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Biological resources

Biological resources (BR) are sources of living origin that contribute to a person's gaining material benefits, such as food, material for industry, plant breeding, animals and micro-organisms. These resources are an important component of the human environment and are represented in the form of plants, animals, bacteria, as well as ecosystems (forests, aquatic ecosystems and others).

It should be noted that all organisms have the ability to reproduce, therefore, biological resources are renewable, it is only necessary to maintain the appropriate conditions for this. To date, a modern system for the use of BR can be the cause of the liquidation of a significant part of them.

The main part of the BR is in the forest flora, thanks to which we have ¼ part of the annual increase in biomass. At present, people's activity has led to the fact that this number of living matter has decreased, so the biological productivity of the Earth has decreased. However, replacing part of the former forests in pastures, people, by the same token, provided the population of the planet with food and technical raw materials .

For today on a planet of a wood form two belts: southern (deciduous breeds of trees) and northern (coniferous breeds of trees). Those countries that do not have forest zones have insufficient forest resources.

Currently, the forest biological resources of Russia, Canada, the United States and Brazil are the largest. At the same time, the area of southern forests begins to disappear due to increased exports of wood and its use as fuel, while the forests of the sulfur belt remain virtually unchanged. But despite this, these resources are increasing every year.

Biological resources, namely food, account for twenty percent of all agricultural production and one percent of all productivity of the oceans and land. It should be remembered that due to the rapid growth of the population, the productivity of plant products should be doubled, while livestock products - three times. Thus, it is necessary to develop agriculture, irrigation agriculture, rational use of ocean resources.

The biological resources of the world's oceans account for one hundred million tons of products, of which twenty percent are left for its restoration. All products are presented in the form of fish and non-fish objects; Many countries are engaged, so-called, marine farming, breeding seaweed, mollusks, trepangs and fish.

So, the first place in production is occupied by fish (85%), then - non-fish objects, including algae (9%), pinnipeds and whales (6%).

Despite the fact that the population of the Earth is growing at a rapid pace, the increase in fishing is always faster. The need to increase the number of produced water bodies is associated with both the economy and medicine, since the latter indicates the need for regular consumption of seafood by people.

But all the same, do not forget about the need to double the amount of extraction of marine products.

Biological resources of the animal world are a world heritage, as animals ensure the purity of water bodies, fertility of soils, pollination of flowers and so on.

To date, many fauna representatives are threatened with extinction. However, it should be said that so far many corners of the planet have not been studied, just like many groups of organisms. In addition, only a small part of natural objects is used by man, and many ecosystems support themselves.

Thus, BR are all living objects of the biosphere, which form the environment.

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