EducationThe science

Astronomical observations are what?

Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. People from time immemorial watched the movement of the stars in the sky. The astronomical observations of that time helped to orientate on the terrain, and were also necessary for the construction of philosophical and religious systems. Since then, much has changed. Astronomy was finally freed from astrology, accumulated extensive knowledge and technical power. However, astronomical observations performed on Earth or in space are still one of the main methods of obtaining data in this science. The ways of gathering information have changed, but the essence of the methodology has remained unchanged.

What are astronomical observations?

There is evidence to suggest that people had an elementary knowledge of the movement of the Moon and the Sun in the prehistoric era. The works of Hipparchus and Ptolemy testify that knowledge of the luminaries was in demand both in Antiquity and much attention was paid to them. For that time and a long time after, astronomical observations were a study of the night sky and fixation of what was seen on paper or, more simply, a sketch.

Prior to the Renaissance, only the simplest instruments were scientists' assistants in this matter. A significant amount of data became available after the invention of the telescope. As it improved, the accuracy of the information gained increased. However, at whatever level of technological progress, astronomical observations are the main way of gathering information about celestial objects. It is interesting that this is also one of the areas of scientific activity in which the methods used in the era before scientific progress, that is, observation with the naked eye or with the help of simple equipment, have not lost relevance.


Today astronomical observations are quite a broad category of actions. You can classify them according to several criteria:

  • Qualification of participants;
  • The nature of the data to be recorded;
  • location.

In the first case, professional and amateur observations are singled out. Data obtained in this case, most often represent the registration of visible light or other electromagnetic radiation, including infrared and ultraviolet. Information in this case can be obtained in some cases only from the surface of our planet or only from space outside the atmosphere: according to the third feature, astronomical observations made on Earth or in space are distinguished.

Amateur astronomy

The beauty of science about stars and other celestial bodies is that it is one of the few that literally needs active and tireless admirers among non-professionals. A huge number of objects worthy of constant attention, account for a small number of scientists engaged in the most complex issues. Therefore, astronomical observations of the rest of the near space fall on the shoulders of amateurs.

The contribution of people who consider astronomy their hobby, in this science is quite tangible. Until the middle of the last decade of the last century, more than half of the comets were discovered by amateurs. Their sphere of interest also often includes variable stars, observation of the New, tracking of the covering of celestial bodies by asteroids. The latter is today the most promising and demanded work. As for the New and Supernovas, as a rule, they are first noticed by amateur astronomers.

Variants of non-professional observations

Amateur astronomy can be divided into closely interrelated sections:

  • Visual astronomy. This includes astronomical observations with binoculars, a telescope or with the naked eye. The main purpose of such activities, as a rule, is to enjoy the opportunity to observe the movement of the luminaries, as well as from the process itself. An interesting branch of this trend is "pavement" astronomy: some fans take their telescopes out onto the street and offer everyone to admire the stars, planets and the Moon.
  • Astrophotography. The purpose of this direction is to obtain photo images of celestial bodies and their elements.
  • Telescoping. Sometimes necessary optical instruments, telescopes and accessories to them, amateurs make from scratch. In most cases, telescopic construction consists in the addition of already available equipment with new components.
  • Research. Some amateur astronomers aspire to get something more than aesthetic pleasure. They are engaged in the study of asteroids, variables, new and supernovae, comets and meteor showers. Periodically, in the process of constant and painstaking observation, discoveries are made. It is this kind of activity of amateur astronomers that brings the greatest contribution to science.

Activities of professionals

Astronomers-specialists from all over the world have more advanced equipment than amateurs. The tasks facing them require high accuracy in the collection of information, a well-functioning mathematical apparatus for interpretation and prediction. In the center of the work of professionals, as a rule, there are quite complex, often remote objects and phenomena. Often the study of the space expanses gives the opportunity to shed light on certain laws of the universe, to clarify, supplement or disprove the theoretical constructions regarding its origin, structure and future.

Classification by type of information

Observations in astronomy, as already mentioned, can be associated with the fixation of different radiation. On this basis, the following areas are distinguished:

  • Optical astronomy investigates radiation in the visible range;
  • Infrared astronomy;
  • Ultraviolet astronomy;
  • Radio astronomy;
  • X-ray astronomy;
  • Gamma-ray astronomy.

In addition, the directions of this science and the corresponding observations not related to electromagnetic radiation are highlighted. This includes neutrino, which studies neutrino radiation from extraterrestrial sources, gravitational wave and planetary astronomy.

From the surface

Part of the phenomena studied in astronomy are available for research in ground-based laboratories. Astronomical observations on the Earth are related to the study of the trajectories of the motion of celestial bodies, the measurement of the distance in space to stars, the fixation of certain types of radiation and radio waves, and so on. Before the beginning of the era of astronautics, astronomers could only be satisfied with the information obtained in the conditions of our planet. And this was enough to build a theory of the origin and development of the universe, the discovery of many regularities existing in space.

High above the Earth

With the launch of the first satellite, a new era in astronomy began. Data collected by spacecraft are invaluable. They contributed to deepening the scientists' understanding of the secrets of the universe.

Astronomical observations in space allow recording all types of radiation, from visible light to the rays of the gamma and X-ray range. Most of them are inaccessible for exploration from the Earth, as the atmosphere of the planet absorbs them, does not admit to the surface. An example of the discoveries made possible only after the beginning of the space age are x-ray pulsars.

Information Extractors

Astronomical observations in space are carried out with the help of various equipment installed on spacecraft, orbiting satellites. A lot of research of this nature is conducted on the international space station. The contribution of optical telescopes, launched several times in the last century, is invaluable. Among them is the famous "Hubble". For a man in the street, he is primarily a source of stunningly beautiful images of deep space. However, this is not all that he "knows". With its help, a large amount of information on the structure of a set of objects, the laws of their "behavior". "Hubble" and other telescopes are an invaluable data provider necessary for theoretical astronomy, working on the problems of the development of the universe.

Astronomical observations - both terrestrial and cosmic - are the only source of information for science about celestial bodies and phenomena. Without them, scientists could only develop different theories, not being able to compare them with reality.

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