EducationThe science

Mankind is ... A detailed analysis

The article tells about what is humanity in general, what are its distinctive features, and what possible future awaits us.

Ancient times

Life on our planet exists more than 3 billion years. It is extremely difficult to understand this term, but it is worth noting that it is the intelligent man who dominates the Earth on approximate estimates of about 100 thousand years.

So what is humanity? This is the total set of all the people that ever existed. But often this term is understood only by the modern inhabitants of the Earth and their relatively close ancestors. One of the most striking and distinctive features of people as a biological species, is a multi-faceted and complex civilization with a rich culture and characteristics. Humanity is, first and foremost, diversity, in which people, though with difficulty, still get a peaceful coexistence. Although, like all other animals, people sometimes have attempts to destroy their own kind by race or other differences. But first things first.

Number of

Now on our planet there are about 7.3 billion people. And, interestingly, the strongest population growth in the whole history occurred in the middle of the XX century, when scientists created herbicides and pesticides, which made it possible to significantly increase the yield of cultivated plants in the region of bad natural conditions, for example, Africa. Naturally, further growth will lead to gradual overpopulation. Humanity understands this, but, alas, it is possible to control the birth rate in a single country, as in China, but not on the whole planet.

Genetic and social differences

All people belong to the same biological species, but, in spite of this, they are different. First and foremost, this is a racial difference. There are three of them, the Caucasian type, the Negroid and the Mongoloid one.

Second, it's gender. People can be only two sexes, female or male. Naturally, if we are talking about a healthy person, but because of some genetic mutations, there are deviations. This division is conditioned not only by biological differences, but also by cultural differences. And only in our time in most countries women have the same social rights as men. But some regions still differ in their tough, if not cruel, attitude towards them. Progressive humanity does not approve of this, but it is extremely difficult to resolve this situation peacefully.

The third difference is the language. The division into language groups occurred back in time immemorial, and most of them received the status of "dead" a long time ago.

Fourth, this is a bond of kinship. Again, even in prehistoric times our ancestors understood - to keep in touch or live with their relatives is very profitable. It has survived in our time - all ethnic and other groups attach great importance to family ties.

The fifth difference is ethnic. It is formed depending on the general history, region of habitation, tradition, common language or culture. Most people also attach great importance to this.

The sixth and last is political. Any society, even the smallest, has a need for leadership, beginning with minor disputes at the level of savages of African tribes, ending with developed and large states. For this reason, almost the whole history of wars and revolutions arose, since not all to the taste of this or that political system. Alas, even the future of mankind, probably, this will not be lost. Although, according to some futurists, one prevailing system should prevail on Earth. And the prerequisites for this are the same democracy in most of Eurasia.

What awaits mankind?

Alas, no one can look into the future. But, if we talk from the point of view of sociology, then the already overpopulation that has already begun will cause a lot of problems. Also, the environmental pollution from the exhaust gases is a threat - the carbon dioxide in them seriously increases the greenhouse effect.

But in general, everything is not so scary, if you follow the world history, then you can notice a leisurely but improvement in people's quality of life. For example, the absence of mass hunger, epidemics, and world wars. So the future of mankind must not be so terrible as some people imagine.

If you turn to the opinion of the science fiction writers who often foresee the course of history, like the same Jules Verne with his faxes, telephones, electric chairs and so on, there are several development options for humanity.

The first and the negative are mutual extermination due to overpopulation, famine or nuclear wars.

The second is the common prosperity and prosperity in the world without conflict, hunger and want. Both of them have the right to life, but if modern humanity has not yet destroyed each other on the heyday of technology, let's hope that it will do without this in the future.

The role of an individual

Despite the tendency to self-isolation and loss from public life, the role of an individual in the life of any modern system has an important role. Many believe that their actions, even the best, do not change anything, but it is not. As Stanislav Lets said: "No snowflake in the avalanche considers itself guilty." Of course, in our time it is more difficult, but sometimes people are born who change the course of history.

Man and mankind are indivisible. There is also a growing phenomenon that sometimes people tend to get out of society.


Our distant ancestors also understood the importance of its significance. The first of the found primitive musical instruments, toys or figurines of animals date back hundreds of thousands of years before our era.

The era of the Renaissance has shown - the normal development of society without art or culture is impossible.

The culture of mankind is incredibly diverse, and the majority of peoples in every possible way strives to preserve their former, and to strengthen a new one.

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