EducationThe science

The endogenous processes - the hot breath of the planet

All geological activity taking place on our planet and forming its relief and appearance is divided into two categories: exogenous and endogenous processes. The first species, which conducts its relief-forming activity on the surface, includes weathering and the impact of various water masses (atmospheric, underground, glaciers, seas, oceans, etc.). Such processes, as a rule, have a sluggish character and are caused by the influence of solar energy, the Earth's gravity and the vital activity of various organisms.

Endogenous processes much faster and to a much greater extent change the face of the Earth. The main geological processes of an endogenous nature include such powerful elements as volcanism, movements of tectonic plates and earthquakes. They exert a strong influence on all human economic activities and make serious adjustments to the ecological systems of the planet. Volcanism and earthquakes, being fast-flowing manifestations of the internal forces of the Earth, are often catastrophic.

Endogenous processes form the external appearance of our planet, raising and lowering various parts of the earth's surface. Thus, they form mega forms and macroforms of planetary relief. It is thanks to endogenous relief-forming forces, on our planet there were mountain systems and huge plains, giant canyons and deepest ocean basins. Entire continents and islands owe their birth to the internal forces of the Earth, whose activities were called "endogenous processes."

Thus, the whole geology of the Earth, which consists in the formation and development of the lithospheric shell, and also in the formation of the surface relief, is the ancient history of the planet and the result of the interaction of two kinds of forces - endogenous and exogenous. The most vivid manifestation of the first are volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, fueled by the energy of the earth's core and the heat of the liquid inner layers of the planet.

Endogenous geological processes generate a colossal energy of the Earth's interior, which manifests itself in the movement of lithospheric plates and the introduction of mantle matter into the upper layers of the lithosphere, followed by its outflow to the surface. Such processes are caused by uniform circulation of molten metal around the nucleus, which, besides relief formation, plays one more important role - it generates the magnetic field of the planet, thereby creating a reliable shield against deadly solar radiation.

Such endogenous processes cause movement of the lithosphere, which, in turn, facilitates the movement of large strata of rocks. This constantly changes the structure of the upper layers of the earth's crust and, accordingly, the surface relief.

Now, like billions of years ago, the Earth is geologically active. We can say that we were lucky to live in the time of the planet's geological blossoming. And incredible internal forces of the bowels along with destruction and catastrophes are life, forming, developing and stimulating all ecological systems. But it will not always be so. Someday, the temperature of the earth's core will begin to fall, which will significantly reduce the convection process. And this will entail stopping endogenous processes. The consequence of such a stop is the disappearance of life on the planet ...

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