EducationSecondary education and schools

Methodical recommendations - what are they for?

To ensure that lessons and extra-curricular activities in educational institutions are conducted at the proper level, each teacher uses special benefits, which are called "Methodological recommendations." At the very beginning of the teacher's manuals on a subject, there is an article that specifies uniform requirements for the educational process, lists the main types of both current and testing works, general requirements for maintaining and assigning notebooks are discussed.

Methodical recommendations give detailed instructions on the management of student notebooks, specify the order of verification by the teacher of written works. Immediately indicate the criteria for grades given by the teacher, the rules for making entries in the class journal.

Further, the methodological recommendations contain more specific material concerning the conduct of the training itself. Based on the document - the curriculum - in the introductory article the number of classes devoted to one or another subject of the subject is given, an approximate planning of the topic is given, arranged on time.

They contain recommendations and sample homework. And many even give detailed plans for conducting some or even all lessons. This is definitely a great help for the teacher, especially one that is in the making and today is still only holding its first lessons.

However, no one will insist that the methodological recommendations are an unshakable authoritarian document, the digression from the article of which is like a crime. After all, even the process of teaching, as well as of extracurricular education, is a creative process, constantly changing and evolving.

Even the same lesson in different parallel classes the talented teacher will not conduct the same. He will make an individual lesson plan for each particular class, taking into account his preparation, the level of abilities of students.

In one group, for example, children are able to work perfectly individually, are diligent and executive. But the various quizzes and improvisations here confuse the guys: they are lost, their performance is deteriorating.

Another class, on the contrary, hates routine and constancy. In such a collective, the teacher has to find new forms of the lesson each time in order to attract schoolchildren, grab their attention, force them to take part in the lesson of absolutely all the children.

An excellent effect gives such a method as the appointment of a teacher by one of the students. Fun? Yes! Interesting? Of course! And, most importantly, the need to find errors in the answers and works of others, the presentation of a fair assessment of the knowledge of friends helps the "teacher" subsequently easily find mistakes in themselves, evaluate their work, which is far from unimportant, as it may seem at first glance.

Many methodical recommendations also contain examples of individual tasks. Again, the beginning teacher should be warned that they are designed taking into account the abilities of the average student. Perhaps, having become acquainted with the students more closely, a talented teacher will develop for each child absolutely individual tasks that will correspond precisely to his level of preparation and intellectual capabilities.

Therefore, to use the methodological recommendations to the teacher in preparation for the lessons should be exactly as a recommendation, the foundation on which the "lesson building" will be built with its unique "architecture", with its own individual approach.

No wonder they say that the teacher is a scientist, a psychologist, an artist, a writer, and even sometimes a magician. And the learning process is a constantly flowing river. Technical progress leaves its imprint on him. And if the children turn their lips in the phrase "at home write an essay in the notebooks", maybe it's worth "to go with them on the subject" and change the assignment a little ?. "Today you will send me on the Internet articles for our site. Theme is - to describe the most fun event in your life. I post articles, users of the site evaluate them, the winners are marked on the main, and I'll put the marks in the magazine. "

Of course, in the manuals for the teacher, the compilers probably do not recommend this homework. But sometimes, taking into account the psychology of students, it is possible to include in the recommendations of universally recognized teachers and their own adjustments.

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