
Mysterious charm of retro: a wedding in the style of a cheby-chic

Wedding! A beautiful celebration, which symbolizes the union of two hearts and remains in memory for life. How many troubles, hopes, fears and desires are associated with it. Long gone are the times when all weddings were similar one to another. Now another time, and a celebration dedicated to the wedding, everyone strives to arrange in his own way, in accordance with their desires and tastes.

The styles of weddings are very diverse and numerous. What you give preference depends on you. But it should be remembered that, having chosen a certain style, one must adhere to it in everything: in the design of the room, in dresses, in bouquets of the bride and table setting. Otherwise, you will get a mixture of dissimilar details that can turn the celebration into separate disparate elements.

The styles of weddings in 2013 are amazing with their creativity and originality. This is not just an ordinary feast - it's a small play in which the bride and groom play the leading roles. This is their debut, the whole future life will depend on it.

Especially popular today is a wedding in the style of shebbi-chic. The name of the Russian inhabitants was kindly borrowed from the British. However, the very founder of this direction, too, an Englishwoman - Rachel Ashwell. It is her merit in the development of this style. In English it means "shabby chic". But do not rush to disregard this name. Shabby does not mean bad and old. Wedding in the style of shebbi-chic is a synthesis of modernity and retro, a hint at the eternal values of life.

What is characteristic for this celebration?

First of all, such weddings resemble watercolors - extremely romantic and elegant. This is explained by the basic canons of this style. Let's talk about them in more detail.

  1. If your wedding is in the style of a shebbie-chic, be attentive to the decoration of the room where the celebration will take place. It should be decorated in pastel colors. Cream, cream, pale blue or pink - all these colors will suit better than others.
  2. Pay attention and prints. This style prefers plant motifs, as well as an abundance of ribbons, lace, plump angels.
  3. It is desirable to use furniture with the effect of antiquity. Ordinary chest of drawers with massive wood carvings, chairs with bent legs and ornate backs decorated with covers. You can also use wooden benches, the main thing is to properly decorate them, for example, to cover with varnish or to paint with pastel paint with floral ornaments.
  4. Serving the table, give preference to antique vases, bronze candlesticks, stylized retro. You can even decorate the table with glass jars, but in order not to look too primitive, it is recommended to decorate them using decoupage techniques.
  5. Wedding in the style of the shebbi-chic requires special invitations. It is best to perform them in the form of a postcard simulating a light shabby.

In the general rules of the celebration, you can contribute something of your own - a highlight that will make this holiday unique. The main thing is that the common motive should be preserved, which unites all the details into one whole. And then your wedding will be bright, original and rich.

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