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Mokritsa, devouring language: description, features

This unusual creature has a terrifying name. The person who first heard about a beetroot eating a tongue will probably immediately imagine a real monster. The name is completely justified, but everything is not so terrible. Want to learn about these amazing animals? Look for answers to all the questions in our article.


The scientific name of a woodcock, devouring a language, is cymothoa exigua. These animals are of the arthropod type and the class of higher cancers. As you can see, the mocryca is related to the crayfish and shrimp that we are familiar with.

The animal leads a parasitic life and can only live in the oral cavity of the fish.

An unusual way of parasitizing

Researchers have always evoked unusual interest. In this regard, the moccasin - the devourer of the tongue is simply unique. No other living entity behaves this way.

The parasite finds the owner literally in the first days of life. It penetrates into the oral cavity through gill slits or directly through the mouth. With the help of sharp claws, the arthropod is fastened to the tongue, digs into it, begins to suck blood. At the same time the fish does not show any concern. However, at this stage it's too early to talk about something unusual. Many parasites feed on the hosts' blood.

The most interesting begins later. The tongue of the fish gradually atrophies, until, bled, does not wither away completely. But the mocryca will not throw the fish, it will show a kind of loyalty for the rest of life. Moreover, over time the body of the woodlice completely takes over all the functions of the language it has destroyed. The fish does not feel discomfort, hunts, grabs food and eats, as it was before meeting with the parasite.

The arthropod does not pretend to catch fish and continues to be satisfied with small - blood and mucus. Probably, the saliva of the licorice contains painkillers, because the fish does not feel pain. Some species eventually cease to consume blood, content with one mucus.

Scientists studying the way of life of these creatures have established that in nature there are no cases when mocrice leaves the owner and finds another. She will stay with the fish until she dies of old age. In rare cases, biologists find in the mouth of large fish two barnacles that peacefully coexist side by side. Even in this case, the fish feels fine.

After the death of the lice, the language of the fish is not restored. She has to adapt to manage without him, and without replacing him with an assistant.


The moccasin, devouring the tongue, looks like most of the family members. It has an elongated, slightly flattened segmented body, similar to a cocoon, equipped with several pairs of small limbs. A small head with a pair of dark eyes peeps out from under the shell. Upon closer examination, a mouthpiece can be found.

Moistice has a white or yellowish color.


Language lice are found on the coast of the USA, mainly in California. At present, scientists do not have data on the extension of the range. However, in 2005, a case of detection of this creature off the coast of Great Britain was recorded. Since then nothing like this has happened again. Biologists believe that this case was one-time and arthropods got so far in the mouth of the host fish (for example, the snapper).


Female females eating the tongue grow to 3.5 cm. Males are smaller, they hardly exceed 1.5 cm.

For reproduction, the male swims into the mouth of the fish in which the female lives. Arthropod linguistic cancers mate directly in the oral cavity. The female bore eggs in a special sac on the abdomen, and the larvae immediately leave the "home" to go in search of fish owners.

Mokritsa, devouring the language, in the cinema

This unusual parasite attracted the attention of filmmakers. In 2012, the premiere of the American horror film "Bay", the plot of which revolves around a parasite-devourer of languages. According to the idea of the authors, the action takes place in the bay, into which the industrial waste fuses. The pollution of the environment caused mutations, and the woodlice became dangerous for people. The tongue-eaters no longer prey on fish, they are more interested in game. The effect is enhanced with the help of frames shot on an amateur camera - they make the film more realistic.

Danger to humans

Can history repeat itself in real life? Scientists claim that there is nothing to fear. Linguistic Cancer is only interested in fish. In addition, he can only live in an aquatic environment.

However, the insidious mocrica can easily dig into the finger, defending itself. Her bites are not dangerous, but painful enough. And nothing pleasant in this acquaintance. Agree, the discovery of such a whitish surprise with eyes in the mouth of the caught fish can become a real shock. By the way, if such a case happens with you, do not throw away the fish - it is suitable for eating. But it's better not to get the parasite from your mouth with your bare hands. Fortunately, in our reservoirs such creatures are not found.

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