
Why bile stagnation occurs

Bile is a physiological environment of the body, taking part in digesting incoming food. Normally, it must enter the gallbladder and there assemble, then perform its functions. The release of bile occurs at a time when the food lump exits the stomach into the duodenum. In case of violations, the release occurs in the stomach, which causes severe burns to the mucous membrane of the organ. The bad thing is that this can happen even for quite healthy people.

Stagnation of bile in the stomach: causes

Incorrect food, uneven eating, shaking after meals, physical exercise after dinner, sleep on the left side, overeating - all this can lead to the ejection of bile in the stomach.

Bile stasis: consequences

Negligent attitude to this problem, an untreated gallbladder, constant stagnation leads to the following consequences:
- Diseases of the digestive system;
- the appearance of stones in the gallbladder;
- Possible inflammation;
- exacerbation of cholecystitis.

Stagnation of bile and inflammatory processes in the gallbladder increase the risk of turning acute cholecystitis into chronic. If symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately.

Drugs for bile congestion

Cholagogue funds are divided into two types: drugs to increase the production of bile acids and bile and preparations for its elimination. Of course, this division is very conditional, because most drugs perform both functions simultaneously: they both increase secretion and eliminate stagnation of bile.
Stimulation of bile formation is provided by choleretics and true choleretics. Appointed drugs such as Allochol, Khologon, Vigeratin, Liobil, Dekholin. The same function is performed by such synthetic drugs as "Holestil", "Odeston", "Holonerton". For bile excretion, medicines "Atropine", "Cholecystokinin", "Choleritin", "Magnesium sulfate", etc. are prescribed.

Stagnation of bile and folk medicine

It should be noted immediately that when using for the treatment of diseases of infusions and herbs, the prescriptions of the doctor should not be ignored. Only combination of medicinal and herbal techniques will lead to the desired result.


Washing of the biliary tract can be done at home. In the evening, dissolve the dessert spoon of magnesia powder in a glass of hot water. In the morning, drink an infusion and lie down in bed. Under the right side, where the liver is located, place a warm water bottle, lie for an hour and a half in this position. Such actions will provoke the release of bile.


Output the bile will help the following products: lemons, mandarins, oranges, cabbage, spinach, dill, tomatoes, celery, any leafy vegetables. A good prevention and treatment will be the use on a hungry stomach 150 grams of beets in raw form.
It is recommended to drink juices from vegetables and fruits (grape, beet, cowberry, cabbage). In the people known diuretic products are corn stigmas, tansy, parsley seeds.


Effective cholagogue means are olive, corn, sunflower oils, and also avocado oil. These oils should be used for preparing various snacks and salads, but not for frying dishes.


This product is good for removing bile. For cooking, you can use the root and leaves of the plant.

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