
Melaxen: reviews and recommendations

The international name of the drug "Melaxen", which is produced in the US, is melatonin.

This adaptive tool is designed to synchronize the circadian rhythm. What is the circadian rhythm? These are temporary fluctuations of all biochemical and physiological processes occurring in the body. Today, when hours of flying allow people to move to different time zones in the shortest possible time, the internal clockwork can fail. This breaks sleep, the development of enzymes, there is a so-called "dzhetlago" effect, and later - a malfunction in the work of the whole organism. Frequent changes of time zones, desynchronizing sleep and digestion, can lead to obesity or depression.

The drug "Melaxen", doctors' comments about which attract more attention, is called upon to normalize the movement of the internal clockwork, to synchronize its work in the conditions of a new time zone. He also helps fight depression.

Is it only in these cases that Melaxen helps? The feedback of people taking this medication indicates that it raises working capacity at night, normalizes sleep, relieves mental stress, arising for many reasons.

Because the drug can be bought without a prescription, some try to apply it on their own initiative. In particular, there are parents who give Melaxen tablets to children before a long flight to the other end of the globe. Do it categorically impossible. First, the drug "Melaxen", the doctors' opinions on this issue are unanimous, it is not recommended for adolescents and is strictly forbidden to children under three years old. Secondly, a medication used without prior advice with a doctor can cause complications, among which the easiest is an allergic reaction.

How effective is the drug "Melaxen"? The responses of the host are divided. The overwhelming majority is rather mild sedative and adaptogenic. And only a much smaller part of people notes that after taking this medication there is irritability, lethargy, sleep disturbance. Well, the side effects have any remedies. Precisely in order to avoid these consequences, a doctor's advice is needed. Only a specialist can determine whether a particular person can use this remedy and choose the right dosage.

Some patients who took too much of the dose of "Melaxen" medication, reviews about the drug left negative. They said that the medicine caused headache, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea. These phenomena also relate to side effects, to determine the probability of occurrence of which only the doctor is capable.

According to statistics, the overwhelming majority of reviews about the drug are positive. Patients note that the organism after taking the medication "Melaxen" quickly adapted to the new time zone, work in the night shift or other situations that cause a depressive attitude.

In order to make the drug good, you need to correctly choose its dosage, and then correctly take the medicine. Usually, if the doctor does not consider it necessary to select an individual treatment regimen, the drug is taken 1-3 mg at regular intervals throughout the day, and then overnight.

The instructions to the drug state that its active ingredient - melatonin - is a synthetic analogue of the hormone of the pituitary gland responsible for the work of the human biological clock.

Knowing this, you can pick up other drugs that act just like the Melaxen tablets. Analogues of it are produced in many countries. These are such tools as "Melatonin", which is produced in the US, the Swiss prepress "Circadian", a version of "Melaxen" - a medicine "Melaxen balance".

Drugs act equally on the body, virtually no contraindications. And only people with hypersensitivity and violating the dosage can get a negative impact on health. In addition, pregnant women are advised to use the drug with caution, and it is better not to use it.

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