Education, The science
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov as a linguist. Lomonosov on the language
He, without a doubt, can be called the father of Russian science and culture. In every industry in which Mikhail Vasilievich worked, he managed to leave his bright mark and bring to the world many great discoveries.
By the way about Mikhail Vasilievich
Distinguished from his peers by an innate craving for knowledge, at an early age he learned to read and write.
At the age of 19, a young man goes to Moscow and, posing as a visiting nobleman, is enrolled as a student in the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, where he subsequently receives good theoretical training and master Latin in perfection. Then, in 1736, he was transferred to the Academic University of Petersburg, from where, after a time, he would be sent to Germany to study mining and metallurgy. His education MV Lomonosov continued in Freiburg, where he began to improve the acquired knowledge in practice.
Throughout his scientific career, he boldly defended the interests of the people and demanded that education become accessible not only to the upper class, but also to the peasantry. It was at the initiative of Mikhail Vasilyevich that a university was established in Moscow, which still proudly bears the name of the founder.
On linguistic activity in general
Mikhail Vasilievich made a significant contribution to the development of linguistics. Despite his immersion in special knowledge, he also found time for philological works. Upon his return to Russia, in 1757 he published the first Russian grammar, which revealed the orthoepic and grammatical norms of the language on the basis of observations received for live speech. It is important to note that Lomonosov was the first to approach the description of the grammatical features of the Russian language. As a linguist he tackled this from a scientific point of view, it was also for him that the concepts of morphology, syntax and word formation were first considered. On the basis of his "Russian grammar" were first published textbooks of the Russian language.
Lomonosov also made a great contribution to the development of rhetoric. His leadership to eloquence was the first Russian-language book of this kind. He also established the classification of parts of speech, discussed the issues of spelling and punctuation, translated into Russian many scientific terms.
Philological merits of Lomonosov
A significant contribution to the development of the Russian language and literature was made by Lomonosov. As a linguist, he was worried about the development of the language, the systematization of his grammatical, orthoepic and stylistic features. Thanks to Mikhail Vasilievich, an important reform was carried out with respect to the Russian literary language, and a system of versification, which has survived to this day, has been approved.
Being a linguist, he talked about the Russian language as a great asset. Mikhail Vasilyevich was the first to read academic lectures in his native language.
He sought to enrich the literary language, make it accessible, understandable and at the same time unique. We will consider Lomonosov as a linguist. Briefly about the philological merits of this great man, we now talk.
"Russian grammar" by MV Lomonosov
The main merit of Lomonosov is the creation of a solid foundation for the emergence of a new Russian language. With his development is associated and the famous work of Mikhail Vasilyevich called "Russian Grammar", which saw the light in 1755. His composition is truly the greatest merit that Lomonosov brought. As a linguist, he was the first in the "Russian Grammar" to distinguish such concepts as Russian and Church Slavonic.
Lomonosov adhered to such a principle in his work by isolating each language, recognizing it completely independent of the other language. As a linguist, he relied on certain scientific methods that helped him to precisely delineate the Russian language with the Church Slavonic. This served as a worthy start to the further development of Russian literature. As a linguist, Lomonosov Based on the study of the characteristics of the language: he took a long list of words or phrases, compared and compared them among themselves. And then, based on the results obtained, he made the appropriate conclusions.
At the research receptions of Lomonosov, who have not undergone any significant changes, science remains to this day.
The theory of the "three calmness" of MV Lomonosov
On the basis of his research methods, the great Russian reformer published the theory of "three calm", which found direct application in the creation of a new literary language. Mikhail Vasilievich established a general principle of interaction of various styles and genres in linguistics. Each "calm" was characterized by a direct area of its application. Lomonosov used his theory to describe stylistic processes in the language. As a linguist, he walked by the constant combination and likening of that beautiful and valuable that is in both languages.
«High Calm»
Thus, to the "high calm" were attributed words that were used to create all sorts of odes, songs, poems, speeches or solemn speeches. This style can be considered to be majestic. However, the words of such calm were rarely used by people in everyday speech, but a competent person could understand them.
"Middle Calm"
"Middle Calm" was intended for writing satirical plays, ironic letters of friendship or historical works. It is characterized by the predominance of Russian-speaking words with a rare addition of Slavic.
"Low Calm"
"Low Calm" is filled with Russian words, which are not in the Slavic language. With the help of it, comedies, songs, descriptions of "everyday affairs" are created. In this style, preference was given to Russian, vulgar words.
All the pathos of the above Lomonosov theory was characterized by the need to recognize the rights of the Russian language and literature.
Lomonosov's contribution to literature
Speaking of him as an outstanding philologist, one can not fail to mention literary merit. After studying all sorts of theories with further application of them in practice, Mikhail Vasilievich was engaged on a par with other sciences.
Being in Germany, he writes an essay on unsolved questions regarding Russian versification. In this letter he introduces his amendments to the Trediakovsky reform, expanding it with new verse dimensions, such as anapaest, dactyl and amphibrachium. Unlike other poets of the time, he does not neglect the use of various rhymes in his works. The second part of his letter was an ode to the taking of Khotin, which the great reformer devoted to the heroism of the Russian army. It was significantly different from the works of its predecessors.
After the lapse of years he publishes another work, where he establishes the already mentioned theory of "three calm". Subsequently, it finds application in the development of a new literary Russian language.
Lomonosov's contribution to the formation of the scientific terminology base of the Russian language
Lomonosov made a valuable contribution to Russian science. He spoke of language as a great value of the people, his eternal property. Mikhail Vasilievich was convinced that the Russian language is very rich and multifaceted, that it is always possible to find the necessary words for designating certain terms or concepts.
The reformer fought for the purity and perfection of the Russian language, trying to save him from "foreignness". Therefore, he either literally translated the concept into Russian, or simply selected suitable equivalents to it. Thanks to the scientist, words such as energy, magnitude, particles, experience, quickly established themselves in the domestic terminology. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov was distinguished by exceptional boldness, perseverance, and endless wit in the creation of a scientific terminology base. As a linguist he Has brought a huge contribution to the establishment of Russian-language terminological concepts.
First of all, Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, as a Russian linguist, was outraged by the abuse of foreign words in literature or in everyday life. He was heartbroken to the depths of the soul by the nobles, who, having barely learned to understand a couple of words in French, immediately began to insert them where they pleased. Lomonosov pointed out that the aimless adoption of words of foreign origin is a danger for the literate education of national culture. In view of this, he urged to honor the beauty, multifacetedness of his native language and to resist those who introduce "these obscenities" into him.
And finally
The works of Lomonosov as a linguist and the most famous reformer still find application in scientific work. This great man was the first to appreciate the depth, richness, power and uniqueness of the Russian language. In his works, Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov spoke of literature as the art of the word.
He took many steps in the formation of a new literary language and outlined the prospects for its further development.
Mikhail Vasilievich served for the good of the people. It was on his idea that a university was founded in Moscow, which today is world famous. He also managed to create a terminological base, enrichment of which, following Lomonosov, was performed by well-known domestic scientists of the following decades. This was Lomonosov, a Russian linguist. And to this day we remember this great man and use his works.
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