
"Odeston": reviews of patients and doctors about the drug

Diseases of the gallbladder in our time is not uncommon. A huge number of people in their address hear the diagnosis of "cholecystitis" and "dyskinesia bile ducts." The causes of these diseases can be different, but the treatment for such ailments should be aimed at strengthening and timely elimination of bile. It is for these purposes very often doctors prescribe the drug "Odeston", reviews of which show that the medicine is really good at coping with these tasks, but the independent use of this tool is unacceptable. Such therapy has the right to appoint only a doctor who will observe the patient's condition throughout the course of treatment.

Action of the drug "Odeston"

The doctors' comments on this cholagogue indicate that the active component of the drug helps to reduce bile stagnation, strengthens its formation and provides excretion. In addition, the drug is aimed at preventing the crystallization of cholesterol. Also, the drug has an antispasmodic effect on the bile ducts. The composition of the drug does not reduce blood pressure and, which is quite important in such diseases, does not affect the intestinal peristalsis. When you use tablets inside the product is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum concentration of the active component is observed in the blood serum 2-3 hours after ingestion. The drug is given through the kidneys in the form of glucoronate - 93%, sulfonate - 1.4%, and unchanged only 0.3% of a single dose.

Composition of the preparation, form of production and cost

In the composition of one Ooston tablet, which has a planocylindrical shape with a chamfer on one side and an engraved Ch on the other, and can be white or yellowish, 200 mg of the active ingredient of hymecromone and such auxiliary substances as potato starch, gelatin, Texapon K12 and magnesium stearate. The tablet form of the preparation is produced in both a blister and in bottles in both forms, 50 pcs. Each. The cost of the drug, depending on the pharmacy network and packaging ranges from 308 to 480 rubles.

In which cases is the

As a rule, this drug in pharmacies is dispensed without a prescription, however, independent use is highly undesirable. It is the doctor who can prescribe the necessary examinations to the patient, who will confirm or refute this or that diagnosis, in which the drug "Odeston" is prescribed. Feedback on this medication is confirmed by the fact that treatment is effective only when recommended by a qualified specialist. The drug is prescribed with such diagnoses:

  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • Dyskinesia of the Oddi sphincter of the hyperkinetic type;
  • As therapy after surgical treatment of biliary tract and gallbladder;
  • Nausea, vomiting, constipation and decreased appetite, formed on the background of hypoxecretion of bile.

Cases in which the drug is prohibited

Like all medicines, Odeston has contraindications. Instructions for use, reviews of which say that the list of side effects from the use of this medicine has a fairly impressive number of items, and the truth is a lot of contraindications. Among them, first of all, there is an individual intolerance of the constituent components, the period of pregnancy and lactation. In pediatrics, also the use of the drug "Odeston" is unacceptable, the testimonies of which testify that it is very difficult to tolerate, and the immature organism is not able to withstand such a medicamentous load. In this list there is also a list of ailments in which the use of the drug is strictly prohibited:

  • Obstruction of the biliary tract;
  • Hepatic and renal insufficiency;
  • hemophilia;
  • An ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • ulcerative colitis.

Side effects of the drug

Side effects have almost every drug of chemical origin, not an exception and "Odeston". The patients' testimonies indicate that when taking these tablets, undesirable consequences may occur, which once again confirms that self-medication is unsafe, since the consequences of such therapy can be very serious. With the use of this medication, diarrhea may develop with its meteorism and cuts, ulceration of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs or other sites of ulceration, abdominal pain or (as they are also called) "permanent" hunger pains, as well as allergic skin rashes and sudden seizures of the head Pain. All these symptoms can manifest themselves separately, and all together.

When to use caution

The list of contraindications states that taking this medication by pregnant women is strictly prohibited, but if there is a risk of worsening the patient's condition and her diagnosis confirms the necessity of using this drug, the doctor can prescribe this medicine if the benefit to the mother is more important than the harm to the fetus. The same applies to women breastfeeding.

Rules for taking the drug

In order for the treatment to be effective, all recommendations regarding the use of Odeston should be followed. Indications for use, reviews on taking this medication say that special attention should be paid to the time interval between the use of these tablets when taking the medication. This rule is very important to observe in order not to exceed the concentration of active substance in the body, which can lead to an overdose that increases the side effects of the drug. As a rule, the daily dose, the maximum amount of which can be 1200 mg, is divided into 3 doses. To drink a tablet follows half an hour before a meal, while it can not be washed down with hot tea and coffee. For this purpose, only water is suitable. One treatment, depending on the patient's condition, can contain from 200 to 400 mg of the drug. The average duration of treatment is about two weeks. However, the doctor may prescribe a different schedule for taking the drug with a longer period.

special instructions

Concerning the driving of vehicles and work in enterprises associated with hazardous activities where increased concentration is required , when taking Ooston, reviews and instructions warn that the active component of the drug does not affect psychomotor reactions in any way.

In special storage conditions, this drug does not need, but do not neglect the standard recommendations for moisture and temperature to 25 degrees. If the conditions are met, the medicine can be stored for 3 years.

Alcohol and medicine "Odeston"

Instruction, reviews, the price of the drug is important enough information for the patient, but it is also worth paying attention to those issues that are often not discussed, which are considered a matter of course. But nevertheless, many people do not consider him, which leads to a worsening of the patient's condition. It is about taking alcohol during therapy. Experts note that drinking alcohol with any kind of medication is highly undesirable. Since alcohol is processed directly by the liver and already undergoing stress from the disease and from the effects of the drug, the addition of alcohols can cause a lot of undesirable and even menacing consequences. Therefore, when taking this medication should not be so risky. And the absence of this item in the special instructions in the instructions to the drug does not mean that such a combination is welcome. You can buy the drug "Odeston" on average for 420-450 rubles, but in some cases, there are prices of both 375 and 505 rubles.

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