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Where does the protein live and what does it feed on? How do proteins live in the forest

Proteins are distributed almost all over the world (except for Australia). Movable mammal belongs to the family of rodents. There are many different species of these animals, differing in size, coat color, habits and habitat. They can be woody and earthen, fluffy and not very, there are even spiny specimens. Where the protein lives - in many respects depends on what form it refers to. But all of them are pretty good-natured and lovely animals, which cause their behavior a general delight.

Types of protein

In total, there are about 200 of them in the world. The most unusual and funny live mainly in North America. These include chipmunk and terrestrial striped squirrels living in burrows, as well as black, Caroline gray and aberte, who prefer trees. In the Russian Federation the redest representative of this family is more common. It is also called squirrel. In some forests also come across flying squirrels, and in the southern steppes - chipmunks.

Where does the protein live and what does it depend on its kind. For example, earthy squirrels do not have such fluffy tails as woody ones. After all, the latter use them to "steer" when jumping and balancing on branches. A chipmunk, such wealth is completely useless: he earns his livelihood on the ground. In the case of the flying giant, the paws are connected by webs that can open in the air according to the principle of a parachute.

The habits of ordinary proteins

This typical resident of the Russian forests, from the taiga to the southern latitudes, is a real beauty. Twice a year (in the spring and autumn), she changes her fur coat to flaunt in bright red in the summer, and in the winter to be not so noticeable in a gray, warm clothes. An ordinary squirrel lives in a hollow, less often - just in a nest, a retinue in dense branches. Many small animals have such small houses. In one she lives and breeds, and the rest she uses as pantries.

In hibernation in winter, it does not drain, and with acorns and nuts - the main food of this rodent - during the cold is pretty tight. Here and store their business animal for a rainy day, hiding in their nests. As a squirrel lives in the forest, it's easy to see if you visit the nearest grove or a large park. These animals are quite sociable and often treat people with confidence, happily treating themselves with the brought treat in the form of nuts or seeds. But we must remember that the protein is a wild creature. It has sharp teeth and long claws, so it is better not to feed them, especially to small children.

Diet of wood protein

The main food of the taiga beauty is pine nuts and acorns. Depending on where the protein lives, its menu can be diluted with seeds of other cones, mushrooms, berries and even bird eggs. Yes, this sweet and, at first sight, harmless creature often ruins nests. In the summer there are no problems with food. But with the onset of cold weather, the fallen acorns sweep the snow, the mushrooms do not grow, and the cones can not be easily found. But a stocky little creature stuffs its stores with supplies in advance. Therefore, in the hollows of trees in the forests where the protein lives, you can easily find deposits of nuts and dried mushrooms, acorns and seeds.

If the year turned out to be lean, it will not disdain young branches of trees, kidneys and even bark. And the protein is able to move to impressive distances in search of food. And animals do it massively and can run for several days practically without interruption. In coniferous forests where the protein lives, cones with characteristic traces of their teeth are often found. These animals play an important role in the reproduction of spruce, pine and other plants, spreading their seeds.


The proteins are squirrels, as a rule, 2 times a year (in spring and autumn). But it happens that the female manages to withdraw and 3 litters of the offspring. She finds herself a groom for 1 season. Father of the family is difficult to name, because after his participation in the process of conception, he simply escapes. All concerns about the upbringing of the offspring, the building of the nest and the safety of the belchas are assumed by their mother. Although there are exceptions, when parents feed and protect them in turn.

In the spring the young are usually smaller (from 2 to 4). In the autumn, after the female fattened and gained weight, she can bring up to ten belchat. They are born blind and helpless, but, thanks to the care of the mother, grow up quite quickly. After only a couple of months, the squirrel can leave its completely independent children and begin to build their personal lives. It is not uncommon for people to stay in one nest for a long time. Sometimes mother comes back to them, but with younger brothers and sisters. By the next spring, the children themselves will be able to reproduce the offspring. Given the number of years that proteins live in a natural environment, this is quite normal. The average duration for tree species does not exceed 4 years, but sometimes reaches 9.

Zoologists have noticed that the protein often adopts neighbor orphans. She drags them into her own nest and cares about her relatives.

Flying squirrels

This is the most remarkable little animal from the whole family. In the Russian forests there is a common fly, and on the planet there are about a dozen varieties. Despite a number of significant differences, both external and behavioral, they are united by a way of moving. They can climb trees in the same way as their ordinary relatives. Externally, the animal is not very noticeable - a gray color with a darker back. It is not easy to notice a flying flyer. On trees, it is perfectly camouflaged, and almost does not go down. But if there is a need to overcome a distance of several tens of meters at a time, it spreads its paws in a jump and opens the fur-covered membranes, planning like a parachute. With a fairly long flexible tail, the animal is able to correct the trajectory. Before the "landing" the fly enters the vertical position and clings to the trunk with all the paws. So it can fly from one tree to another, overcoming at times up to 50 meters.

Ground proteins

They live mainly in North America, but occasionally they are found in Central Asia. Outwardly they are more like closest relatives - chipmunks, which can be distinguished by a characteristic striped back. These proteins live in holes, where they also build nests and breed offspring. They are not as attractive as ordinary, and are deprived of their main decoration - a big fluffy tail. He has them, but the most ordinary. Feed on animals mainly nuts, grains and other seeds, sometimes prey on small insects.

The influence of man on the number of animals

Being one of the commercial fur-bearing animals, the usual protein was mercilessly exterminated for decades for the sake of its own fur. But, due to fertility, does not apply to either endangered species, or even to rare ones. A cruel joke with her was played not by fur, but by the woodworking industry. Many proteins due to mass deforestation were forced to abandon their habitual habitat, thus violating the food chain and the balance of the ecosystem. First of all, this applies to taiga regions. But in recent years, thanks to the protection of forest lands and the organization of reserves, animals feel much more comfortable.

How do captive proteins live?

Surprisingly longer than in nature. Being in the cage of the zoo or even in a normal apartment, the squirrel feels pretty good. Especially if it creates conditions that are close to natural. To do this, it will take several branches and pieces of bark to build a nest. And a special wheel in which the protein will run, compensating for the limited space. With proper care, the animal can live up to 12 years. Moreover, ordinary redhead beauties, black and chipmunks, also tolerate nevowa perfectly.

Squirrel is a very cute little animal, belonging to the family of rodents. In nature, they do not live very long, but are well mastered in captivity. Proteins are very different: large and very tiny, with a smart coat and ordinary-looking, and can live on trees and holes, depending on the variety.

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