Food and drinkRecipes

"Nevsky" pie: a recipe according to GOST. Delicious baked goods

For some reason, it is believed that the oil cream is used with a brew, biscuit or puff pastry and is applicable only in cakes and pastries. However, it can be successfully used in other types of products. A dough for yeast pies is quite compatible with butter cream. An example of this can serve as pies, previously widely used in the catering system.

Few will remember today such delicacy as "Nevsky" pie. This kind of baking was widely known in the Soviet years, and it was sold in cafeterias and cookery, most often by weight. It was a product of yeast soft dough, impregnated with syrup and lightly smeared cream based on butter. Its texture is very gentle, and the impregnation imparts a rich taste.

It can be used both as a dish to a festive table, and as simply a dessert for tea drinking. It can be made both in the form of small buns, and in the form of a whole cake.

"Nevsky" and "Boston" pies

At first glance, the Nevsky pie looks like a popular "Boston" dessert today. However, their similarity is only external, but in fact they are two completely different products. If the first case uses a dough for yeast pies, as well as a cream with butter, natural, in the second - biscuit cakes are baked, which are then smeared with custard. In addition, the "Boston" pie is baked in the form of one large crust, while "Nevsky" is made in the form of small items made from dough.

What are the established standards?

Pie "Nevsky", the technological map of which was developed in 1975, was produced in the form of buns elongated oval. On average, one product had a weight of about 200 grams. The length of this bun was a little over 20 centimeters, width - about 10 centimeters. In the finished pie, the moisture content of the crumb should not exceed 40%.

The dough is prepared only by the sponge method. Subsequently, it is divided into blanks, gives them an elongated oval shape and folds so as to exclude the appearance of an impression. The products are necessarily covered with egg grease, which allows them to be so ruddy. Since the technological map assumes no more than 3% of sugar in the finished pie, this batch is never cloyingly sweet. The fat content of the product is also low - according to the established standard, the fat content should not exceed 2.5%.

What is the reason for popularity?

Such pastries can be served on a festive table, as well as simply cooked for breakfast on a day off. Since the cooking process is so simple, and the price of the finished product was small, it used to be one of the most accessible kinds of sweets. Many note that the pie was much more popular than many kinds of cakes ("Abricotin", etc.). Of course, many housewives cooked this dessert at home, but not always the same taste. It's just the production standards that were not known to everyone.

Despite the fact that the Nevsky cake was made earlier in accordance with GOST, it had differences in taste in different regions. At the same time, there is his classic recipe, which can be reproduced at home. What is needed for this?

How to cook "Nevsky" cake at home?

In order to bake a dessert with the same taste as in the Soviet catering, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recipe with the established GOST. What will it take for him? "Nevsky" pie, the recipe of which is presented below, requires the following components.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 800 grams of wheat flour;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 15 grams of vanilla sugar;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 3 whole eggs of chicken and one separated yolk;
  • 40 grams of yeast dry;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • salt.

Ingredients for Cream:

  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 85 grams of condensed milk.

Ingredients for impregnation:

  • 50 ml of cognac;
  • 150 grams of sugar.

In addition, you will need some amount of powdered sugar to sprinkle the finished product.

How to cook "Nevsky" pie

The recipe for this dessert assumes an odious way of preparing a yeast dough. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve the dry yeast in one glass of heated water, pour the mixture into a deep bowl and add to it the vanilla sugar and one glass of flour (sifted). All is required to mix very well and uniformly, then place in a warm place. The bowl must be covered with a dry clean cloth. After about 2-2.5 hours the opara on dry yeast will be ready, and you can start preparing the dough.

It should be diluted with warm water (one glass), then put three eggs, a submerged creamy butter and salt with sugar. All the ingredients need to be mixed very well, after which add the sifted flour to them. Then you need to knead a homogeneous dough, wrap it in a napkin and leave it for a while. While the fermentation process takes place, it is necessary to crush it several times (for the first time - after about 60 minutes). The dough will be ready for use as soon as it stops sticking to your hands.

How to bake

When the dough reaches the desired degree of readiness, it is required to divide it into equal parts and form into round figures. The blanks are laid on a baking tray, pre-oiled. The remaining separated egg yolk is beaten with a fork or a whisk, they should smear buns. Bake "Nevsky" pie required for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Once the products are ready, you need to pull them out of the oven and leave to cool (you do not need to put it on the cold, the room temperature is optimal). At this time, you need to prepare the cream. In addition to these ingredients (condensed milk, butter and sugar), it can be added any flavoring - vanilla, cognac and the like.

Impregnation and coating

Butter slightly softens and rubs well with sugar. Gradually, condensed milk is added to it, which should also be ground. The finished mixture should be homogeneous and thick, without any expressed particles. "Nevsky" pie always had a thick cream with a rich taste, so you should take this task seriously.

At the same time, impregnation is done for the dough. In the water you need to dissolve the sugar, put the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. To sugar completely dissolved, you need to boil it for about 5-7 minutes, then let cool. Once the syrup reaches room temperature, cognac is added to it.

Each piece of dough must be cut lengthwise into two parts. The lower half must be soaked with syrup, and then apply a layer of cream, then connect the two halves of the bun. Ready pies are sprinkled with powdered sugar.

If the observance of the GOST is unprincipled

To the disadvantages of this product, cooked in a catering environment, many include a small amount of cream. As a rule, buns missed evenly, but only in the middle of the cake. It is also worth noting that because of the impregnation of only the lower part of the cake "Nevsky" turned out to be excessively wet from below and excessively dry from above. Obviously, this was allowed in connection with the cheaper production.

To avoid this, you can increase the amount of impregnation and cream on your own preferences. As a rule, twice as many of these components are sufficient than indicated in the classic recipe.

As already mentioned above, you can make a "Nevsky" pie not in the form of individual buns, but in the form of a large cake. This will avoid the rapid drying of the top of the product, and will also allow you to use more impregnation and cream. If you want to conduct your own culinary experiment, you can also smear cakes not with oil but with custard. In this case, you will not need to impregnate, since the dough will easily absorb such stuffing and become wet.

Also, it is possible to not sprinkle a ready-made pie or buns with powdered sugar, but spread it with milk glaze and use a sprinkle for cupcakes. The chocolate icing, and the melted white or milk chocolate will also work well.

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