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Reversible and irreversible process. Thermodynamically reversible and irreversible processes

A reversible and irreversible process are phenomena, actions taking place in a particular sphere, which have been studied for a long time by many specialists and scientists, and in some theories even are fundamental.

The term "nature market"

The main component of various independently organized systems is irreversibility, which manifests itself in the independent development of systems and their specific orientation. These actions are divided into reversible and irreversible processes. In the event that the process occurs due to the progress of the step from the first to the next, then such an action is called irreversible. The model of this action is self-organization - the effect of the development of the world, based on the principles of the "natural market".

A participant in this market is the aggregate nature, which is inventing the newest methods of action, the methods of organization, which are equal to the equality of systems. One of the main properties of the market can be considered the ability to form such a circle of feedback, which will determine the gravitation towards the equality of the market. From an economic point of view, the concept of a market is a very partial fact of the "natural market", which is, respectively, a natural means of comparing different forms of organization of society.

The market is characterized by various dynamic actions that arise in self-educated systems. It can be considered the invention of mankind.

Classification of dynamic actions

Dynamic actions are divided into 2 types: evolutionary and undulating. The first includes actions that can not be repeated, to the second, respectively, repetitive actions. Many fundamental sciences, including chemistry and physics, are at the center of reversible and irreversible processes.

Evolutionary or irreversible actions are those significant changes, which even in the absence of various influences proceed in a sequential direction. For example, the constant tendency of population growth, growth in total output, and so on.

Some dynamic, as well as thermodynamically reversible and irreversible processes, actions are not applied in comparison with the famous ideographic and nomographic points of view, as it may seem.

All their structuring is in the planes of the general theory and has absolutely nothing to do with ideography. In the ideographic point of view, there is no possibility of establishing any regularities. Accordingly, in the evolutionary action this possibility is present. This action is unique only when it has a certain direction, it does not have the ability to own two or more links that are in the same state or are on the same level.

However, this does not mean that it is impossible to find a formula that shows a sequence of moves from one part to the next. So, the famous formulation of the unfolding system is 1, 2, 4, 8, ..., 2n. But this does not mean that this fact in itself can not be repeated at the specified place and time, and it will not happen again, from the nomographic point of view, at another time and in another place, when reversible and irreversible processes are observed. Entropy as a physical action in the thermal process is a vivid example of this.

Wavy processes

Wave-shaped (reversible, repeatable) actions are those actions of changes that at a given time have a specific direction and change it instantly. With reversibility, the action, being in a given instant in one state and after a while changing it, may eventually return to its original state in the course of time. For example, the movement of change in market prices, the number of unemployed, interest on capital, and others. Of course, these economic elements of life can change in different directions. Considering these changes as continuous, the movement of these oscillations can be represented in a variant of a meandering line, the direction of which at different moments will be different. On this curve, you can easily see that, moving away from a point at the same height, after a certain period of time you can pass a point that is at the same level. However, this will not be the same, but the other point, standing at the same height as the original one. It will undoubtedly correspond to a completely different moment and other structure of the general economic conditions in demand, supply, production, distribution, etc. To make the second point completely coincide with the first one, it is necessary that all actions of fluctuations in economic reality are reversible so that there is no opportunity to move forward Or back, so that the category of time is not applicable to them. Of course, it is indisputable that there is no such thing as perfect reversibility in economic life, there are only a few deliberately irreversible actions in it.

All actions are interrelated, therefore it is necessary to take each move in communication with others, including irreversible ones, because at any moment there will undoubtedly be a fresh system of conditions in this or that connection. It must be accepted that all movements of economic existence are irreversible. In this case, it would also be necessary to recognize that all the actions of the vibrations of nature are also irreversible. Consequently, the above remarks allow us to reject the idea of absolute reversibility. On the above criteria, irreversible and reversible chemical processes are based, as well as the actions taking place in physics.

It can not be asserted that, in reality, these and other actions proceed independently and separately. One can only recognize their difference in principles and emphasize the distinction in the construction of academic research. In order to distinguish this idea, it is advisable to speak not about unconditional, but about comparatively reversible actions in economic existence. One can conclude that, in a relative sense, one should talk about reversible actions of changes in the components of economic life.

Thoughts of reversible and irreversible actions, as well as thoughts of dynamics and statics, belong to the natural sciences in the narrow meaning of the word. Reversible and irreversible processes in physics, examples of which are quite diverse, have a significant significance in this science. The same goes for chemistry.

Relationship with economic components

A reversible and irreversible process is connected with the economy. There are opinions about the correctness of the transfer of these ideas to economic ones. And there are opinions that only terms and concepts are transferred.

Transferring thoughts from one science to another is legitimate, if it is scientifically fruitful, hence, there is no other way out for solving this problem. The facts of such transfer take place. Especially many cases of transferring ideas from the sphere of social existence and sociology to the sphere of natural sciences. So, some ideas and terms - force, law, value, principle of economy - have been scientifically fruitful. Therefore, one should not object to their legitimacy. During Mill's time in economics they used to borrow the ideas of dynamics and statics, only the question arises: "Why it would be impossible to increase the use of thoughts of reversible and irreversible actions?"

The acquisition of definitions from other sciences is almost always accompanied by their deepening or refinement, as well as a drastic change. In this case, the definitions and points of view are moved, increasing them, but without depriving the general meaning.

According to the above, it is impossible to talk about completely reversible actions in nature and in economic existence. Here we are talking only about comparatively reversible actions. A reversible move in a pure form, in the conventional sense, is practically given only in a larger or smaller approximation. With the idea on which reversible and irreversible processes and cycles are based, the idea of the probability or impossibility of renewing the former state of elements and bodies or their system is connected. The difference in both cases is as follows. Reversible and irreversible processes in chemistry and physics have an act with the means of one and the same subject in the objective sense, in the economy this is not. When it is asserted that the swing of a pendulum is an action reversible, then in this case we are talking about the same in the objective sense of the pendulum, but this is not entirely correct. There is no such equality in the economy.

The thesis "reversible and irreversible process" in the economy should be considered as a single case of a general concept.


When we consider the economic reality of a market capitalist society and its components, we have a legitimate question: to which of the indicated actions of changes which of its components are inclined? Virtually all economic elements, taken both separately and entirely, are subject to quantitative and qualitative changes. But while for some elements, for example, for the organization of the economy, production techniques, needs, etc., qualitative changes will be as important as the quantitative ones for other elements, such as price, discount rate, rent, Etc., the main significance will be quantitative changes. The significance of qualitative changes here is predominant only when the very nature of these elements is changing, for example, when the price of the free becomes established or out of the market-monopoly price.

After explaining the relationship between economic components, their aggregates and reversible and irreversible processes, the circular process, the cycle, it is necessary to keep in mind the following. The whole economic reality taken as a whole represents a whole stream of diverse and continuous quantitative and qualitative changes.

Processes in the national economy

In a holistic view, the course of economic development is seen as irreversible proceeding from the fact that it contains some components describing the curve of the irreversible course of the change, for this reason it is allowed to argue that the course of economic development taking place in time does not happen much more than once on Of the same stage.

In general, the effect of the national economy seems to be an irreversible action of the move from one step to another. Therefore, the dilemma of changes in the national economy is, above all, the dilemma of the stages of its development. So, the development of the national economy is considered irreversible, hence it follows that without interruption and without return the joint national economic conditions change for the course of changes and for every single component of the national economy. In the absolute sense, no national economic element, analyzed by linkage to the whole range of economic criteria, can not disclose a reversible course.

It is easy to see and realize that simple actions of economic sphere configurations are essentially different, and that it is expedient to break up the elements into at least a few groups. Analyzed separately, the elements can not be determined to be incapable of irreversible changes. A significant set of economic components, especially value, for example, wages, commodity prices, and natural, such as the number of bankruptcies, the percentage of unemployed, show reversible configuration actions.

Process differentiation

Reversible and irreversible processes, examples of which are easy to find in the economy, are ambiguous. The configurations of such elements as the size of production, the number of people, the level of needs, technology, the size of the commodity turnover, the reserves of capital, etc., consist of several components, have a complex structure. One component is their overall growth, the other is the growth rate. Examining the actual factual material, in fact, it can be noted that the tendency of joint increase and formation of them implies an irreversible movement, which can stop only under the influence of force majeure. On the other hand, the rate of this growth is a zigzag and is clearly a reversible action.

The distinction between the natural changes in the independent components of economic life is obvious and indisputable, and at the same time, only when accounting is taken into account can the form of the dynamics of financial life be realized. The presence of components that are subject to irreversible tendencies, explains the reasons for the uniqueness of the national economic movement and gives a tape of continuous development. Also, the establishment of elements and their components subject to reversible wave-like changes gives a chance to understand the swings to which the national economy as a whole and the actions of its development are affected. In a concrete form, the national economic development action is, naturally, one. However, the refusal to distinguish elementary actions of classification and change of components in connection with their connection to these actions would mean, respectively, the rejection of scientific research of a certain reality. This confirms thermodynamically reversible and irreversible processes that occur in nature.

Specificity of system development

A significant feature of the development of an arbitrary system is irreversibility, manifested in a certain direction of its changes. These changes involve taking into account the circumstances of time in the corresponding theory. Formulas can be used to display actions that occur both at the present time, and in the future, and in the past.

D. S. Mill formulated the idea of the statics and dynamics of actions in an explicit form. It was based and pointed to reversible and irreversible processes, a circular process. Uniqueness or irreversibility means only the unreality of the configuration of the direction of actions in a particular period of time, which is typical for reversible actions.

The difficulty of a certain economic reality makes it necessary to simplify it, to break away from the majority of its connections and features. From this point of view, each economic concept provides only a conditionally correct reflection of the corresponding part of the economic reality.

As the basis for the analysis of economic development, the whole system of forming financial activities of the community must be taken. But an integrative general theory can be built only on the basis of a study of the development of separate concrete historical types of organization of economic activity.

Equilibrium systems

Many scientists have considered a reversible and irreversible process from the economic point of view. F. Hayek developed the idea that the equilibrium in the market is reduced to the mutual adaptation of personal plans and is executed in a manner that would be called "negative feedback" after the natural sciences.

The definition of negative feedback is applicable to complex economic actions, which N. Kondratiev calls reversible. The fluctuations in the economy, including periodic changes, such as costs, interest, wages, have for many years been repetitive. The fluctuations are subdivided into long, medium and short-term.

The principle of negative feedback only shows how an unexpectedly appearing mode is maintained in the system, but it does not allow to detect the construction of the origin of the established order, and also the transition from one stage of development to another. For these purposes, one must strive for the principle of positive feedback. In it, the advanced changes that are formed in the system are amplified and accumulated. No matter what theory is subject to unexpected deviations from the balance, but if it is in a volatile state, due to interaction with the environment, these jiggles become aggravated and eventually lead to the dispersal of the past routine and device. On the other hand, as a result of the interaction, the components of the old system come to coherent behavior, thanks to which the joint actions appear in the system and a new order and a fresh correlation are formed.

The emergence of cumulative actions, as well as the formation and progress of new structures, is associated with the facts of randomness, which consistently lead to the instability of the system.

The market is an open system in which there is a continuous interaction between buyers and consumers, sellers and producers. On the market there is both random and spontaneous order. So, in the purchase and sale of products, every individual is guided at ease, at first, by utility and necessity, and not by their value. In the actions of market relations, the two sides come to a common exit, and this subsequently leads to the emergence of an unexpected order, manifested in the balance between supply and demand.

Final chord

So, all the movements of an independent organization have a certain direction, which is in fact their important feature, including the market in the economic sense. The first to study these questions was ND Kondratiev , who defined reversible and irreversible actions in the economy. It is advisable to continue to study these actions, including reversible and irreversible processes in nature. In chemistry and physics, this direction, as already mentioned, is considered fundamental, defining, for example, such actions as thermal processes. Reversible, irreversible actions and processes occurring in a particular sphere of life, is considered an important factor that must be known.

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