
Antibiotk "Linkomycin": reviews, instruction

Antibiotics are substances of semi-synthetic or natural origin. They help suppress the growth of living cells (mostly protozoa or prokaryotic cells). Such drugs can be used for various diseases.

The most commonly used antibiotic is Linkomycin. Reviews, properties of this medication and ways of using it are provided below.

Form, composition

What are the forms of Lincomycin? Experts say that this drug is available in various forms. In pharmacies it can be found in the form of capsules, tablets, ointment and solution for injection.

The composition of this antibiotic includes the main component in the form of lincomycin and various auxiliary substances.

Pharmacological characteristics

What is Linkomycin? Reviews (tablets and other forms of this medication should be prescribed only by an experienced doctor) report that it is an antimicrobial agent that belongs to the group of lincosamides. It has a bacteriostatic effect on a wide range of bacteria. When using higher doses of medicament, it can exhibit bactericidal properties.

Mechanism of action

How does the drug "Lincomycin" (injections) work? The reviews indicate the following mechanism for the antimicrobial effect of this antibiotic: after its use in microorganism cells, inhibition of protein synthesis occurs. It should also be noted that this drug has a pronounced activity against gram-positive anaerobes and aerobic bacteria.

One can not help saying that the fungi, viruses, protozoa and strains of Enterococcus faecalis demonstrate high resistance to the effect of this drug . Gram-negative microorganisms are also resistant to the drug in question.

Resistance to this drug develops very slowly.

Kinetic features

What kinetic properties are inherent in the antibiotic "Lincomycin"? Reviews argue that after ingestion the active substance is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract. Approximately 50% of lincomycin enters the systemic circulation. With plasma proteins, the drug binds to 75%, and its peak concentration is observed after 2-4 hours.

This drug penetrates all tissues and fluids. The largest concentrations of this drug are observed in the kidneys, saliva, liver, genitalia, heart muscle, bronchial secretion and bone tissues.

Also, the drug in question can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and be excreted along with breast milk.

Metabolism of this drug occurs in the liver. From the patient's body, he goes along with the feces and urine. The half-life of the drug is 5-7 hours.


What is the purpose of using "Lincomycin" in dentistry? The reviews say that this drug is used to treat infectious and purulent processes that occur in the mouth. In particular, the medication in question is prescribed for the therapy of periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, purulent abscesses, etc.

Tablets, capsules and injections "Linkomycin" are used in the following cases:

  • With infectious diseases of the respiratory tract and ENT organs provoked by sensitive bacteria (with angina, otitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, etc.);
  • With diseases of joints and bones of an infectious nature that were provoked by microorganisms sensitive to the preparation (for example, septic arthritis, osteomyelitis);
  • In diseases of soft tissues and skin (for example, with abscess, purulent wounds, mastitis, furunculosis, erysipelas, etc.).

What is the purpose of the external preparation "Lincomycin" (ointment)? Reviews argue that such a medicine is used for purulent and inflammatory diseases of the skin and soft tissues.


The drug in question can not be administered at high sensitivity to antibiotics, which belong to the group of lincosamides. It is also not used to treat people suffering from severe liver and kidney disease, and at the age of up to 6 years.

Method of application of the drug "Lincomycin"

The reviews say that only a doctor should prescribe this medicine. The drug in the form of a solution is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Its maximum daily dosage is 1.8 g.

Capsules and tablets "Linkomycin" are recommended to take 1 hour before meals.

When using the drug in dentistry and in the treatment of other infectious diseases, the drug is prescribed 500 mg three times a day. With more severe symptoms, the dosage can be increased up to 4 times a day.

Ointment "Lincomycin" is used externally. Its thin layers are applied to the lesion site twice or thrice a day.

Adverse events

When using the drug "Lincomycin" in ampoules and capsules in humans, the following phenomena can be noted:

  • Violation of hematopoiesis (pancytopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia);
  • Disorders in the digestive tract (esophagitis, vomiting, increased activity of liver enzymes, pain in the abdomen, stool disorders, nausea, hyperbilirubinemia);
  • Allergy (itchy skin, erythema multiforme, urticaria, swelling, rash, anaphylactic shock);
  • Headaches, muscle weakness, dizziness, arterial hypertension.


According to the patients' reviews, the drug under consideration has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. It allows you to quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of infectious diseases.

Also, some consumers argue that with intravenous or intramuscular injection, this drug acts much faster.

Patients' feedback on the use of this medication in dentistry is reported to have helped them to get rid of inflammatory and purulent diseases in a short time.

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