Arts & EntertainmentFilms

Andrey Zvyagintsev is a unique director from Russia, who has achieved recognition in Europe and the United States

A. Zvyagintsev is a director who, in his 17-year career, has won not only prestigious awards of film festivals in Cannes and Venice, but also the Golden Globe. The filmmaker is known for his scandalous polemic with the government of the Russian Federation over the censorship in art. What other interesting moments can be distinguished in the biography of the director? And what new project Zvyagintseva will be released in the near future on large screens?

short biography

In February 1964 in a distant Novosibirsk in the family of an ordinary policeman and teacher, a scandalously famous filmmaker Andrei Zvyagintsev was born. The director began his career in 1984 at the local Youth Theater where he was invited to serve after graduating from the Novosibirsk Theater School.

Then Zvyagintsev served three years in the Soviet Army, moved to Moscow and became a student of the acting faculty of GITIS. Unfortunately, Andrei's acting career never developed. Firstly, he did not like the material, which was the basis of the drama of theatrical and film productions. Secondly, the 90's. By themselves for the actors were a difficult time - almost no work.

Until the 2000's. The director interrupted by shooting commercials. 10 years of creative calm resulted in the fact that in 2003 Andrei Zvyagintsev's debut film "Return" appeared on the screens, which brought its creator the first awards and recognition of critics.

A. Zvyagintsev (director): films. "Return"

"Return" is a dramatic film shot in the vicinity of St. Petersburg in 2003. Only 400 thousand dollars were spent on painting production. In the world box office the drama "Return" collected more than $ 4 million.

Zvyagintsev, the director of the film, withdrew his debut work with the participation of all four main characters performed by Konstantin Lavronenko ("Liquidation"), Ivan Dobronravov ("Burnt by the Sun 2"), Vladimir Garin ("Streets of Broken Lights") and Natalia Vdovina (" Swallow's Nest").

According to the plot, two brothers - Ivan and Andrew - are brought up by the mother and have already forgotten what their father looks like, supposedly a "pilot". One day they come home after a walk and discover there a sleeping dad and a happy mother.

After a long absence, without explaining anything, the father returns to the life of the boys as if nothing had happened. Ivan and Andrei are suspicious of their father and are hostile to his attempts to educate them. The ending of a difficult relationship between sons and a parent turns into a tragedy - the daddy of the guys dies, and the boys in a shock state try to deliver his lifeless body home.

The film "Return" won 5 prizes at the Venice Film Festival. After the demonstration of the film, the audience applauded standing.

A. Zvyagintsev (director) and his drama "Elena"

In 2011, Andrei Petrovich released on the screens one more difficult film - "Elena".

Director Zvyagintsev this time touched on the theme of class stratification of society, making the main heroine of the drama a woman who for about 10 years from a mercantile motivation cohabits with a rich elderly businessman.

Everyone in this couple has children from past marriages and even grandchildren who need financial help. Elena diligently "serves" Vladimir, hoping for some monetary support from his side and a comfortable life after the death of her husband.

However, when an unforeseen situation arises and a woman seeks help from Vladimir, he refuses her. Moreover, the businessman informs Elena that all his estate and real estate after death will go to his infantile daughter Catherine. After such an unexpected news, Elena decides to kill her husband ...

The drama "Elena" was presented not only in Russia, but also in the USA, France, Canada. The painting received a special prize of the Cannes Film Festival and the Golden Eagle Award.


In 2014, the director Andrei Zvyagintsev presented the world with the most scandalous picture - "Leviathan".

In his new work, he tried to raise the problem of corruption among Russian officials, telling the story of the provincial auto mechanic Nikolai, in which the local mayor tried to take away business and a house by the sea. All attempts by Nikolai to resolve the issue through the courts or in other ways failed. As a result, the protagonist was falsely accused of killing his own wife and imprisoned for 15 years, and his property was taken over by the city administration.

The picture came to the taste of the jury of the Hollywood Association, which awarded the creator of Leviathan the Golden Globe. Also in the hands of Andrei Zvyagintsev again was the prize of the Cannes Festival for Best Screenplay and the Golden Eagle Award. The premiere of the picture marked the beginning of a tough discussion between the director and representatives of the Russian government.


In late 2017, admirers of Andrei Zvyagintsev's creativity will be able to see his new drama, codenamed "Dislike." In the center of the plot of the picture will be a married couple on the verge of rupture with 12 years of experience and their young son Alyosha, who is experiencing acute problems in the family.

The performers of the main roles are still unknown. However, the press leaked information that the leading countries of Europe bought the rights to the demonstration of the film in advance.

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