
"Lyoton Gel" - features of application

"Lyoton gel" is available in tubes of 30, 50 and 100 g, the main active substance is sodium heparin. This drug has antiexudative, anti-edematous, anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory and action. In the blood, heparin is determined for 24 hours, but its maximum value is reached 8 hours after the drug has been applied. It is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys. "Lyoton gel" applied to the skin, in no way affects the coagulability of the blood.

Indications for use of the drug

"Lyoton gel" is used when it is necessary to treat diseases of superficial veins, which include varicose veins, as well as the complications caused by it in the form of thrombophlebitis, postoperative varicose phlebitis, superficial periphlebitis, phlebothrombosis, complications that occur after the operation of removal of the subcutaneous vein of the lower extremities . It is also used in injuries of the musculoskeletal system or injuries of soft tissues in the form of bruises, infiltrates and localized edema, subcutaneous hematomas, injuries and strains of the capsular-ligamentous and muscular-tendon apparatus.

Method of application of the drug "Lyoton Gel"

It is recommended for adults to use this drug from one to three times a day. On the area of the skin that is affected, apply a few centimeters of gel, which is then rubbed with massage movements. The duration of treatment depends on the individual parameters of each organism and on the degree of damage to the skin surfaces.

Contraindications to the use of this product

Do not use "Lyoton Gel" if a person has an increased sensitivity to heparin or any other component of the drug. Also, the use of this remedy is contraindicated in the presence of bleeding trophic ulcers of the lower extremities in the patient , as well as in the presence of open or infected wounds on the body. The presence of hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombocytopenia, purpura or hemophilia and a tendency to bleeding also does not allow the use of "Lyoton Gel".

Possible side effects

Some people may have reactions in the form of itching, flushing, swelling of the skin, skin rash, angioedema, hives, burning sensations, hemorrhage. Sometimes small bubbles may appear on the skin, but they quickly disappear after the drug is stopped. If this drug is applied to large areas of the skin, then systemic side reactions may occur.

Due to the fact that propyl-p-hydroxybenzoate and methyl-p-hydroxybenzoate are part of this preparation, it is contraindicated for its use in the presence of an allergic reaction to parabens in humans. If the patient has hemorrhagic symptoms, then it should be well considered the feasibility of using this drug.

"Lyoton Gel" does not apply to open wounds, but also around the eyes, on the mucous membranes of the body and on blisters and ulcers. If a person has poor blood coagulation and the need to use this drug, then it should be applied to small areas of the body, and when treating phlebitis, do not rub the drug.

"Lyoton gel" during pregnancy and during lactation can be used, since there is no information on its harm for these categories, but it is necessary to apply the drug only in case of emergency and to minor skin areas. Children's use of "Lyoton Gel" is not recommended.

Overdose of the drug

Currently, cases of an overdose of "Lyoton Gel" have not been recorded. Since the drug is slightly absorbed, there is no need to be afraid of overdoses with its local application. If you accidentally take this medicine inside, then the stomach is washed and further symptomatic treatment.

If you have the above diseases, you can safely apply "Lyoton Gel", the analogues of this remedy are also effective, and the closest to it are "Viatromb", "Heparin", "Heparin ointment", "Tromblets", "Lavenum", " Thrombophobe ".

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