Spiritual developmentAstrology

Man-Cancer: how to behave with him? Sign of the zodiac Cancer: characteristic, compatibility

Man-Cancer is constantly in his "shell" and prefers a secretive way of life. He is not attracted by noisy companies and gay parties. It is impossible to reveal this man on the first date. To the end, you can understand it only when you are in his house, in his fortress. It is there that all the major metamorphoses take place - a slightly gloomy and silent man will turn into a gentle and caring gentleman. His refrigerator is always full of food. The house is different in perfect order. After all, this is his fortress, his shell, which protects from all the troubles of the outside world. Having let into his house, the man-Cancer will surround the guest with the comfort and coziness. How to behave with him? And how to win such a difficult gentleman?

general characteristics

Male-Rakov is distinguished by a special sensitivity. An unkind word, casually pronounced, can depress them. In this case, Cancer is distinguished by a strong internal energy. Therefore, the depressed state is quickly transmitted to others. However, such a man is not melancholic. He is endowed with a great sense of humor and likes to laugh.

The life of such representatives is an alternation of ups and downs. How to understand the man-cancer, if in the case of even the most favorable circumstances, he prefers to retreat for a respite? He will not take pressure or aggressive offensive. His tactics are cunning and izmor.

Distinctive features

A man-Raku is characterized by unselfishness and nobility. But he shows such qualities very rarely. Therefore, a man-cancer is often considered a narcissistic egoist. How to behave with him? After all, about his person, he really is of the highest opinion. He loves fame and honor, taking them for granted. But it will easily abandon them, preferring material and financial benefits.

Cancer Desires

He seeks a family quiet life, avoiding the secular and the bright. This man is generous with close people. But with strangers can be sparse. And this applies not only to the financial side, but also to the manifested feelings.

A man-Cancer is distinguished by the desire for accumulation. He tries to be as comfortable as possible in the world around him and at the same time provide a reserve for a possible rainy day.

Characteristics of character

From all other signs is distinguished by a special dreaminess, propensity for idealization and multiple reflections of the man-Cancer. How to behave with him - with this sentimental and restless person? The answer lies in the nature of the character.

He is always surrounded by many secrets, which he diligently keeps silent. The mood of such men depends on the phase of the moon. Therefore, emotional upsurge can be sharply replaced by depression. Some find it difficult to understand what it is, a male Cancer: morose and aggressive or cheerful and kind.

The representative of such a sign is quite touchy. But he has a strong character and is able to defend his opinion to the end. It is almost impossible to convince him, therefore, any dispute is useless.

Man-Cancer has leadership qualities. Can lead to a crowd of people. Although this is not inherent in all representatives of the sign.

Friendly relations

Cancers are wonderful interlocutors. They not only complain about their lives, but also conduct interesting conversations. They are always able to listen and help with important advice. This man will support in difficult times. He cherishes his family, his friends, his beloved. Betrayal to him is completely not peculiar.

A man has a complex character, but at the same time he has plenty of positive qualities .

Cancers in love

This man is known for his fine taste and good manners. He's a real gentleman. Always benevolent, polite, with a great sense of humor. The most mysterious sign of the zodiac is Cancer-man. "How to fall in love with him?" - a question that plagues many women. After all, the person, surrounded by secrets, causes genuine interest.

Men love women like that. Next to them, they feel beautiful, witty, desired. Not surprisingly, because Cancers are endowed with a natural inclination to give generous compliments. In addition, these men are understanding, sensitive, always ready to help and listen.

Cancers are incorrigible romances. They will fall asleep to their beloved woman with gifts, flowers. And even in family life will not allow life to get married to a spouse and ruin a romantic relationship. Despite the fact that Cancers are domesticated and economic, boring with them never happens.

How to win his heart?

So, you are interested in Cancer-man. How to fall in love with such a gentleman? It's quite difficult. He needs an ideal woman. Sometimes it is hard to find an approach to it, because it is sufficiently closed. Although for a frivolous relationship, Cancers are always open. But if the goal is to become a loved one and a close person, then it will take a lot of effort.

  1. To win trust. This is easy to do. Ask for his advice. But not help. The Cancer man will gladly offer you hundreds of options. This way is the most correct. After all, the interlocutor feels that without him a woman would never understand this question. Be sure to thank him emotionally, as if he saved your life. An innocent kiss on the cheek will allow a little closer to him. The first step is made.
  2. Cancers like to manipulate people. If a man takes such actions, one must succumb to him. Otherwise, his trust will go away.
  3. Representatives of the sign appreciate the home atmosphere. This can be used. Invite him to a small cozy cafe. And it's better to go home. Be sure to prepare a delicious dinner. If a man-Raku likes your dishes, this will be an important step on the road to a serious relationship.
  4. Do not forget about one of its distinctive features. For him, the main woman is his mother. Be sure to find a common language with her. And ideally - become friends. If the mother of Cancer does not like the girl's son, further attempts are doomed to failure.

How to behave with him next?

If the heart of a man managed to conquer, relax early. You should remember about his unexpected mood changes. Do not blame or disappoint him. Try to support it in every possible way. And remember that he is very vulnerable. Even a trifle is capable of offending him.

Do not consider the man-Cancer uninteresting and boring, one that needs to be constantly indulged. Capturing his heart, the woman recognizes this macho completely from the other side. With her there will be gentle, affectionate, generous, always able to stand up for her man.

Compatibility marks

With whom will be happy, if we consider the zodiac, Cancer-man? Compatibility with each of the signs will be discussed in detail.

  1. With Aries. Heavy alliance, full of conflicts and quarrels. Aries is a leader, an active sign. Cancer - on the contrary, is family, calm, balanced. For a successful union, both halves must equally share all household duties, have a common dream.
  2. With Taurus. Conflict-free, calm and quiet union. It can exist for a long time. Man-Cancer in marriage is the head of the family, the earner. A woman-Taurus is his assistant, providing a home comfort, engaged in the upbringing of children. Passion marriage is deprived. But it is based on patience and understanding.
  3. With the Twins. The main aspect is physical intimacy. In the routine life of such people - different, with different goals. For Cancer the main thing is family. And for Gemini - personal freedom.
  4. With Cancer. Rare alliance. Two Cancers rarely get along. A man perfectly understands a woman, but does not feel interest in her. These are wonderful friends. If love arose between them, their marriage will be ideal.
  5. With Leo. A common alliance. A man seeks a proud Lioness to conquer. He is attracted by her inner strength and energy. A woman in this relationship will be the leader. A man submissively fulfills all whims. They are ideal lovers. Such a marriage is not long. Often Lioness is looking for a more active and generous partner.
  6. With the Virgin. Also a common alliance. Both signs have similar views on money, life, way of life, family. Virgo loves to teach Cancer how to live. Prior to scandals, reproaches, as a rule, do not reach. Partners perfectly combined, although sexually compatible are rare. This is a promising and reliable marriage.
  7. With Libra. A real alliance. Such partners are excellent friends. They can spend hours discussing plans and ideas. Although they have passivity, which prevents dreams from being realized. Having survived the lapping period, they are able to create a harmonious, family happiness.
  8. With Scorpio. A complex alliance. The Scorpio woman inspires Cancer. And he irritates her with slowness. Physiologically, the partners are attracted. If Cancer reconciles with the pickiness of the chosen one, marriage has a chance for a joint long-term future.
  9. With Sagittarius. A difficult alliance. Signs differ in their outlook. Sagittarius Cancer causes increased interest. Over time, it fades. Relationships can not withstand ordinary domestic problems.
  10. With Capricorn. Rare alliance. Such signs are absolute opposites. The woman seeks to suppress Cancer. She can never understand the subtle soul of a man. Marriage is unlikely to be happy.
  11. With Aquarius. Ideal alliance. Marriage is long. The Aquarius woman will become the leader, as the man-Cancer will be captivated by her activity. How does the macho behave in such a marriage? It all suits you. The only thing that can destroy the union is whimpering, treachery or deception of Cancer.
  12. With Pisces. Signs have much in common. These are the perfect halves in all aspects. They have similar views on family and life. Their main problem is heightened emotionality. Both signs idealize the partner, hard experiencing each other's shortcomings. In general, the union is lucky.

Eastern horoscope

The character of a man is influenced by the year of his birth.

  1. Rat-Rat. This is a real aristocrat. He's a little scared serious relationship. He fears losing his independence. But the subtle soul of Cancer will respond to tolerance, natural delicacy, tenderness.
  2. Cancer-Ox. It is a stable reliable man in everything. He will not change his beloved woman. If you feel that it is not his destiny, he will part with delicacy, gently, but resolutely. He loves romance and intimate conversations. It is important for him that the companion of life understands it and could listen.
  3. Tiger-Cancer. The man is not as harmless as it seems. He perfectly senses weaknesses and shortcomings, skillfully plays with them. He is attracted by a woman with a sense of humor, capable of repelling his attacks and taunts. Intuitively feeling great love, he toughens aggressive attacks. Do not worry, it's a welcome sign if you met Tiger-Cancer. The man last time you are experiencing. If you stand by showing good-natured and calm, such a Cancer will be completely subdued by you.
  4. Cancer Cat. A cautious and delicate approach is needed. He has a heightened sense of dignity and pride. Therefore, it requires constant attention. He reminds a child who loves to be naughty, to fantasize, waiting for him to be forgiven.
  5. Dragon Crab. The man is an adventurer, a reveler, famous for his violent novels. At the same time, it is extremely soft, domestic and quiet, if his restless heart is won. Interested only in an active bright woman Rak-Dragon. A man will appreciate if you share with him his scams and adventures. Nobody can deny the choice made by him.
  6. Man the Cancer-snake. This is a wise and kind person. He is ready to warm everyone with his heart. His attention can be attracted, making it clear that you need his patronage and tutelage.
  7. Cancer-Horse. In such a man, courage and charm, sincerity and kindness are ideally combined. Such a highly moral person will be carried away only by that woman who meets all his moral ideals.
  8. Cancer-goat. Reasonable, reliable man with a touch of tediousness. This person knows how to set goals and achieve them. He knows his own worth and is used to taking only the best.
  9. Cancer-Monkey. He is distinguished by his unbridled temperament and passion. The pressure and purposefulness of such a man is often frightened. But this image. To conquer a man you need bright makeup and clothes, charming perfume, original hair and sharp tongue.
  10. Cancer-Rooster. A somewhat rude intriguer, a bold seducer. A man is quite contradictory. What he likes now will cause rejection tomorrow. He is vindictive, but he will not take revenge. He will be attracted by a woman who will stand out from the masses.
  11. Cancer-Dog. This man can arouse love even in a heart of stone. He will answer your feelings if he sees in you a reliable and loving woman. Repeat to him about his uniqueness, talk about parents. For such a man, family and family come first.
  12. Cancer Boar. This is a leader who does not get along with a woman who has become accustomed to lead. He likes to speak out. Treat his words seriously, even if told far from the truth. He is looking for a warm, caring, soft, home-grown society.


The Cancer man will reveal his true essence only to that woman who will be trusted without limit. For the rest, he will forever remain a pleasant, tactful man, but somewhat not of this world. Therefore, you must remember, if you need a dreamy, sentimental man-cancer, how to behave with him.

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