way she could receive information from deceased famous people (writers and musicians).

Distrust and criticism

During the passage of the difficult path of pranic food, the critic and various opinions always accompanied the woman. Zinaida Baranova, whose exposure was the goal of many people, never paid attention to unflattering comments about her life. She just continued to follow her path, which she chose for that period of time as the only correct one for herself. And no one could stop her from doing it.

Return to food nutrition

To date, a single 80-year-old Zinaida Baranova lives in a small village and practically does not communicate with anyone. She does not receive guests and spends her days alone with herself. Now in her life - a difficult period, because the negative energy of others has a negative impact on her health.

Now she knows how many people can survive without water. However, the woman returned to her usual diet, explaining this decision by saying that her inner voice told her about saturation of prana and the need to switch to the traditional type of human nutrition. Now Zinaida eats a variety of food, but in small quantities and not thermally treated. Her state of health is consistently good.

Sunsets: Myth or Reality

Official medicine denies this phenomenon, since it completely contradicts all the basic principles of health. Society has a similar opinion. But those same 30 000 people, who call themselves pranodami, prove the opposite. To believe them or not is everyone's business. In any case, every person is free to dispose of his body and fate independently.

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