HealthDiseases and Conditions

Mycosis of the nails: how to avoid and how to treat

Fungal diseases, regardless of location, are contagious. Most often, a person has mycosis of feet and nails. The disease of onychomycosis (fungus on the nails) begins after contact with objects that the sick person used. Fungus prefers to settle in humid places with high temperature, so special care must be taken in the baths, in the showers of gyms, in swimming pools.

Symptoms of the disease

Nail fungus (mycosis) is difficult not to notice, because with the disease:

  • The natural color of the nails changes;
  • There is a stratification of the nail plate;
  • Nails crumble;
  • The skin is scratched around the affected nail;
  • The place of the lesion becomes painful.

Since treatment can not be delayed, because over time the nail becomes dense and tough, the drugs are hard to penetrate to the affected area. Because of this, the effectiveness of therapy is dramatically reduced, even with the use of the most advanced drugs. Mycosis nails are most often observed in old age or in people with weakened immunity, in children they are extremely rare. Some chronic diseases can also become risk factors: abnormalities in the work of the digestive tract, diabetes, adrenal and thyroid disorders, metabolic disruptions.

Mycosis of nails: medicinal methods of treatment

Fungal infection is very persistent and insidious, when processing shoes with a solution (1%) Formalin causative agent perishes only after a third of an hour. Even if the disease is not visually visually diagnosed, it can not be assumed that the infection has been defeated. It can occur again with a decrease in immunity or other favorable conditions due to the preservation of an invisible focus. Therefore, mycosis nails should be treated in a comprehensive manner and in no case should not interrupt the prescribed course to avoid further relapse. Currently, effective methods of treatment are developed. Modern drugs not only block the progression of mycosis, but also accumulate and persist in the nail plates for quite a long time. For example, pulse therapy cures mycosis of the nails in an unopened form in just a couple of months, in more complex cases the treatment lasts twice as long. In combination with a local effect on the focus of infection, it is necessary to take tablets antifungal drugs.

Folk remedies

Anyone Th expert will say that serious treatment of mycosis should be carried out with drugs of traditional medicine. The developed newest medicines are several times more effective than folk remedies. But a combination of them can help significantly reduce the time of recovery. All folk remedies refer to outdoor use. The most effective in its bactericidal action is birch tar. It is necessary to gently rub it into the nail plate twice a day. Only it is necessary to watch, that he did not get on a skin round a nail as irritation can begin. To be adjusted it is necessary on rather long treatment, to pass daily processing it is impossible.

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