Law, State and Law
Not everyone knows about what benefits labor veterans have
Is it easy to live in our country to retire? The question is rhetorical, unless, of course, we speak of privileged retirees who previously held high government posts. Therefore, any, even insignificant, allowance or exemption is of importance to the person who has devoted his life to work, and in the declining years of having found himself in an uneasy life situation. The article will deal with the benefits that veterans have in Russia.
The title "Veteran of Labor" (based on the Federal Law "On Veterans" of 1994) can be awarded to two categories of citizens:
- Those whose work began at a minor age in the war years (1941-1945). At the same time, the work experience must be at least forty years (men) and thirty-five (women).
- They have orders, medals, honorary titles of federal and regional significance, marks of labor difference from departments.
The given rank is appropriated and appropriate benefits are given to the labor veterans of Russia, provided that there is a general work experience stipulated by the Russian legislation on pensions, and the retirement age is reached.
What does the title give?
Firstly, the mere appropriation of the title means the recognition of merits before the state. But this is only a moral aspect. Equally important (if not more) is the material aspect, which makes it possible to more accurately understand what benefits labor veterans have.
In the first place - health. Spice-bent has the right to use free medical services in all state and municipal hospitals and polyclinics. In addition, he is guaranteed free prosthetics in dental clinics of state submission. Free will be for a well-deserved person and travel in public transport (in addition to taxis).
Further - benefits in monetary terms. For veterans of labor, there are the following discounts:
- 50% of the cost of rent (meaning part of the total area occupied by the beneficiary itself);
- 50% of utility payments (water, gas, heat, electricity) - does not depend on the type of housing;
- 50% of the fare for commuter rail and water transport.
After the introduction of the so-called monetization of benefits, many labor veterans receive their benefits in the form of monthly payments, the amount of which varies depending on the tariffs for housing and communal services and transport in each region. It is worth
The issue of tax benefits to labor veterans is actively discussed as well. For today there is no single intelligible answer. So, the issue of benefits on land tax is fully transferred to the discretion of the regions. According to the transport tax, there are no discounts for veterans. The only affirmative answer to the question of what benefits labor veterans have in the field of taxation concerns the income tax - deductions from pension payments are not provided. All other tax privileges for the title "Veteran of Labor" are under the jurisdiction of local municipal authorities.
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