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Aquarium Turns: content and care, photo

Turnesia is a popular aquarium fish. She is beautiful, hardy and undemanding, and therefore suitable for beginners. Fish are often recommended to colonize in a common aquarium. But will all of them get along with the thornsia? Contents and care, nutrition, breeding, compatibility - in this article you will learn everything about this fish.

general information

Aquarium thorns are flocks and should live in a group of seven individuals. They like a thicket of plants, but in the aquarium there should be a free place to swim.

In nature, the thorns live in small rivers, streams and tributaries in South America. They inhabit the upper layers of the water and feed on fallen insects. For sale, fish are bred on the farm. They live 3-5 years.

To what extent grows thorns? The maintenance and care of this fish is simple, because it has a rather modest size - up to 5.5 cm. These crumbs look very effective in the aquarium. The body is rhomboid, oblate from the sides. Two black stripes pass along the body, the anal and dorsal fins are large. Black anal fin of females resembles a smart skirt.


There are several types of thornsia: classical, veil, albino and gold. Of particular interest is the products of the brand GloFish - genetically modified fluorescent fish.

These artificially bred pets have a bright color, which becomes even brighter under the influence of ultraviolet light. There are red, pink, blue, green, yellow and orange forms. Coloring is inherited.

The red color of the ternes is attached to the DNA fragments of the red coral. They become green because of the presence of fragments of jellyfish DNA. Yellow (orange) color gives a combination of jellyfish and coral genes. How beautiful is transgenic ternesia? Photos show that such fish look, at least, unusual.

Popular in recent times are "caramels" - it's artificially colored fish. They can be bright pink, blue, green, orange.

A bright color is given by injection of the dye. Over time, it fades and becomes paler. Such fish are somewhat weaker and more vulnerable than their classic relatives. They live less and are more often sick. Coloring is not inherited. A novice is more suitable for a normal or genetically modified thornsia.

Maintenance and care

Ternesia unpretentious and undemanding fish. They do not need a huge aquarium. It is enough to follow a simple rule - one fish should have about 10 liters of water. That is a flock of 10-12 individuals will feel free to feel in a 100-liter aquarium.

Comfortable water temperature - 22-24 degrees. The transgenic form needs a higher temperature - about 28 degrees. Stiffness is not more than 18, the acidity level is 6.5-7.5 pH. Since in nature they prefer shady ponds, you need to plant plants in the aquarium to create natural shelters.

Filtration and aeration are necessary. Every week, you need to make a water change and clean up the soil. In the aquarium should be enough space for swimming, too much to plant it with plants do not need. On what background is it better to look thornsia? The photos show that the classic dark fish will look good against the background of the light ground, and the colorful ones - against the dark background. The aquarium can be decorated with stones, driftwood, grottoes.


What is the character of the thornsia? The maintenance and care of a fish depend also on its temperament. As already mentioned above, the thrones are schooling fish. So, life alone brings them suffering. In the company the fish are calm and peaceful. But, being left alone, they become nervous and aggressive.

The flock can be kept with other fish species. Ternesia active, moving fish. They can be divided into several groups and conflict with each other. In a spacious aquarium, keep in the upper and middle layers of the water, freely swim. In a small container, when overpopulated and stressed, they hide in thickets of plants, swim only for food.


What food habits has the thornsia? Fish is omnivorous and not prone to overeating. Ternetia eagerly eats dry food, but especially like live and frozen food - daphnia, Correcture, Cyclops, Artemia.

If you feed the fish with small bloodworms, then be sure to use the feeder. In nature, they grab insects in the upper and middle layers of water, so the mouth is anatomically arranged so that from the bottom it is simply inconvenient to lift food.

The health and longevity of beauties largely depends on nutrition. It must be balanced and diverse. It is not necessary to feed the fish with flakes and granules alone. Be sure to include live food in the diet.

Sexual differences

Even an amateur can distinguish the sex of the thrones. Ternesia-female large, full, with a wide "skirt" of the anal fin. The male is smaller, slender, with a bright color. The caudal fin has a white edging, and the dorsal fin is longer, pointed.


According to the nature of the Turns, they are referred to peaceful fishes, but this is only true if they live in a large flock and in a suitable aquarium. Who can get to live with the thornsia? Compatibility with peaceful fish - gourami, scalyarias, discus, lalius, mollynesia, swordfish, guppies, neon, gambusins, riddles, peaceful catfishes.

Do not contain in one container with veiled tail, barbs, cichlids and other aggressive fish. Turnes will attack slow Valelecht and cut off their fins. If the thronesia are contained in small groups (for example, only 2-3 individuals in a population of other aquarium species) or in an overpopulated aquarium, they can become aggressive and literally begin to terrorize other, smaller and calmer fish.


At 8 months of the thornsia, having reached a size of 3-5 cm, are capable of reproduction. Smaller or larger fish are not allowed for breeding. A 50-liter spa fish tank is filled with water to a level of 5 cm. The moss is placed on the bottom. The temperature is set to the level of 24-26 degrees. Good aeration is needed.

Three days later, one pair of producers is placed in the spawning grounds. They need to be fed heavily with live food, not allowing that its residues settle on the bottom. After 3-6 days, spawning begins. The female will give out about 1000 eggs in small portions. After spawning, parents are immediately removed.

The water temperature rises to 28 degrees. After a day the larvae leave, after 3 days they begin to swim. Young animals are fed with live dust. As the fry grows, the fry is sorted, as the thorns are prone to cannibalism.

Ternesia - the fish is beautiful, bright and easy to care for. Both the classical and the colored form can decorate any aquarium. Even unusual glowing multicolored individuals do not require any special conditions and live long enough.

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