Food and drink, Recipes
Marinade from beet. Recipe
Beetroot is a product that is traditionally considered an indigenous Russian vegetable. Since the time she became known to people, a great many ways of cooking dishes from her have been invented. This was also promoted by the fact that everything is suitable for food in the beet - both the aboveground part of the plant and the underground part. These parts can be cooked, fried, and marinated. Also, you can safely store it all the time from one harvest to another - nothing will happen to it. All these facts could not but contribute to the wide spread of this plant.
In order to understand how to prepare marinade from beet, it is necessary to remember the following: beets are cleaned only if they are going to fry. In no case can it be stored in water - it flushes all the paint, and in the end it turns out not beet, but already something pale, only remotely similar to it.
Beets are widely used by us and as an independent dish, both as a garinier and as a component of soups and salads. Everyone, probably, the famous soup with the use of beets in the process of cooking is borsch.
A very interesting dish is a beet marinade, the recipe of which, as a rule, is very simple (still it's an appetizer, not some complicated dish). This marinade is characterized by a high content of vitamins.
Marinade from beet. Quick Recipe
Marinade on this recipe can be cooked literally in half an hour. So, to prepare this dish you will need the following products: 1 kilogram of beets, half a tablespoon of sugar, 1 spoon of tea salt, one and a half cups of 3% vinegar, half a glass of water, pepper (not ground, but peas), bay leaf, Cinnamon and cloves.
To begin with, it is necessary to rinse the beets under running water, and then boil them. Here it is important to know a few points: if you do not salt the beets during cooking, it will cook faster; And if time is pressing right at all - then boil the beet for about 18 minutes in boiling water, and then drain the boiling water and pour it again cold - so you will save up to half an hour. Strange fact, but it's true.
The already cooked beets are peeled and cut into strips. Now prepare the marinade - add cloves, peppercorns, cinnamon and salt with bay leaf, sugar and vinegar to the water. The resulting "salad" should be spread over already pre-sterilized jars, pour marinade hot - and everything, ready. Keep it in the fridge.
Marinade from beet. The recipe is more complicated
In this recipe, the vegetables have to be stewed for about an hour and a half, so the cooking stretches for a long time. The components necessary for this recipe: 3 kilograms of stewed beets, 1 kilogram of carrots, as much onions, 2 kilograms of tomatoes, 700 grams of sunflower oil, 200 grams of sugar, 30 grams of salt.
Marinade from the beet is prepared as follows: all the vegetables from this list with your favorite spices (well, those that go marinade standard) are put out for half an hour. When the end of the term remains half an hour, add the vegetable oil and vinegar. To roll in the banks disinfected by the steam.
Marinade from beet. Recipe with wine vinegar
For preparation: 2 cups of wine vinegar (can be found in any supermarket), 3 glasses of water, 2 tablespoons of tea salt, 10 peas of sweet pepper, 6 pieces of cloves, 2 leaves of laurel, 1 kilogram of beets. Wine vinegar gives the dish a special flavor.
Pour wine vinegar into the pot , add salt, sugar, bell pepper, bay leaf and cloves. Let the boil over a large fire and then cool. And the beets in the meantime to wash, boil in salted water and cut into medium-sized pieces. Then in the ready, by that time already cooled, marinade can already be marinated beets. It will be very tasty! Yes, and you can serve many dishes, cold and hot, both on a festive table and on everyday. Bon Appetit!
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