HealthWomen Health

Mastodinia - what is it? Mastodynia: symptoms, treatment

Most of the fair sex at least once, but faced with various women's diseases that are unknown to men. Such ailments include ovarian cysts, tumor processes in the uterus, proliferation of the endometrium and pathology in the mammary glands. It is worth saying that the causes of chest pain can be different. One of them is mastalgia (mastodynia).

Mastodynia: what is it?

This diagnosis is made for women who turn to the doctor with complaints of pain in the chest. This disease can be of two types: cyclic and non-cyclic. Let's look at the details of how these two forms of the disease differ.

Cyclic form of the disease

Quite often, patients who are diagnosed with "cyclic mastodonia", what it is, do not even know. In most cases, this subspecies of mastalgia does not require treatment. However, if a woman experiences severe symptoms of the disease, which worsen the quality of her life, then a correction can be made.

The cyclic form is completely dependent on the female hormones that are released during the menstrual cycle. Mastodinia displays its symptoms in this case a few days before the expected monthly. In most cases, this type of breast disease affects women of reproductive age.

Also, this ailment can occur during pregnancy, when the hormonal background of a woman varies greatly. In this case, everything passes on its own after the birth. In most cases, a woman does not need any correction. However, be sure to report your feelings to a specialist who monitors your pregnancy.

In the case of the treatment, the doctor must first find out what level of secreted substances are present in the woman's body.

Non-cyclic form of the disease

If you are diagnosed with this, then you should definitely ask the doctor about how the mastodynia is treated, what it is.

This type of disease in its manifestations does not depend on the day of the woman's menstrual cycle. Such an ailment can manifest its symptoms at any time. Symptoms of the disease then subside, then grow with renewed vigor. Very often this kind of disease occurs in women before the climax or during it.

This form of mastodynia must necessarily be adjusted. Otherwise, over time, a woman will experience more discomfort, which will not give a normal life.

Symptoms of ailment

Depending on what kind of woman the form of the disease, she can complain about different symptoms that prevent her from living normally.

Cyclic form

As already mentioned above, the causes of chest pain in this case lie in the production of hormones. There is such a mastodynia with the following symptoms:

  • Increasing the size of the mammary glands.
  • Increase the sensitivity of breast tissue and nipple.
  • Severity and discomfort in the female breast during movement.

Non-cyclic form

This species has the following manifestations:

  • Pain in the chest, which appears and disappears regardless of the day of the female cycle.
  • From the nipple, liquid can be released when pressed.
  • Unpleasant sensations are localized mainly in the same place.

Mastodynia: treatment

How to cope with the interfering living symptoms and get rid of unpleasant manifestations forever? Now, when you know about the diagnosis of "mastodynia" (what is it and how to detect it), let's talk about the treatment. It is worth saying that the therapy of cyclic and non-cyclic forms is different. When addressing a doctor with complaints, be sure to tell whether your unpleasant sensations in the chest depend on the day of the menstrual cycle. Only based on this information, the doctor will be able to choose the correct correction for you.

Cyclic form

In this case, treatment is rare. In most cases, a woman does not give a strong discomfort to her condition, and she is able to cope with unpleasant sensations.

If the ailment is severe, and you turned to the doctor, then for the beginning you will be advised to take a blood test to determine the amount of the following hormones in it: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

With a strong deviation from the norm, the doctor will prescribe you some hormonal medications that will help you get rid of unpleasant monthly sensations. It is worth remembering that the above hormones should be examined on certain days of the female cycle.

Non-cyclic form

At the given pathology to the woman for the beginning suggest to pass a number of inspections: manual survey by the doctor, ultrasonic research, the analysis of a blood and others. If a woman has a neoplasm, which is the cause of unpleasant sensations, then the doctor makes a biopsy. During the procedure, the material is sampled, which is carefully examined. After the results, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

If the tumor needs to be removed, then a surgical procedure is performed followed by a restorative course of preparations.

In the event that the tumor is not found, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory therapy, drugs that increase immunity, sedatives. Also, if necessary, the doctor can prescribe oral contraceptives, which will restore the raging hormones and normalize the menstrual cycle.

In addition to all of the above, the patient can be given a reception of herbal decoctions, which soothe and lead the body into a normal state. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can do various compresses on the affected area.


The article described the disease as mastodinia. Photos of the development of the disease are also presented. If you have any primary symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. Only in this case you will be guaranteed a favorable forecast. Quite often, women start their illness, constantly postponing a visit to a doctor. As a result, they have to lie down on the operating table. Do not pull and go to a consultation with a specialist. Watch your health and health of the mammary glands! Do not be ill!

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