Food and drinkWines and spirits

Making wine at home from a plum

Plum wine is not among the most popular. But its taste is original enough and unusual to please many. Aromatic wine at home from the plum to cook is not too difficult. It perfectly complements meat dishes and desserts. The only difficulty that will have to be faced during the
The preparation of such a drink - the excess in the pectin plums, which makes the flesh jelly and makes it difficult to get the juice. But there is enough sugar in the fruits, so fermentation takes place intensively.

How to make wine from the plum by yourself: preparation

First of all, you need to think about what it takes to make such a drink. You need ripe plums, sugar, water, suitable for fermentation and settling of the container and gauze. The technology of production is in many respects similar to the preparation of other wines and tinctures, therefore, if you at least once made wine at home, it will be easier to prepare from the plum. The skills already acquired will serve you well. Please note that the recipe for wine from plums assumes the use of exclusively dark varieties. Collect them at the time of ripeness, when the fruits have almost begun to fall. For a couple of days leave them under the influence of sunlight, so they will finally come ready for wine. Wash before cooking them is not necessary. While the fruits lie in the sun, bacteria and fungi appear on them, which later will act as natural yeast. So just rub the plums with a dry rag to remove the dust.

We make wine at home from the plum: cooking

Remove the bones from the fruits. Place the pulp in a container and grind until smooth, turning each plum into a puree. In a one to one ratio, add water. Leave the mashed potatoes for a couple of days outdoors. The temperature should be about twenty degrees of heat. To prevent the flies from getting into the liquid, the top of the container should be covered with gauze. When foam and bubbles appear on the surface, strain the mixture through a sieve or a fine mesh. Prepared plum juice should be poured into a special vessel for fermentation.

Wine at home from the plum: the final stage

To ferment into the juice you need to add sugar. To make a dry or semi-dry wine, add not more than two hundred and fifty grams of granulated sugar per liter, for a semisweet or sweet drink you need a hundred grams more. Thoroughly mix the juice. Place a water seal on the container and leave the wine for about a month and a half for fermentation. When the process of gas evolution ceases, the must must be bottled for ripening. The minimum time until the wine is ready is two to three months. After this drink can already be tried. Completely lighten up to this point, like apple or grape, this wine can not, but the absolute transparency from it in any case is not achieved due to the chemical composition of the plum. This simple wine at home from the plum with moderate use has a very beneficial effect on health, especially on the state of the cardiovascular system.

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