News and Society, Nature
Monoecious plants: examples
All plants known to science are divided into three groups - monoecious, dioecious and multi-homed. The first heterozygous inflorescences are on the same individual, the second - on different. In this case, the flowers themselves can be both bisexual - with pestles and stamens, as well as dioecious, which have either a pestle or a stamen. Multinomial plants provide for the presence of two species of inflorescences on one individual. The so-called polygamy is observed in horse chestnut, ash, grapes, forget-me-nots. But it's not about them now. This article describes what plants are monoecious and gives a brief description of their brightest representatives.
Single-homogeneous plants: characteristic
Many scientists believe that same-sex flowers were formed from bisexual, but this was due to evolutionary processes. Speaking about monoecious plants, it is necessary to emphasize that they are characterized by the presence on one specimen of pistillate or staminate inflorescences. Representatives of both sexes are "in the same house" - hence the name of these green spaces.
Plants of this type are often wind-pollinated. There are cases when pollen is transferred by insects - this process is called entomophilia. Plants do not have autogamy, when pollination occurs in the bowl of a single flower. Most often pollen gets here in the bosom from other inflorescences, located on the same plant. And this directly affects badly the properties of seeds.
At each step there are monoecious plants. Examples of such green plantings are: watermelon, corn, pumpkin, walnut, hazel, alder, beech, birch and oak. Also known are species that, under extreme conditions, can be converted from monoecious to monoecious - they include, for example, hemp.
One of the brightest representatives of monoecious plants. It is rich in vitamins, alkaloids, carotene, essential oils, iron salts and other useful substances. Walnut improves memory, helps to get rid of constipation, irreplaceable in diseases of the heart and diabetes, prevents the emergence of cancer of milk and prostate glands.
The blossom begins in May. Useful fruit tree can be enjoyed in September. Inflorescences of walnut are collected in small groups - from two to five pieces. Due to the fact that male and female flowers do not mature at the same time, cross-pollination takes place between them. Nuts can be tied without pollination, but then their properties will be of very low quality.
Single-leaf plants are also beech family trees. Oak is a typical representative of them. Long since it is considered the embodiment of wisdom, durability, beauty and strength. Similar properties are possessed by the bark, leaves, acorns of the plant. They are very strong, they tolerate winter frosts and summer heat, bad climatic conditions and sharp weather changes. Height of an oak - no more than 30 meters though often in the nature there are the present giants. Few people know that the oak begins to bear fruit only after thirty years from the moment of planting.
On the oak are both female and male flowers, so these trees are monoecious plants. Stamens are usually collected in small inflorescences, have a greenish color. Their top is adorned with a crimson kantik. Men's flowers are smaller - they are arranged "in one bundle" of three pieces and have a pleasant pale pink color. A lot is known about the healing properties of oak. To produce healing medicines, everything is used - bark, acorns, leaves, which have wound healing, astringent, anti-inflammatory properties. Oaks grow well in any climatic conditions: both on damp swamps (virgin species) and in dry areas.
To monoecious plants are not only walnut and oak, but also birch. Wood components are often used in folk medicine. For example, tincture from the kidneys is actively used by healers to eliminate various diseases. A birch fungus restores strength well. It effectively neutralizes the headache, increases appetite. And all the beloved birch juice perfectly cleanses the body, struggles against the formation and growth of internal tumors.
The birch can reach a height of up to twenty-five meters. It is slightly inferior to beech family by the number of genera and species. And significantly. Species birch "clan" there are only 150, in beech this figure is much larger - 800 species. Almost all representatives of the birch family are resistant to frost, they do not include only Japanese, Chinese and Himalayan individuals.
Walnut, oak, birch - this is not all green plantings, which are part of a group called "monoecious plants." Examples can be given infinitely. This category also includes hazel-bush-longevity, which on average can please mankind with delicious and healthy nuts for about eighty years.
Male flowers (staminate) are located in the earrings of the plant, but female (pistillate) flowers are in flower buds. Shrubs of hazel - universal monoecious plants. Fruits, bark, leaves and even roots - all this is actively used in medicine. Varicose veins, constipation, lack of milk in lactating women, rickets, anemia, hypertension - decoctions, tinctures, ointments and other remedies made from the components of hazel are easy to cope with all these problems.
Enumerating monoecious plants, I want to dwell on this herbaceous specimen. Today, more than two thousand of its species are known. Osoka is very fond of moisture, so most often it can be found in swamps. It can also grow right in the water. An obligatory condition for its normal existence is the presence of light. However, the plant can easily adapt to the semi-dark terrain.
Inflorescences same-sex: male and female specimens have from 2 to 5 stamens and pistils. Sedge leaves reach one meter in height. They are densely grouped, therefore more like hummocks, capable of easily withstanding a person's weight. They are very dense with hard edges, so a person to tear them with their bare hands is not recommended: you can be severely cut. Recently, the plant is increasingly used for decorative purposes - especially in areas where there are artificial ponds. Small lakes and ponds adorn themselves with special decorations. Also, the plant is often used as feed, less commonly used in pharmacology.
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