
Medicines for diarrhea in adults. How to choose a remedy for diarrhea

According to statistics, diarrhea is one of the most common diseases. Over 90% of adults face this problem once a year. Drugs for diarrhea in adults belong to different pharmacological groups and are applied depending on the cause of the disease.

Why does diarrhea develop?

Diarrhea - a violation of normal activity of the intestine, accompanied by an intensive release of feces. This is a protective reaction of the body, aimed at removing harmful products from the intestinal lumen. Prolonged diarrhea threatens dehydration, loss of nutrients and leaching of beneficial microflora. Diarrhea is just a symptom of the disease. The reason for it are the following factors:

  • Disruption of normal intestinal microflora due to antibiotic therapy.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome, which most scientists associate with stress.
  • Reproduction of pathogenic microbes caught with food or with a common bacterial disease.
  • The virus cause.
  • Disease caused by unicellular parasites.
  • Diarrhea as a consequence of helminth infection (helminthic invasion).
  • Diarrhea when changing the habitual diet - diarrhea travelers.

In the treatment of any type of diarrhea, a gentle diet is prescribed and, if necessary, medications aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and alleviating the symptoms.


These drugs for diarrhea in adults are prescribed for diarrhea of viral or bacterial origin. Apply systemic antibiotics, because bacteria from the intestine easily penetrate into the blood and are carried throughout the body. Drugs should appoint a doctor. It is good, if a laboratory definition of the sensitivity of the pathogen is made. With diarrhea mild to take antibiotics is inappropriate, because they themselves cause digestive upsets because of the destruction of beneficial intestinal microflora.

At home, other antibacterial drugs that are part of the intestinal antiseptic group are used to treat diarrhea .

Intestinal antiseptics

This group includes all known medicines for diarrhea in adults.

  • Furazolidone. A drug from the group of nitrofurans. It is prescribed for the treatment of bacterial and invasive diarrhea (salmonellosis, dysentery, amoebiasis, giardiasis, trichomoniasis). Take before eating 0.2 grams four times a day for 3-5 days.
  • Enterofuril. Analogues - "Nirofuroxsid", "Ersefuril", "Stopdiar". Is a derivative of nitrofuran, is active against streptococci and staphylococci, acts on salmonella, Escherichia coli and a number of other gram-negative bacteria. It is widely used in the treatment of diarrheas of an obscure nature, since it does not disrupt the activity of useful intestinal microflora. Incompatible with alcohol.
  • Intertix. Has an overwhelming effect on bacteria, fungus of the genus Candida and dysentery amoeba. It is used mainly for the treatment of diarrhea of fungal origin and for the prevention of amoebiasis in travelers. It is not recommended to apply for more than 1 month.
  • Rifaximin. The analogue is "Alpha Normix". Has a very wide range of antibacterial activity. Stains urine in a reddish color. It is often prescribed for the prevention of postoperative complications in the intestine.

The drugs are not absorbed into the blood, but act in the gut lumen. They have a wide spectrum of action on pathogenic bacteria, some are effective against fungi and protozoa. It is believed that intestinal antiseptics cause minimal damage to the beneficial microflora and restore the bacterial balance in the intestine.


This group includes "Smecta" - a medicine against diarrhea number 1. The action of adsorbents is based on the binding of harmful substances - toxins, pathogenic bacteria, excess bile and hydrochloric acid and their withdrawal from the intestine. Particles of sorbents have a porous structure, most of them are made from natural materials: shell rock, zeolites. They are not absorbed from the intestine. Assign with diarrhea of any etiology. In irritable bowel syndrome, enterosorbents do not eliminate diarrhea, but alleviate the patient's condition by binding gases and eliminating flatulence. Activated carbon also belongs to enterosorbents, however, doctors admit its use in the event that modern drugs are inaccessible - it is 5-6 times less effective and mechanically traumatizes the intestinal mucosa. Drugs recommended for the treatment of acute diarrhea:

  • Smecta,
  • Enterosgel,
  • Polysorb,
  • "Attapulgite."

Usually enterosorbents take a course of 3-5 days, but not more than one week.

Means that restore normal microflora

By its action, preparations for the normalization of microflora can be divided into probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics contain a culture of beneficial bacteria, and prebiotics - a substrate that stimulates the development of their own microbes in the intestine. Doctors recommend taking probiotics regardless of which medication for diarrhea is still prescribed. These are the following drugs:

  • «Eubicor». A drug based on killed yeast and food bran. Possesses properties of sorbents.
  • "Hilak forte." Prebiotic, containing the products of the exchange of useful intestinal microflora.
  • "Linex". It includes 3 types of bacteria that live in the small and large intestines: lactobacilli, enterococci and bifidobacteria.
  • Bactisubtil and the like (Sporobacterin, Biosporin, Bactisporin) contain bacterial spores from the genus Bacillus, which inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora.

The same group includes the drug "Enterol", but we will talk about it separately.


The best medicine for diarrhea of any origin is the probiotic Enterol. It consists of dried fungi from the genus Saccharomyces. Thanks to the activity of these microorganisms in the lumen of the intestine, Enterol has a complex effect that distinguishes it from other probiotics.

  • The direct inhibitory effect on the pathogenic microflora does not affect the beneficial bacteria.
  • Saccharomycetes bind bacterial toxins or destroy them, secreting specific enzymes.
  • Have immunomodulatory effect and stimulate the production of intestinal juice due to secreted polyamines. They also have antiviral activity by stimulating the production of antibodies.

The activity of Enterol is reduced when taking antifungal drugs.


In acute diarrhea, a significant amount of fluid and electrolytes are removed from the body. They need to be replenished regardless of the appointment of other drugs with diarrhea. Which medicines best restore the water balance? This is primarily pharmacy salt solutions:

  • "Regidron."
  • "Touring".

They are sold in the form of powder, which is bred in water. Drink often and in small portions.

Preparations that affect intestinal tone

What cure for diarrhea can be harmful? Loperamide is often used to stop acute diarrhea. Meanwhile, its action is based solely on the treatment of symptoms, not the cause of the disease. "Loperamide" refers to a group of opiate drugs. By acting on the intestinal receptors, the drug relaxes the smooth muscles, and the peristalsis (the promotion of food masses) slows down or stops altogether. Thus, diarrhea, which has arisen as a protective reaction of the body in order to remove harmful foods and toxins from the intestine, stops. This approach is justified in the treatment of very few diseases:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Crohn's disease.
  • Secretory diarrhea.
  • In the treatment of cancers of the intestine.

It is not recommended to use Loperamide frequently, and also take more than 1 capsule.

Stimulants of immunity

When acute intestinal infection always develops diarrhea. Treatment - drugs from the group of antibacterial drugs and substances that stimulate immunity. A wonderful drug, developed by domestic scientists in the late 1990s - the immunomodulator "Galavit." Among other indications for use, it is recommended for acute intestinal infections, accompanied by symptoms of intoxication and increased body temperature. "Galavit" is compatible with all medicines prescribed for the treatment of diarrhea. It is available in the form of tablets, suppositories and ampoules. Take two tablets once, then 1 tablet 3-4 times a day for 3-4 days before the disappearance of signs of the disease. Usually 1-2 days is enough.

How to combine medicines for poisoning and diarrhea

How to combine diarrhea in adults? If diarrhea without fever and signs of poisoning (headache, vomiting, sweating, heart rhythm disturbance), then the approximate scheme of treatment is this:

  1. Smecta - 1 packet three times a day. Between taking the drug, food and other medications you need to take a break. The course of treatment is 2-4 days.
  2. "Enterol" - for 7-10 days in the morning and in the evening 1 hour before meals.
  3. When dehydrated drink "Regidron".

Drugs for diarrhea in adults with fever, vomiting, headache:

  1. In addition to Smecte and Enterolu, Enterofuril is administered 200 mg four times a day for 3 days.
  2. "Galavit" - pills under the tongue 3-4 times a day until the disappearance of diarrhea, vomiting and lowering of temperature.

Antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs, except for Enterofuril, can not be prescribed on their own, as they cause an imbalance in the intestinal microflora and can aggravate the situation. "Loperamide" is taken in emergency cases as an exception.

If signs of acute poisoning, indomitable vomiting, impurities in the feces of the blood should immediately seek medical help. It also requires medical intervention if diarrhea lasts more than 3-4 days. Drugs for poisoning and diarrhea should appoint a specialist.

Many diabetics suffer from manifestations of diarrhea, especially during the change of diet during travel, in stressful situations or in the use of poor-quality food. At an easy degree of disease it is possible to conduct a course of treatment at home, taking preparations from the group of enterosorbents and intestinal antiseptics. To restore normal microflora, it is desirable to drink a course of probiotics.

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