Food and drinkWines and spirits

Master of all trades: Baileys liquor at home.

It's no secret that Bailey is an Irish liqueur cooked on the basis of cream. The strength of this liqueur is 17 percent. If we talk about the real liquor, it consists of Irish whiskey, as well as Irish cream.

How to prepare Baileys liquor at home? Skeptics, of course, will say that this is impossible: does every housewife in the kitchen have a true Irish whiskey? However, some skilled workers will hasten to disappoint the skeptics with their original solutions.

Baileys liqueur at home you can cook in a record short time - you will need only twenty minutes.

To do this you will need:

  • A half-liter bottle of vodka;
  • One jar of condensed milk;
  • Four egg yolks;
  • One tablespoon of instant coffee;
  • Two tablespoons of vanilla sugar;
  • 0.4 liters of cream, the fat content of which does not exceed 30 percent.

Baileys liquor at home is prepared in several stages.

First of all, you need to mix condensed milk, egg yolks, and vanilla sugar. In this case, you need to achieve a homogeneous mass. To make it, you can use a mixer.

Then you need to add instant coffee. Mix the whole mass with a mixer. For homogeneity, it is desirable to select small coffee beads. In some cases, coffee may not completely dissolve. If this happens, then you should not get upset: the coffee will dissolve as soon as you add vodka.

The next step is to add cream. Do this without having to turn off the mixer. If the cream is too greasy or dense, they can always be diluted with milk.

Finally, the turn came to vodka. Indeed, how to cook Bailey without using an alcoholic beverage? So, the resulting homogeneous mass must be added to the bitter and again all as it should be mixed. And then you can not do without a mixer.

In general, Baileys liquor at home is ready. Now you can feast on the whole world and treat your guests. You can serve the liqueur immediately after preparation. However, it is better to give him some insistence. It only takes a couple of hours.

It is worth adding that as a basis for the drink you can use not only vodka, but also whiskey or cognac. In this case, the taste of your drink will be as close as possible to its original.

It's not a secret for anyone that the same dish can be prepared according to different recipes. The same applies to beverages.

On the expanses of the World Wide Web there is one more recipe. If you are preparing Baileys liquor at home under this recipe, then the drink, like no other, is suitable for a Russian person.

So, you will need:

  • Two jars of condensed milk;
  • vodka;
  • On the tip of a teaspoon vanillin.

Condensed milk must be heated, it is not necessary to boil it. After heating in condensed milk, you need to add vodka. Please note: the taste of your liquor will depend on the quality of the vodka you use.

Condensed milk and vodka should be stirred until a uniform mass is obtained. After that vanillin is added to it.

It is worth paying attention to one more detail: the temperature at which you add vodka to the condensed milk will be related to the strength of the drink: the higher the temperature, the lower the strength.

As a snack for liquor, you can serve strawberries. The most wonderful combination is strawberries with cream. If you want to please the guests with pastries, mini-croissants can be used as well.

You can also put on the table and marshmallows, cottage cheese soufflé or ice cream. If you follow the traditions to the end, then you do not need to give any snacks, since the Baileys liquor itself is a dessert.

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