Food and drinkTea

Green tea: harm or benefit?

In Slavic culture, tea occupies the same prominent place as pancakes or vareniki. Although it is an imported product imported from Sri Lanka, from China, India or Japan, it is still so ingrained in us that almost every house it is drunk every day. Green tea in our region appeared later than black, but, nevertheless, has already found its connoisseurs and even fans.

Many people still can not decide what effect green tea has on the human body - does it harm or benefit? Some doctors say that he is just an elixir of health. Most "lawyers" of this tonic drink are scientists from Japan, where this type of tea is actually grown. They give their arguments.

So, in the Japanese Center for the Study of Cancer Diseases for 10 or more years, about ten thousand people were examined, and came to a stunning conclusion. It turns out that the life expectancy of those who drank from a half-dozen to a dozen small Japanese cups (rather than Russian mugs!) Per day, about 6 years longer than the lifespan of those who did not like green tea, and three cups a day was enough for him . Moreover, it turned out that connoisseurs of miraculous infusion are 25% less likely to suffer from a variety of cancers, because the substances that contain it, have a beneficial effect on the tumor, and prevent it from growing.

In addition, this tea accelerates the breakdown of fats and cholesterol, tones the heart muscle, reduces blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the liver. Many Japanese instead of toothpaste use gruel from green tea, and to cope with nausea during seasickness or during pregnancy, chew dry leaves of a tea bush. We see how useful green tea is. Harm from it occurs if they are abused. Here the rule of the "golden mean" is important: not much and not a little.

Of course, we can say that those who drink a lot of tea, loved by the Japanese, also suffer from various diseases, as well as those who prefer other types of tea or coffee. But is it right to ask in this case: is green tea harmful? This drink has the property of lowering blood pressure, so it is equally useful to hypertensive patients and is harmful to hypotonic patients. Its composition contains vitamins K, PP, C1, B1 and B2, as well as copper, zinc, potassium and iodine, which indicates how useful the green tea is. Harm to the body brings contained in this kind of tea purines, which contribute to the formation of poisonous urea. This can lead to a metabolic disorder. The deposition of salts can lead to the development of gout, rheumatism and a variety of arthritis.

If you analyze the composition of the drink in more detail, we will see that it contains many exciting substances. Caffeine, by the way, is larger in its composition than in coffee itself. This substance has an invigorating effect, so it's best to drink this sort of tea in the morning. But also cunning properties of caffeine are known - the body gets used to it and eventually requires an increasing and larger dose. Green tea is harmful to those who suffer from insomnia, nervous diseases, increased irritability. In addition, it is worth to abandon hypotension, people with chronic kidney disease, suffering from arthrosis, gout and rheumatism.

In addition, you need to learn how to brew green tea. The damage from improper brewing and incorrect consumption may exceed the benefit of this drink. So, green tea leaves are brewed 2 times longer than their black analog. It is necessary to brew tea leaves not with steep boiling water, since so much taste and most useful substances are destroyed, and hot water (about 70-80 C). This should be done in three steps: one third of the teapot (in order that half a teaspoon of tea should correspond to a glass of water); After two minutes pour the teapot half way, and after a couple of minutes - for 3 quarters. Having emptied it by half, you can top up it with boiling water. Green tea is incompatible with sugar and, especially, with milk. If you are used to drinking sweet tea, drink it with honey.

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