
Medication 'Ambrobene' (syrup). Instructions for use

The medicine "Ambrobene" (syrup) for children and adults is considered to be quite effective and a quick-acting agent that helps to dissolve sputum and facilitate its release in various diseases of the respiratory tract. The active substance is ambroxol.

Often prescribed drug "Ambrobene" (syrup) for children. Parents' reviews indicate a good tolerability of the remedy, rapid elimination of the symptoms of the disease.

The drug lowers the viscosity of a hard-to-remove secret, reduces its adhesive properties. The drug "Ambrobene" (syrup) is able to stimulate the activity of serous cells in the glands of bronchial mucosa. The medication normalizes the production of enzymes that promote the cleavage of the bonds between the polysaccharides of the secretion (sputum). Under the influence of the drug "Ambrobene" (syrup), the formation of a surfactant (surface active agent) stabilizes, the activity of cilia in the bronchi increases, and their adhesion is prevented.

The therapeutic result is noted after thirty minutes after administration. The effect of the drug is maintained for six or twelve hours (according to the accepted dose).

The medicine "Ambrobene" (syrup) is recommended for use in bronchiectasis, pneumonia, bronchitis (acute and chronic). The drug is prescribed for bronchial asthma, complicated by difficulties in isolating the viscous secretion. The indications for the "Ambrobene" ( injection for injection) include respiratory distress syndrome of newborns and prematurity.

The medication is not prescribed for the disorder of liver activity, disorders in motor mechanics of the bronchi, epileptic syndrome. To contraindications to the drug "Ambrobene" (syrup), the instruction for use refers to an ulcer in the duodenum and stomach, hypersensitivity to components, renal dysfunction. The remedy is not recommended for large amounts of secreted secret (due to the likelihood of sputum stagnation in the bronchi).

The drug "Ambrobene" (syrup) instruction for use recommends taking after meals. It should be washed down with liquid.

In the first two or three days (according to the condition), patients from the age of twelve are recommended to take the medicine on a daily basis three times ten milliliters each. Subsequently, the number of receptions is reduced to two times a day.

Children under the age of two are recommended to take 2.5 ml per day twice, for children under six, the number of receptions is increased up to three times. Patients from 6 to 12 years of age are prescribed no more than three times five milliliters per day.

The duration of the drug "Ambrobene" (syrup) application instruction recommends four to five days. The need for continuation of therapy is determined by a specialist.

The medicine "Ambrobene" (syrup) is allowed (on the recommendation and under the control of the doctor) for use during fetal and lactation. However, it is necessary to establish a systematic observation of the patient's condition.

The preparation "Ambrobene" (syrup) is not recommended at the same time as antitussive drugs (containing codeine, for example) due to the difficult excretion of bronchial sputum on the background of a decrease in the activity of cough.

The drug enhances the effect of antibiotic drugs, such as, for example, "Doxycycline," "Erythromycin," "Cefuroxime," "Amoxicillin."

If you follow the recommendations in the annotation and advice of a specialist, the medicine "Ambrobene" (syrup) is well tolerated. In this case, an overdose is unlikely.

Among the side effects of specialists noted increased salivation, headache, rhinorrhea, dryness in the respiratory tract and mouth, weakness. The medicine "Ambrobene" (syrup) can provoke some dyspeptic phenomena, allergic reactions. It should be noted that these undesirable manifestations are extremely rare.

Before using the drug Ambrobene, you should consult a doctor.

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